Most of the time you need an excuse not to drink. But if you are gonna drink on this election night anyway, why not spice it up with a list of rules to keep things extra disorderly?
♦ Every time a losing candidate says, “The voters have spoken,” take a drink.
♥ Drink a Singapore Sling if Trump wears any color of tie other than red.
♣ Pour some vodka in your drink every time Hillary flashes a fake smile.
♠ Take a small sip every time someone references something the Trump said that is racist or misogynistic.
♦ Hit a beer bong every time Gary Johnson speculates that he has a chance.
♥ Do a shot if you see any video with Hillary wearing a pantsuit
♣ Take two drinks if Wolf Blitzer gets unnecessarily excited about a tiny change in the numbers.
♠ Pour some of your drink out if CNN has to apologize for some race they called too soon.
♦ Take five drinks if you’re watching your election coverage on Fox News.
♥ Take a sip of chardonnay if a red state goes unexpectedly blue.
♣ Take a shot of Wild Turkey if a blue state goes unexpectedly red.
♠ If Hillary wins, save your drink in the fridge and take little sips over the next four years.
♦ If Trump wins, chug the bottle. The whole bottle.
Check out more of Toledo City Paper’s Election Coverage here:
Trump Claims Vote Rigging— Is He Right?
Office Politics: Checking out the headquarters of Toledo’s political parties
Where to Watch: Election 2016 Watch Parties Happening in Toledo
Election Tunes Worth Muting CNN For