Monday, February 17, 2025

Health & Wellness 2020

Special Advertising Section

It’s a new decade, so it’s time for an improved you. Whether you want to eat healthier, develop better habits, or improve your self-care routine, these local experts share their favorite ways to feel healthy.

Bravia_DrDr. Matthew A. Molenda

Bravia Dermatology
2000 Regency Ct., Suite 201.
419-948-3376 |

One health-related question that everyone should ask themselves: When is the last time you had a skin check?
Three things that people should do every day to stay healthy: Wear sunscreen, take a multivitamin and get your steps in.
How do you help someone seeking health and wellness improvement? At Bravia Dermatology, we try to help people look their best, while still looking natural. We focus on the aspects of their skin or appearance that are most bothersome to them.
When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, how do you recharge? I spend time with my kids.

Toledo-Naturopathic---Dr.-Maleigha-WattsMaleigha Watts, N.D.

Toledo Naturopathic
13 S. 3rd St., Waterville
419-376-6104 |

How do you help someone seeking health and wellness improvement? I work with patients to build a stronger overall foundation of health that is more individualized to their needs. Detailed nutrition plans and lifestyle changes are what’s missing in medicine currently. No medication or supplement will take the place of what the foundation can give us.

One of the most impactful experiences that you’ve had with a patient: I recently had two patients with Crohn’s Disease that had follow up testing with their gastroenterologists that showed they were in remission, through nutrition changes alone. It was a great reminder of why I do what I do, and that naturopathic medicine can thrive here in NW Ohio.

The best life lesson that you learned last year: Recognizing that while I want to do it all, be involved in everything, I can’t, and that’s okay! This lesson came with realizing that I needed to do better with more self-care.

The best way to support a friend or loved one who is struggling with their health: Often people just need someone to listen; no advice, no judgment, just hold space for them and listen.


Owner/Artistic Director
Aegela Centers for Middle Eastern Dance
10 S. Holland-Sylvania Rd.
517-918-9547 |

How do you help someone seeking health and wellness improvement? First, they have to recognize that health and wellness is not a destination. It’s a journey. It’s a mindset.

What are some of your favorite “unknown” ways to stay healthy? I unplug from the electronic world, pile up on the couch with a book, and feel wonderfully decadent.

Tell us about one of the most impactful experiences that you’ve had during your professional career. When I lived in Atlanta, I designed a program for use by occupational therapists to help their clients regain range of motion after severe traumas. The ladies would come to a class with their therapists, and we used belly dance movements to build muscle strength and range. One of the participants had been injured in an auto accident as she and her new husband left their wedding. She spent 18 months in hospitals and rehab centers. She said she finally felt feminine again because of the bellydancing. We both cried.

What’s the best life lesson that you learned last year? Like they say on the airplane— “put on your own oxygen mask first.” I’m guilty of wanting to do everything asked of me (maybe it’s a Southern thing), but last year I learned to set boundaries and that it’s necessary to take care of myself so I still have something to give as a teacher.

_Dr.-PeisleyDr. Jason Peisley

Fairwood Health and Body Transitions
5215 Monroe St., #5.
419-517-1030 |
9am-7pm, Monday-Thursday

One health-related question that everyone should ask themselves: Should I wait to get sick to focus on my health? Or should I focus on prevention to be the best version of myself?

Three things that people should do to stay healthy: Meditate regularly, for at least 10-15 minutes per day. Cleanse the body with a quarterly detox. Make the best food choices possible every day.

One of the most impactful experiences that you’ve had with a patient: I recently helped a patient lose over 100 pounds, which massively reduced their need for diabetes medication. There are natural solutions.

The best life lesson that you learned last year: Life is about creating memories. Make them great ones to remember.

Do you believe in cheat days? It’s impossible not to have a cheat day once in a while. Just keep them to a minimum, and you will continue to see results on your journey.

What does “good health” mean to you? Being healthy inside and out. Even our skin is a manifestation of what’s going on with the inside of our body. Gut health is the key to this.

