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Twitter: @Collins4Toledo
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Web: sandycares4toledo.com
My campaign theme song is “Don’t stop” by Fleetwood Mac.
Is the proposed Kroger across the street from The Notre Dame campus what’s best for Toledo?
Not necessarily. There are competing interests of the parties to consider: the owner wants to sell the property; the prospective buyer wants to implement use that is contrary to the 2020 plan. Ultimately the Plan Commission will need to reach a decision, which I will support if it is well-reasoned.
What restrictions, if any, should there be on food truck operation in downtown Toledo?
Food trucks add ambience and dining options to downtown, but the city has important interests in regulating them. I will engage in a meaningful dialog with the truck owners and downtown business owners to develop a solution that does not unduly burden businesses and allows for continued presence of trucks.
Do you find the wildflowers by the Toledo Zoo a hazard and unsightly or a beautiful aesthetic of urban wildlife? * Please include the phrase, “compostable matter” in your answer.
As a botanist and Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist, I love both the wildflowers and the cultivated plants. Although I would like to see our city maintain more natural areas to provide a suitable habitat for our wildlife, I also appreciate beautiful gardens. I would strive to find a balance.
What will you do to avoid another “water crisis”?
Future water crises can be avoided by increased monitoring of raw water which will enable the city to treat water for longer periods. Treating toxic water is expensive and we should attack the problem at its source. We need to push the federal government to act.
How necessary is it for the city to fund the Corrections Center of Northwest Ohio?
I would like to see the city provide partial funding to CCNO through 2018. The cost to incarcerate prisoners there is half that of the county jail. I would like to see the payment to CCNO decrease each year by lowering our guarantee and paying for fewer beds.
What is your stance on the recently approved cannabis ordinance?
The city ordinance conflicts with the state law; therefore, I cannot stand in support of it. While I understand the efforts of the supporters to reduce penalties for personal use of marijuana, I cannot support the ordinance in its current form.
What are your thoughts on the proposed open container entertainment districts?
The open container entertainment district idea may give us flexibility for new types of events. But I am concerned that the district idea may cause new challenges with enforcement of our liquor laws. This idea should be reviewed further and upon resolution of the issues, I would support it.
What will you do with Toledo’s streets, in 3 words?
Resurface every inch.