Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Health and Wellness 2017

Health or wellness? Both are important. We may be eating healthy but not taking enough time to nourish our spiritual side— or embracing the lifestyle that we’re told we should, but not happy with ourselves. The answer for each of us is different, as shown by the habits, advice and guilty pleasures of these experts in health and wellness.


John Frankel, DDS

Frankel Dentistry
5012 Talmadge Rd., 419-474-9611
4359 Keystone Dr., Maumee, 419-893-0221

What’s the first thing I can do to start a healthy routine?
Floss. My father, Dr. Sheldon Frankel, used to say, “Only floss the teeth you want to keep.”

What health lesson do you wish you had learned sooner?
Eating healthy snacks mid-morning, like an organic apple, balances out not just your morning, but the entire day.

I’m most proud of: The opportunity to grow my father’s dental practice to better serve my hometown, Toledo.


Tamara Willingham, L.Ac., Dipl. O.M.

Tamara TCM Acupuncture & Herbs Wellness Clinic Inc.
27068 Oakmead Dr., Perrysburg
419-345-4996 | tamaratcm.com

What misadvice related to your industry should I be wary of?
“Acupuncture hurts.” Well it shouldn’t. You should feel something, but it should be comfortable. Most patients fall asleep during treatment. If a pin ever bothers you, just let us know and it will be adjusted. Another misconception in the acupuncture field is that dry needling is not acupuncture. But the same needles are used and inserted into the connective tissue— by definition, it is in fact acupuncture, but often performed by a physical therapist with very little training in the science. In fact, in the state of Washington, dry needling has been banned.

I feel strongest when: I have eight hours of sleep and get acupuncture.

I’m most proud of: My business and degree.


Angela Parton

Solutions 4 Hair
Nonsurgical Hair Replacement for Men & Women
4352 W. Sylvania Ave., Suite J.
419-843-4247 | 

I’m most proud of: Being able to change people’s lives everyday by providing non-surgical hair restoration and replacement solutions, making men, women and children feel better about the way they look.

What health lesson do you wish you had learned sooner?
That there is no quick fix, you’re making life changes. Start out slow with achievable goals.

How can I make my healthy habits stick?
Create a consistent routine and accept that setbacks will happen, but they are not the end of the world— there’s always tomorrow.

My guilty pleasure is: Chocolate chip cookies.

(L-R, Ange Scott and Dr. Marlene Welch)

Angie Scott

Co-Owner & Medical Aesthetician
AM Skin Health & Plastic Surgery
6525 Secor Rd., Lambertville, MI.
734-568-6100 | amskinhealth.com

What’s the first thing I can do to start a healthy routine?
If we’re talking about skin health, the first thing I recommend is using the highest quality skin care products possible. If you’re serious about skin, work with an educated professional to help select products for you; the difference a well-formulated skin care line can make is remarkable.

What misadvice related to your industry should I be wary of?
With the advent of Pinterest and other social media platforms, so many people are relying on individuals that have very little education or training and background in skin and aesthetic procedures to sell them on products, procedures or DIY home remedies that may not be the best for them. Do your research and find someone that is versed in the science to help you!

My secret weapon is: Water! I try to keep hydrated for both health and aesthetic reasons. It makes such a difference!


Dr. Wade Barker

Luxe Laser, Vein, and Body Center
1500 Holland Rd., Maumee.
419-893-2775 | luxe-laser.com

What’s the first thing I can do to start a healthy routine?
Stop smoking. It’s not only bad for your health, but it accelerates the aging process and, over time, brings on a host of additional cosmetic concerns.

What misadvice related to your industry should I be wary of?
Cosmetic Medicine attracts a lot of misinformation, especially this time of year. We have free consultations for this exact reason. Meet with our doctor or nurse for honest medical advice about all of your options so you can make an informed decision.

I feel strongest when: I’m working out.


Joani Donovan, LMT, NKT, CKTP

3D Wellness
4035 W. Central Ave.
419-367-1417 | 3DWToledo.com

What misadvice related to your industry should I be wary of?
“Massage is a luxury.” No. In today’s world, people are stuck in technology and at their desk/jobs. If individuals can’t breathe, they can’t move, and they are susceptible to injury— whether they work out or not. Massage and bodywork will help keep people moving.

How can I achieve my health goals?
Have an end goal in sight and get there by having small, attainable goals.

I’m most proud of: Besides my family… Our new comprehensive massage and movement center and our staff!


Dr. Glenn Whitted

Toledo Clinic Orthopaedics
4235 Secor Rd.
419-479-5820 | 

What health lesson do you wish you had learned sooner?
Exercise frequently! You’ll feel better.

How can I achieve my health goals?
Look at your past performance and be honest about what you will actually do to accomplish a goal.

My secret weapon is: My sense of humor.