What’s your favorite way to practice self-care? I like to detox every change of season to minimize the toxic overload of the environment in my body. It helps to keep me healthy and feeling my best.

How do you make healthy habits stick? You can make healthy habits stick by doing daily meditation and trying to make conscious changes in your daily routine to avoid any ruts.

What foods make you feel your best? A salad with organic chicken with a special extra virgin olive oil and herb dressing— it’s delicious.

What do you want your legacy to be? To help as many people with their health and weight as possible knowing it was the “right way”— all-natural!

IMG_0265Dr. Jon Frankel

Frankel Dentistry
Toledo: 5012 Talmadge Rd., 419-474-9611.
Maumee: 4359 Keystone Dr., 419-893-0221.

One health-related question that everyone should ask themselves: Is my mouth healthy? A healthy mouth promotes a healthy body.

Three things that people should do every day to stay healthy: Brush and floss your teeth. Drink unsweetened tea, coffee, or water.

One of the most impactful experiences that you’ve had with a patient: A patient had lost her teeth, and she could not wear dentures, but her same-day permanent screw-down implant dentures have changed her life. Her smile and the comments from her children are heartwarming. I love what I do.

Do you believe in cheat days? Yes, I spend them eating pizza.

Would you rather take a boxing class or a yoga class? I practice yoga every day at lunchtime.

Dr. Mickey E. Frame

Frame Chiropractic & Acupuncture
3829 Woodley Rd.
419-617-4950 |


What inspired you to become a physician, and how did you pick your specialty? My father, at the age of 29, suffered from severe lower back pain, which caused him to be unable to stand or walk. After being evaluated by the emergency room physicians and a spine surgeon, he was told he would need back surgery and was given a 50 percent chance he may not be able to walk again. I remember my father refusing to have back surgery and crawling around on our kitchen floor. At that time, several neighbors came to our home to take my father to a chiropractor. My father was reluctant to see a chiropractor and had a few choice words to express his unwillingness to go, but fortunately was persuaded. He came home after his initial treatment and was able to stand, albeit he was still in pain. After about six weeks of care, he was able to return to work and, to this day, has not had surgery at the age of 76 years old.

I, too, later started chiropractic care at the age of 9 or 10 due to severe asthma. I was told by my family medical doctor that I would not be able to participate in sports due to the severity of my asthma. My complicated asthma caused me to miss 40-50 days of school per year. Many times back then, treatment included overnight stays in the hospital in an oxygen tent with steroid medication given. After beginning chiropractic care, I was able to participate in sports, stop experiencing severe asthma attacks, and no longer miss so many days of school. I knew then that I wanted to be a chiropractic physician.

Zein Shamma,

Gift of Life Surrogacy
6711 Monroe St., Sylvania
419-575-5506 |

Three things that people should do every day to stay healthy: In my book, In Order to Stay Healthy, an individual must:
1) Be a non-smoker.
2) Stay hydrated and maintain healthy eating habits.
3) Stay active and sleep well.

Your favorite “unknown” ways to stay healthy: A variety of self-care routines. Self-care is often frowned upon as it’s considered selfish. I think we should all embrace time for ourselves and find a way to take care of ourselves so we can be better people for those around us. Self-care can vary from one person to another. For me, self-care can be getting a massage, acupuncture therapy, watching a favorite TV show, or even helping someone else in some way. Self-care is something that ends with feeling good about our-self, and thus our personal health improves through the positive feelings experienced.

When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, how do you recharge? My favorite way to recharge my positive energy has to be through physically working out. Workouts release stress and help our body on so many levels, but especially because we feel good due to the chemical effect on our brain. Working out is one of the most natural ways to reduce stress.

MK-Beauty---MeganKabour-HeadshotMegan Kabour

Owner & CEO of MK Beauty Medical Spa
MK Beauty Medical Spa
7640 W. Sylvania Ave., Suite N.
419-720-6839 |

What’s one health-related question that everyone should ask themselves? “How would you benefit or others benefit from taking better care of yourself or your skin?” When you take time to care for yourself, you have more time for what matters in life. Daily stressors can drain your energy, your passion— yourself.
That’s why it is essential to make room for your best self by making time for you.

