If everything is better with bacon, then the Beer & Bacon Festival is a piggy swig of cured delight. Hosted by The Hungarian Club of Toledo and the Glass City Mashers, this oinking event is sure to whet your appetite as 10 breweries and handfuls of food vendors serve up a feast for those cracklin’ to get their hoofs on some gourmet treats. Themed around the love of pig, the festival offers bacon-inspired cuisine and special featured brews– try the Bacon Brown from Great Black Swamp Brewery.
Ages 21+ | 4-8pm | Saturday, May 14 | $25/advance | $30/at the door
(Ticket includes 10 beer samples. Additional sample tickets will be sold at the event).
Hungarian Club of Toledo | 224 Paine Ave.
419-698-5195 | toledobeerandbacon.com