It’s time to break out the lederhosen, scoop up some sauerkraut, bite into the brats, and hoist your boot-shaped beer mug—1,100 kegs and 180 case of beer will be flowing. Ja, ja, we’re talking about the German-American Festival, which opens its gates for the 49th year on Friday, August 22. Festivities will roll through Sunday (August 24) with continuous live music, including the Alex Meixner Band and Austrian Express. Activities include rides, soccer games, and a German worship service. Compete in the Brezelessen (pretzel-eating), Masskrugstemmen (holding a beer-filled stein with arms held straight out), or Hummel look-alike contest. Shuttle buses ($6) will be available from eight Toledo-area parking lots.
$8 admission ($7 in advance); children 12 and under free. 3624 Seaman Rd., Oregon.