How do you help someone seeking health and wellness improvement? MK Beauty Medical Spa works to help every client create their own personal path toward self-care, whether its helping patients achieve their skin, body or beauty goals.

Tell us about one of the most impactful experiences that you’ve had patient. One of the most gratifying experiences we had at MK Beauty Medical Spa is when we had a patient who was 85 years old come to see us because she wanted to regain her self confidence. She felt as though improving her skin texture and minimizing wrinkles would help her to feel attractive and increase her confidence. Through a series of treatments, we were able to help her achieve her goal.

Tamara-Willingham-PicTamara D. Willingham-Rapp

Tamara TCM Acupuncture & Herbs Wellness Clinic
120 W. Dudley St., Maumee
419-345-4996 |

One health-related question that everyone should ask themselves: Am I thriving? or just surviving?

How do you help someone seeking health and wellness improvement? Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is powerful and effective at maintaining and gaining health and wellness.

Acupuncture and herbal medicine will boost the immune system, reduce stress and promote sleep.

The best life lesson that you learned last year: Restraint is the key to happiness. It gives you the platform for limitless growth.

The best way to support a friend or loved one who is struggling with their health: Hold space, listen, and be present, without trying to fix their problem. And help by cooking healthy, nutritious meals!

When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, how do you recharge? Acupuncture, of course! I love to ride my bike, read and sleep. These all seem to restore balance for me.

TwixNBetween_Kristen3_KMiller_012920Kristin Moncrief CEO/ ABO

Licensed Optician and Certified Vision Screener
Twix N Between
419-754-0278 | [email protected]

How do you help someone seeking health and wellness improvement? By providing them with as much information as possible to get them as much help as they need or want. Then, to achieve the desired results, I develop a plan containing a variety of options to improve their health and wellness, including accountability, follow-up, coaching, rewards, and more.

Your favorite “unknown” ways to stay healthy: I don’t sweat the small stuff. There are things in life we can control and things we can’t, and I focus on the controllable as much as I possibly can.

The best life lesson that you learned last year: I learned that being everything to everyone is impossible, but being someone to somebody can be impactful. The impression I leave on someone can last a lifetime, so I make my first impression the best one.

The best way to support a friend or loved one who is struggling with their health: Simply, to be there for them. Be there as a sounding board, shoulder to cry on, advocate, warrior, accountability partner, etc. whatever they need you to be to get them through whatever they are struggling with.

Crystal Heft

Family Navigator
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) of Greater Toledo
2753 Central Ave. | 419-243-1119


What’s one health-related question that everyone should ask themselves? What am I doing to support my emotional well-being?

Name three things that people should do every day to stay healthy. Tell yourself something positive, show kindness to others and end the day with writing something you are grateful for.

How do you help someone seeking health and wellness improvement? I help individuals and families navigate the mental health system and community resources that promote mental wellness and recovery.

What’s the best life lesson that you learned last year? “To be grateful for every second of every day that you get to spend with the people you love. Life is so very precious.”

What’s the best way to support a friend or loved one who is struggling with their health? Listen without judgment and show compassion and empathy.

AlternativePhysicalTherapy_LisaKellyLisa Kelly PT, CSCI, C-NDT

Director and Owner
Alternative Physical Therapy
Toledo: 2526 N. Reynolds Rd., 419-578-4357.
Perrysburg: 28442 E. River Rd., 419-578-4357.

Three things that people should do every day to stay healthy: Be kind to yourself. Determine what makes you feel your best and try to make that happen. Figure out what your absolute minimum is for activity per week and commit to it, then add more as your time allows.

How do you help someone seeking health and wellness improvement? At Alternative Physical Therapy, we take great pride in determining the CAUSE of your issues versus “chasing symptoms.” We try to clear associated areas of concern to normalize and maximize functional results. Thus, achieving more rapid and long-lasting results. Our “Whole Body Approach” often helps our patients feel more limber and more youthful then they have in years, allowing them to participate in their more favorite activities.

