Thursday, September 19, 2024

Mayor Paula Hicks-Hudson To Discuss The 2017 Harmful Algal Bloom Season In A Virtual Town Hall Meeting

At 6:30pm on Wednesday, July 5, the City of Toledo will discuss the 2017 Harmful Algal Bloom Season in a Virtual Town Hall Meeting, to be streamed on Facebook Live.

Watch it live at this link.

The Town Hall will include Mayor Paula Hicks-Hudson, Collins Park Water Treatment Plant Administrator Andrew McClure and Commissioner of Plant Operations Patekka Bannister.

Have questions? Comment with your question on the City of Toledo Facebook post (linked above).

Advocates for a Clean Lake Erie (ACLE) have 10 questions and comments that they want addressed tonight.

ACLE coordinator, Susan Matz, said, “Our questions get to the heart of why Lake Erie suffers every summer from dangerous algal blooms and what, if anything, the City of Toledo is doing to solve that problem. We believe the best approach is to hold polluters accountable for cleaning up the lake, instead of using more
chemicals and money at the water treatment plant every year.”

ACLE’s questions are listed below, followed by answers where applicable.

  1. You seem to feel the best option for Toledo is cleaning our drinking water at the treatment plant AFTER it is already polluted. Why isn’t the better option keeping toxic algae out of the lake in the first place?
  2. How much will the City spend upgrading the water treatment plant?
  3. How much chlorine did Toledo use for water treatment in 2013 and how much is budgeted for this year?
  4. Do you agree that an inventory of sources and amounts of pollutants (e-coli, phosphorous, nitrogen, etc)
    going into Western Lake Erie from Indiana, Michigan and Ohio is the necessary first step to bring the lake back to health?
  5. Factory farms in the Western Lake Erie watershed annually generate over 700,000,000 gallons of feces, urine and wastewater which is spread, untreated on fields draining into the lake. That much manure is more than the sewage generated by which two U.S. cities?
  6. Karl Gebhardt is the Ohio EPA Deputy Director in charge of policy for Lake Erie and also director of the governor’s Lake Erie Commission. He previously lobbied for what organization for 19 years?
  7. Whom do you go to for advice to resolve this ongoing drinking water crisis?
  8. We’ve seen the “Impaired Watershed” process work well for Chesapeake Bay. Why do you refuse to support it for Lake Erie?
  9. How much money has the federal government put into the Chesapeake Bay cleanup?
  10. Will you sponsor a real public hearing on Lake Erie and not just a Facebook session? If not, why not?Answers:
    2)$500 million (Blade 5/24/16);
    5)Chicago and Los Angeles;
    6)Ohio Farm Bureau;

    9)$2.84 billion (Blade 11/17/16);


At 6:30pm on Wednesday, July 5, the City of Toledo will discuss the 2017 Harmful Algal Bloom Season in a Virtual Town Hall Meeting, to be streamed on Facebook Live.

Watch it live at this link.

The Town Hall will include Mayor Paula Hicks-Hudson, Collins Park Water Treatment Plant Administrator Andrew McClure and Commissioner of Plant Operations Patekka Bannister.

Have questions? Comment with your question on the City of Toledo Facebook post (linked above).

Advocates for a Clean Lake Erie (ACLE) have 10 questions and comments that they want addressed tonight.

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ACLE coordinator, Susan Matz, said, “Our questions get to the heart of why Lake Erie suffers every summer from dangerous algal blooms and what, if anything, the City of Toledo is doing to solve that problem. We believe the best approach is to hold polluters accountable for cleaning up the lake, instead of using more
chemicals and money at the water treatment plant every year.”

ACLE’s questions are listed below, followed by answers where applicable.

  1. You seem to feel the best option for Toledo is cleaning our drinking water at the treatment plant AFTER it is already polluted. Why isn’t the better option keeping toxic algae out of the lake in the first place?
  2. How much will the City spend upgrading the water treatment plant?
  3. How much chlorine did Toledo use for water treatment in 2013 and how much is budgeted for this year?
  4. Do you agree that an inventory of sources and amounts of pollutants (e-coli, phosphorous, nitrogen, etc)
    going into Western Lake Erie from Indiana, Michigan and Ohio is the necessary first step to bring the lake back to health?
  5. Factory farms in the Western Lake Erie watershed annually generate over 700,000,000 gallons of feces, urine and wastewater which is spread, untreated on fields draining into the lake. That much manure is more than the sewage generated by which two U.S. cities?
  6. Karl Gebhardt is the Ohio EPA Deputy Director in charge of policy for Lake Erie and also director of the governor’s Lake Erie Commission. He previously lobbied for what organization for 19 years?
  7. Whom do you go to for advice to resolve this ongoing drinking water crisis?
  8. We’ve seen the “Impaired Watershed” process work well for Chesapeake Bay. Why do you refuse to support it for Lake Erie?
  9. How much money has the federal government put into the Chesapeake Bay cleanup?
  10. Will you sponsor a real public hearing on Lake Erie and not just a Facebook session? If not, why not?Answers:
    2)$500 million (Blade 5/24/16);
    5)Chicago and Los Angeles;
    6)Ohio Farm Bureau;

    9)$2.84 billion (Blade 11/17/16);


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