Saturday, January 25, 2025

Sylvania Gardens Awarded Native Landscape Awards

Formerly known as the Toledo Chapter of Wild Ones, the Wild Ones of Oak Openings Re- gion has awarded two Sylvania gardens with Native Landscape Awards. The non-profit organiza- tion promotes and educates the community about sustainable landscape practices and enhancing biodiversity through native plantings. Wild Ones recognized Sylvania resident Rick Barricklow with the Residential Native Landscape Award for this 1⁄4 acre home garden of native plants. In addition,
Poverty activist Joyce Ann McCauley-Benner
the Lourdes University Environmental Science Team re- ceived the Non-Profit Landscape Award for their campus rain garden, which uses 22 plant species native to the Oak Openings region.

Formerly known as the Toledo Chapter of Wild Ones, the Wild Ones of Oak Openings Re- gion has awarded two Sylvania gardens with Native Landscape Awards. The non-profit organiza- tion promotes and educates the community about sustainable landscape practices and enhancing biodiversity through native plantings. Wild Ones recognized Sylvania resident Rick Barricklow with the Residential Native Landscape Award for this 1⁄4 acre home garden of native plants. In addition,
Poverty activist Joyce Ann McCauley-Benner
the Lourdes University Environmental Science Team re- ceived the Non-Profit Landscape Award for their campus rain garden, which uses 22 plant species native to the Oak Openings region.

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