When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, how do you recharge? A glass of chilled Riesling after a full day to relax the mind and body.

0617_KMiller-0776_2ADA Aesthetics & Dermatology Associates

12780 Roachton Rd., Perrysburg.
& 7640 W. Sylvania Ave., Sylvania.
419-873-6961 |
419-872-0777 |

Three things that people should do every day to stay healthy: Laugh out loud. Eat something healthy that you actually like. Incorporate movement into your daily routine.

Your favorite “unknown” ways to stay healthy: I listen to a good book on Audible while taking a long walk.

Would you rather have a strict diet or a strict fitness routine? Neither. Everything in moderation. I try to eat clean— with an anti-inflammatory diet— and I try to exercise as much as I can without stressing about it too much!

Would you rather train for strength or train for endurance? Ultimately, you want to incorporate both strength and endurance training into any exercise routine. I use our truSculpt Flex machine to build muscle and tone. I take long walks on the weekends and when I travel.

Dr.-Keifer_2_SmallClint Keifer, Au.D.

Great Lakes Audiology, LLC
3780 King Rd., Suite 2C | 419-327-2273

One health-related question that everyone should ask themselves: “How’s my hearing wellness?” of course! I recommend wellness check-ups every five years, even if you have no obvious concerns since changes can occur very gradually and go unnoticed until they become a much more significant issue.

Three things that people should do every day to stay healthy: Stay hydrated, move, and keep a good sense of humor handy.

One of the most impactful experiences that you’ve had with a patient. I worked with a skeptical patient who had all but given up hope on ever being able to participate effectively in conversation and social interactions. His previous experience with hearing care was poor and resulted in him being told he could not be helped. To go with him on his journey of restored communication function and quality of life was powerful for us both. His hug is one of the greatest gestures I have ever received.

How do you help someone seeking health and wellness improvement? I don’t believe there is any meaningful way to truly help someone until I can listen, learn, and do my best to understand the individual and their unique situation and goals. By working together, we can develop a plan to achieve goals and maximize outcomes.

Special Advertising Section

It’s a new decade, so it’s time for an improved you. Whether you want to eat healthier, develop better habits, or improve your self-care routine, these local experts share their favorite ways to feel healthy.

Bravia_DrDr. Matthew A. Molenda

Bravia Dermatology
2000 Regency Ct., Suite 201.
419-948-3376 |

One health-related question that everyone should ask themselves: When is the last time you had a skin check?
Three things that people should do every day to stay healthy: Wear sunscreen, take a multivitamin and get your steps in.
How do you help someone seeking health and wellness improvement? At Bravia Dermatology, we try to help people look their best, while still looking natural. We focus on the aspects of their skin or appearance that are most bothersome to them.
When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, how do you recharge? I spend time with my kids.

Toledo-Naturopathic---Dr.-Maleigha-WattsMaleigha Watts, N.D.

Toledo Naturopathic
13 S. 3rd St., Waterville
419-376-6104 |

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How do you help someone seeking health and wellness improvement? I work with patients to build a stronger overall foundation of health that is more individualized to their needs. Detailed nutrition plans and lifestyle changes are what’s missing in medicine currently. No medication or supplement will take the place of what the foundation can give us.

One of the most impactful experiences that you’ve had with a patient: I recently had two patients with Crohn’s Disease that had follow up testing with their gastroenterologists that showed they were in remission, through nutrition changes alone. It was a great reminder of why I do what I do, and that naturopathic medicine can thrive here in NW Ohio.

The best life lesson that you learned last year: Recognizing that while I want to do it all, be involved in everything, I can’t, and that’s okay! This lesson came with realizing that I needed to do better with more self-care.

The best way to support a friend or loved one who is struggling with their health: Often people just need someone to listen; no advice, no judgment, just hold space for them and listen.


Owner/Artistic Director
Aegela Centers for Middle Eastern Dance
10 S. Holland-Sylvania Rd.
517-918-9547 |

How do you help someone seeking health and wellness improvement? First, they have to recognize that health and wellness is not a destination. It’s a journey. It’s a mindset.

