Saturday, February 15, 2025

Sign Language: 2017 City of Toledo Forecast

Everybody and everything has a birthday. The City of Toledo was a merger of two villages on January 7, 1837. We use noon as its time of birth. This gives the city the sign of Aries on the horizon indicating that it starts a lot of things it doesn’t finish (like picking up leaves). It also puts Jupiter and Mars in the fifth house of fun and games. There is a lot of that going on too.

January 2017 – On the 3rd of January Venus (the love planet) hits Uranus (the crazy planet) which means we begin the year full of unrealistic plans. Then on the 8th Mercury begins a direct motion so it is possible to review the mistakes we made last year. The full moon on the 12th shows a need to plan ahead BUT the 3-day weekend to celebrate MLK Jr’s birthday sets everything back again. Not much is accomplished but lots of words fly around.

February 2017 – Did you ever hear the saying “the more things change, the more they stay the same?” That is this month. Hiring new employees or promoting the same old ones seems the rule now. Hopefully the new police class will do its job if it receives the cooperation it needs from top management. Talk of new police and fire classes is met with “no money” reactions. Watch for problems on the full moon the 10th – could be weather or criminal activity.

MARCH – 2017 – Lent begins on March 1st. We lose an hour of sleep on the 12th which is the same day as the full moon. There could be lots of accidents and the need for more police and fire recruits is stressed. As usual – not enough money. On the 17th more accidents. Hopefully the week of the 20th is more peaceful and politicians are civil to each other.

APRIL – 2017 The first week looks pretty good except for some “secrets” coming out! This could OF COURSE relate to money issues in various departments. They have to do

With police and fire and trying to keep our citizens safe. The full moon on the 11th brings attention to agreements with other municipalities. There is a three day weekend for Easter…Less time to argue. The remainder of April finds everyone squabbling.

MAY – 2017 As summer approaches the same old issues arise. Opening pools and paying for them, fixing potholes, cleaning up the parks, concern about the waterfront and ELECTIONS in November. There is another three day weekend at the end of May when Toledo blows its own horn; maybe has a parade; but still frets about money.

JUNE – 2017 The full moon on the 9th shines directly on negotiations with other municipalities and concern about our drinking water. There may also be discussions about employing more police, fire, and regular employees. Not much happening as we get ready to vote again and it’s more of the same old, same old! Donations will open the swimming pools because the city just can’t afford it.

JULY – 2017 Our work week is shortened again due to the 4th of July. There will a gigantic celebration downtown – on the waterfront – and on the river. It is fun to party with each other. After that, it looks like more people are moving OUT of Toledo this month. Our population keeps shrinking and nobody tries to do anything about it. The new moon on the 23rd is in a happy place so more special events and parties take place.

Politicians are passing out literature and putting up signs.

AUGUST – 2017 The eclipse on the 7th will have city council trying to make changes to the budget. Good luck with that as everyone just campaigns for the November election. Fortunately there are no 3-day weekends so the employees have to work! They will be closing down the pools and parks as the month ends. Talk about adding more fire and police after the 21st – Money! Money! Money!

SEPTEMBER – 2017 The month begins with another three day weekend. Pools and parks are shut down and (hopefully) potholes are filled and we enjoy a Labor Day parade in downtown Toledo. The city’s population decrease causes complaints about money coming in. What’s new? See if figures are released about these decreases – the crime rate is NOT dropping.

OCTOBER – 2017 Election! Election! Election! It’s not until next month BUT it is where the attention is all directed. The full moon on the 5th falls right on where Pluto was when Toledo was born. This could literally pull the rug out from under us. We may have the 9th off. Strange partnerships are formed the week of the 23rd. Politics is everywhere we look – we take credit for what is good.

NOVEMBER – 2017 The full moon on the 4th may be bright enough to keep us awake when we set our clocks back. Wake up to vote on the 7th but don’t expect much change. Do you think we will be happier when we have the 23rd and 24th off? Yes, we will as we are so proud of the lights at the zoo and the Christmas parade. It is a happy and cheerful month.

DECEMBER – 2017 This is always a good month. One of the problems is that from the 3rd through the 23rd Mercury, planet of communications slows down and it is in the 8th and 9th houses – things get lost in the mail; snow removal equipment breaks down and absenteeism is a problem in the city offices. The good news is the Lights at the Zoo and the good moods of the people as they party and shop. There may be problems with crime but hopefully no big ones so be careful out there! We end the year celebrating and looking forward to the year ahead.

Sue Lovett is available for personal astrology readings and private parties. | 419-474-6399 |

Everybody and everything has a birthday. The City of Toledo was a merger of two villages on January 7, 1837. We use noon as its time of birth. This gives the city the sign of Aries on the horizon indicating that it starts a lot of things it doesn’t finish (like picking up leaves). It also puts Jupiter and Mars in the fifth house of fun and games. There is a lot of that going on too.

January 2017 – On the 3rd of January Venus (the love planet) hits Uranus (the crazy planet) which means we begin the year full of unrealistic plans. Then on the 8th Mercury begins a direct motion so it is possible to review the mistakes we made last year. The full moon on the 12th shows a need to plan ahead BUT the 3-day weekend to celebrate MLK Jr’s birthday sets everything back again. Not much is accomplished but lots of words fly around.

February 2017 – Did you ever hear the saying “the more things change, the more they stay the same?” That is this month. Hiring new employees or promoting the same old ones seems the rule now. Hopefully the new police class will do its job if it receives the cooperation it needs from top management. Talk of new police and fire classes is met with “no money” reactions. Watch for problems on the full moon the 10th – could be weather or criminal activity.

MARCH – 2017 – Lent begins on March 1st. We lose an hour of sleep on the 12th which is the same day as the full moon. There could be lots of accidents and the need for more police and fire recruits is stressed. As usual – not enough money. On the 17th more accidents. Hopefully the week of the 20th is more peaceful and politicians are civil to each other.

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APRIL – 2017 The first week looks pretty good except for some “secrets” coming out! This could OF COURSE relate to money issues in various departments. They have to do

With police and fire and trying to keep our citizens safe. The full moon on the 11th brings attention to agreements with other municipalities. There is a three day weekend for Easter…Less time to argue. The remainder of April finds everyone squabbling.

MAY – 2017 As summer approaches the same old issues arise. Opening pools and paying for them, fixing potholes, cleaning up the parks, concern about the waterfront and ELECTIONS in November. There is another three day weekend at the end of May when Toledo blows its own horn; maybe has a parade; but still frets about money.

JUNE – 2017 The full moon on the 9th shines directly on negotiations with other municipalities and concern about our drinking water. There may also be discussions about employing more police, fire, and regular employees. Not much happening as we get ready to vote again and it’s more of the same old, same old! Donations will open the swimming pools because the city just can’t afford it.

JULY – 2017 Our work week is shortened again due to the 4th of July. There will a gigantic celebration downtown – on the waterfront – and on the river. It is fun to party with each other. After that, it looks like more people are moving OUT of Toledo this month. Our population keeps shrinking and nobody tries to do anything about it. The new moon on the 23rd is in a happy place so more special events and parties take place.

Politicians are passing out literature and putting up signs.

AUGUST – 2017 The eclipse on the 7th will have city council trying to make changes to the budget. Good luck with that as everyone just campaigns for the November election. Fortunately there are no 3-day weekends so the employees have to work! They will be closing down the pools and parks as the month ends. Talk about adding more fire and police after the 21st – Money! Money! Money!

SEPTEMBER – 2017 The month begins with another three day weekend. Pools and parks are shut down and (hopefully) potholes are filled and we enjoy a Labor Day parade in downtown Toledo. The city’s population decrease causes complaints about money coming in. What’s new? See if figures are released about these decreases – the crime rate is NOT dropping.

OCTOBER – 2017 Election! Election! Election! It’s not until next month BUT it is where the attention is all directed. The full moon on the 5th falls right on where Pluto was when Toledo was born. This could literally pull the rug out from under us. We may have the 9th off. Strange partnerships are formed the week of the 23rd. Politics is everywhere we look – we take credit for what is good.

NOVEMBER – 2017 The full moon on the 4th may be bright enough to keep us awake when we set our clocks back. Wake up to vote on the 7th but don’t expect much change. Do you think we will be happier when we have the 23rd and 24th off? Yes, we will as we are so proud of the lights at the zoo and the Christmas parade. It is a happy and cheerful month.

DECEMBER – 2017 This is always a good month. One of the problems is that from the 3rd through the 23rd Mercury, planet of communications slows down and it is in the 8th and 9th houses – things get lost in the mail; snow removal equipment breaks down and absenteeism is a problem in the city offices. The good news is the Lights at the Zoo and the good moods of the people as they party and shop. There may be problems with crime but hopefully no big ones so be careful out there! We end the year celebrating and looking forward to the year ahead.

Sue Lovett is available for personal astrology readings and private parties. | 419-474-6399 |

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