What are some of your favorite “unknown” ways to stay healthy? I unplug from the electronic world, pile up on the couch with a book, and feel wonderfully decadent.

Tell us about one of the most impactful experiences that you’ve had during your professional career. When I lived in Atlanta, I designed a program for use by occupational therapists to help their clients regain range of motion after severe traumas. The ladies would come to a class with their therapists, and we used belly dance movements to build muscle strength and range. One of the participants had been injured in an auto accident as she and her new husband left their wedding. She spent 18 months in hospitals and rehab centers. She said she finally felt feminine again because of the bellydancing. We both cried.

What’s the best life lesson that you learned last year? Like they say on the airplane— “put on your own oxygen mask first.” I’m guilty of wanting to do everything asked of me (maybe it’s a Southern thing), but last year I learned to set boundaries and that it’s necessary to take care of myself so I still have something to give as a teacher.

_Dr.-PeisleyDr. Jason Peisley

Fairwood Health and Body Transitions
5215 Monroe St., #5.
419-517-1030 |
9am-7pm, Monday-Thursday

One health-related question that everyone should ask themselves: Should I wait to get sick to focus on my health? Or should I focus on prevention to be the best version of myself?

Three things that people should do to stay healthy: Meditate regularly, for at least 10-15 minutes per day. Cleanse the body with a quarterly detox. Make the best food choices possible every day.

One of the most impactful experiences that you’ve had with a patient: I recently helped a patient lose over 100 pounds, which massively reduced their need for diabetes medication. There are natural solutions.

The best life lesson that you learned last year: Life is about creating memories. Make them great ones to remember.

Do you believe in cheat days? It’s impossible not to have a cheat day once in a while. Just keep them to a minimum, and you will continue to see results on your journey.

What does “good health” mean to you? Being healthy inside and out. Even our skin is a manifestation of what’s going on with the inside of our body. Gut health is the key to this.

What’s your favorite way to practice self-care? I like to detox every change of season to minimize the toxic overload of the environment in my body. It helps to keep me healthy and feeling my best.

How do you make healthy habits stick? You can make healthy habits stick by doing daily meditation and trying to make conscious changes in your daily routine to avoid any ruts.

What foods make you feel your best? A salad with organic chicken with a special extra virgin olive oil and herb dressing— it’s delicious.

What do you want your legacy to be? To help as many people with their health and weight as possible knowing it was the “right way”— all-natural!

IMG_0265Dr. Jon Frankel

Frankel Dentistry
Toledo: 5012 Talmadge Rd., 419-474-9611.
Maumee: 4359 Keystone Dr., 419-893-0221.

One health-related question that everyone should ask themselves: Is my mouth healthy? A healthy mouth promotes a healthy body.

Three things that people should do every day to stay healthy: Brush and floss your teeth. Drink unsweetened tea, coffee, or water.

One of the most impactful experiences that you’ve had with a patient: A patient had lost her teeth, and she could not wear dentures, but her same-day permanent screw-down implant dentures have changed her life. Her smile and the comments from her children are heartwarming. I love what I do.

Do you believe in cheat days? Yes, I spend them eating pizza.

Would you rather take a boxing class or a yoga class? I practice yoga every day at lunchtime.

Dr. Mickey E. Frame

Frame Chiropractic & Acupuncture
3829 Woodley Rd.
419-617-4950 |


What inspired you to become a physician, and how did you pick your specialty? My father, at the age of 29, suffered from severe lower back pain, which caused him to be unable to stand or walk. After being evaluated by the emergency room physicians and a spine surgeon, he was told he would need back surgery and was given a 50 percent chance he may not be able to walk again. I remember my father refusing to have back surgery and crawling around on our kitchen floor. At that time, several neighbors came to our home to take my father to a chiropractor. My father was reluctant to see a chiropractor and had a few choice words to express his unwillingness to go, but fortunately was persuaded. He came home after his initial treatment and was able to stand, albeit he was still in pain. After about six weeks of care, he was able to return to work and, to this day, has not had surgery at the age of 76 years old.

I, too, later started chiropractic care at the age of 9 or 10 due to severe asthma. I was told by my family medical doctor that I would not be able to participate in sports due to the severity of my asthma. My complicated asthma caused me to miss 40-50 days of school per year. Many times back then, treatment included overnight stays in the hospital in an oxygen tent with steroid medication given. After beginning chiropractic care, I was able to participate in sports, stop experiencing severe asthma attacks, and no longer miss so many days of school. I knew then that I wanted to be a chiropractic physician.

Zein Shamma,

Gift of Life Surrogacy
6711 Monroe St., Sylvania
419-575-5506 |

Three things that people should do every day to stay healthy: In my book, In Order to Stay Healthy, an individual must:
1) Be a non-smoker.
2) Stay hydrated and maintain healthy eating habits.
3) Stay active and sleep well.

Your favorite “unknown” ways to stay healthy: A variety of self-care routines. Self-care is often frowned upon as it’s considered selfish. I think we should all embrace time for ourselves and find a way to take care of ourselves so we can be better people for those around us. Self-care can vary from one person to another. For me, self-care can be getting a massage, acupuncture therapy, watching a favorite TV show, or even helping someone else in some way. Self-care is something that ends with feeling good about our-self, and thus our personal health improves through the positive feelings experienced.

When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, how do you recharge? My favorite way to recharge my positive energy has to be through physically working out. Workouts release stress and help our body on so many levels, but especially because we feel good due to the chemical effect on our brain. Working out is one of the most natural ways to reduce stress.

MK-Beauty---MeganKabour-HeadshotMegan Kabour

Owner & CEO of MK Beauty Medical Spa
MK Beauty Medical Spa
7640 W. Sylvania Ave., Suite N.
419-720-6839 |

What’s one health-related question that everyone should ask themselves? “How would you benefit or others benefit from taking better care of yourself or your skin?” When you take time to care for yourself, you have more time for what matters in life. Daily stressors can drain your energy, your passion— yourself.
That’s why it is essential to make room for your best self by making time for you.

How do you help someone seeking health and wellness improvement? MK Beauty Medical Spa works to help every client create their own personal path toward self-care, whether its helping patients achieve their skin, body or beauty goals.

Tell us about one of the most impactful experiences that you’ve had patient. One of the most gratifying experiences we had at MK Beauty Medical Spa is when we had a patient who was 85 years old come to see us because she wanted to regain her self confidence. She felt as though improving her skin texture and minimizing wrinkles would help her to feel attractive and increase her confidence. Through a series of treatments, we were able to help her achieve her goal.

Tamara-Willingham-PicTamara D. Willingham-Rapp

Tamara TCM Acupuncture & Herbs Wellness Clinic
120 W. Dudley St., Maumee
419-345-4996 |

One health-related question that everyone should ask themselves: Am I thriving? or just surviving?

How do you help someone seeking health and wellness improvement? Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is powerful and effective at maintaining and gaining health and wellness.

Acupuncture and herbal medicine will boost the immune system, reduce stress and promote sleep.

The best life lesson that you learned last year: Restraint is the key to happiness. It gives you the platform for limitless growth.

The best way to support a friend or loved one who is struggling with their health: Hold space, listen, and be present, without trying to fix their problem. And help by cooking healthy, nutritious meals!

When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, how do you recharge? Acupuncture, of course! I love to ride my bike, read and sleep. These all seem to restore balance for me.

TwixNBetween_Kristen3_KMiller_012920Kristin Moncrief CEO/ ABO

Licensed Optician and Certified Vision Screener
Twix N Between
419-754-0278 | [email protected]

How do you help someone seeking health and wellness improvement? By providing them with as much information as possible to get them as much help as they need or want. Then, to achieve the desired results, I develop a plan containing a variety of options to improve their health and wellness, including accountability, follow-up, coaching, rewards, and more.

Your favorite “unknown” ways to stay healthy: I don’t sweat the small stuff. There are things in life we can control and things we can’t, and I focus on the controllable as much as I possibly can.

The best life lesson that you learned last year: I learned that being everything to everyone is impossible, but being someone to somebody can be impactful. The impression I leave on someone can last a lifetime, so I make my first impression the best one.

The best way to support a friend or loved one who is struggling with their health: Simply, to be there for them. Be there as a sounding board, shoulder to cry on, advocate, warrior, accountability partner, etc. whatever they need you to be to get them through whatever they are struggling with.

Crystal Heft

Family Navigator
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) of Greater Toledo
2753 Central Ave. | 419-243-1119


What’s one health-related question that everyone should ask themselves? What am I doing to support my emotional well-being?

Name three things that people should do every day to stay healthy. Tell yourself something positive, show kindness to others and end the day with writing something you are grateful for.

How do you help someone seeking health and wellness improvement? I help individuals and families navigate the mental health system and community resources that promote mental wellness and recovery.

What’s the best life lesson that you learned last year? “To be grateful for every second of every day that you get to spend with the people you love. Life is so very precious.”

What’s the best way to support a friend or loved one who is struggling with their health? Listen without judgment and show compassion and empathy.

AlternativePhysicalTherapy_LisaKellyLisa Kelly PT, CSCI, C-NDT

Director and Owner
Alternative Physical Therapy
Toledo: 2526 N. Reynolds Rd., 419-578-4357.
Perrysburg: 28442 E. River Rd., 419-578-4357.

Three things that people should do every day to stay healthy: Be kind to yourself. Determine what makes you feel your best and try to make that happen. Figure out what your absolute minimum is for activity per week and commit to it, then add more as your time allows.

How do you help someone seeking health and wellness improvement? At Alternative Physical Therapy, we take great pride in determining the CAUSE of your issues versus “chasing symptoms.” We try to clear associated areas of concern to normalize and maximize functional results. Thus, achieving more rapid and long-lasting results. Our “Whole Body Approach” often helps our patients feel more limber and more youthful then they have in years, allowing them to participate in their more favorite activities.

When you feel stressed or overwhelmed, how do you recharge? A glass of chilled Riesling after a full day to relax the mind and body.

0617_KMiller-0776_2ADA Aesthetics & Dermatology Associates

12780 Roachton Rd., Perrysburg.
& 7640 W. Sylvania Ave., Sylvania.
419-873-6961 |
419-872-0777 |

Three things that people should do every day to stay healthy: Laugh out loud. Eat something healthy that you actually like. Incorporate movement into your daily routine.

Your favorite “unknown” ways to stay healthy: I listen to a good book on Audible while taking a long walk.

Would you rather have a strict diet or a strict fitness routine? Neither. Everything in moderation. I try to eat clean— with an anti-inflammatory diet— and I try to exercise as much as I can without stressing about it too much!

Would you rather train for strength or train for endurance? Ultimately, you want to incorporate both strength and endurance training into any exercise routine. I use our truSculpt Flex machine to build muscle and tone. I take long walks on the weekends and when I travel.

Dr.-Keifer_2_SmallClint Keifer, Au.D.

Great Lakes Audiology, LLC
3780 King Rd., Suite 2C | 419-327-2273

One health-related question that everyone should ask themselves: “How’s my hearing wellness?” of course! I recommend wellness check-ups every five years, even if you have no obvious concerns since changes can occur very gradually and go unnoticed until they become a much more significant issue.

Three things that people should do every day to stay healthy: Stay hydrated, move, and keep a good sense of humor handy.

One of the most impactful experiences that you’ve had with a patient. I worked with a skeptical patient who had all but given up hope on ever being able to participate effectively in conversation and social interactions. His previous experience with hearing care was poor and resulted in him being told he could not be helped. To go with him on his journey of restored communication function and quality of life was powerful for us both. His hug is one of the greatest gestures I have ever received.

How do you help someone seeking health and wellness improvement? I don’t believe there is any meaningful way to truly help someone until I can listen, learn, and do my best to understand the individual and their unique situation and goals. By working together, we can develop a plan to achieve goals and maximize outcomes.

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