Kristen Zientek, MSW, LSW

Program Coordinator
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Greater Toledo
2753 W. Central Ave.
419-243-1119 | namitoledo.org

How can I achieve my health goals?
I am a huge fan of SMART goals! SMART is an acronym that you can use to guide your goal setting: Specific (simple, sensible, significant); Measurable (meaningful, motivating); Achievable (agreed, attainable); Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based); Time bound (time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive).

What health lesson do you wish you had learned sooner?
Mental health is just as important as physical health, and it should be taken care of.

What’s the first thing I can do to start a healthy routine?
Always make time for yourself! Self-care is essential in maintaining good mental health as well as physical health.


Dr. Sarah Stierman Dr. Christy Lorton

ADA Aesthetics
12780 Roachton Rd., Perrysburg
419-872-0777 | daohio.com

What health lesson do you wish you had learned sooner?
Never, never, never bake in the the sun!

What is the most important part of your morning?
Applying an antioxidant cream and sunscreen to the face, neck and hands.

What misadvice related to your industry should I be wary of?
There is a mistaken notion that sunscreen is not necessary if it is cloudy outside. If it is daylight— whether sunny, cloudy, winter or summer— all exposed skin surfaces need sunscreen and/or protective clothing.


Arrowhead Plastic Surgeons, Inc.

1360 Arrowhead Rd., Maumee
419-855-2955 | Arrowheadsurgeons.com

A. Thomas Dalagiannis, MD, FACS (Left)

What health lesson do you wish you had learned sooner?
How to eat the right foods and in the correct proportions.

How can I keep make my healthy habits stick?
Do everything in moderation.

Lawrence Baibak, MD, FACS (Center)

How can I achieve my health goals?
Set small attainable goals.

What misadvice related to your industry should I be wary of?
That anyone can do BOTOX, fillers and other cosmetic procedures. It depends on the person doing the procedure.

C. Jeff Kesler, MD, FACS (Right)

What misadvice related to your industry should I be wary of?
You should be aware of misrepresentation. There are many physicians that are performing procedures that were not part of their professional training. I would advise you to not only ask if they are board certified, but “What specifically are you board certified in?” You are paying good money for these procedures and treatments. Also, when the price seems too good to be true: buyer beware. This should be a warning to you to ask questions— lots of them. You’re striving to be your best. You deserve the best.

What is the most important part of your morning?
Spending time with my wife, Julie, and our son, Will, before heading off to work for the day.


Dr. Jennifer R. Ludwig

Drs. Haerian, Ludwig & Simon Orthodontics
6407 Monroe St., Sylvania. 419-318-1756.
7928 Secor Rd., Lambertville, MI. 734-206-2094.
4359 Keystone Dr., Suite 300, Maumee. 419-887-1247.

What’s the best way to set a realistic goal?
Be realistic. No one is going to have an “extreme makeover” as seen on TV. Set small goals that will add up in the big picture and don’t quit just because you miss a goal. Also, make sure it is YOUR goal. Not another person’s vision for you.

What’s the first thing I can do to start a healthy routine?
Baby steps. If you’re not a flosser, set a goal of two times per week. If you have sugary drinks in your diet, remove one per week or try a smaller size.

My secret weapon is: Remembering that if it isn’t going to kill you it is not worth stressing over.


Marlene Damico, LMT

Center for Alternative Health
5800 Monroe St. Bldg. D Ste. #4, Sylvania

How can I achieve my health goals?
Do not overdo it— keep a pace that is realistic and can be maintained.

I’m most proud of: Caring for every client’s individual needs and concerns.

My guilty pleasure is: Dark chocolate.

Health or wellness? Both are important. We may be eating healthy but not taking enough time to nourish our spiritual side— or embracing the lifestyle that we’re told we should, but not happy with ourselves. The answer for each of us is different, as shown by the habits, advice and guilty pleasures of these experts in health and wellness.


John Frankel, DDS

Frankel Dentistry
5012 Talmadge Rd., 419-474-9611
4359 Keystone Dr., Maumee, 419-893-0221

What’s the first thing I can do to start a healthy routine?
Floss. My father, Dr. Sheldon Frankel, used to say, “Only floss the teeth you want to keep.”

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What health lesson do you wish you had learned sooner?
Eating healthy snacks mid-morning, like an organic apple, balances out not just your morning, but the entire day.

I’m most proud of: The opportunity to grow my father’s dental practice to better serve my hometown, Toledo.


Tamara Willingham, L.Ac., Dipl. O.M.

Tamara TCM Acupuncture & Herbs Wellness Clinic Inc.
27068 Oakmead Dr., Perrysburg
419-345-4996 | tamaratcm.com

What misadvice related to your industry should I be wary of?
“Acupuncture hurts.” Well it shouldn’t. You should feel something, but it should be comfortable. Most patients fall asleep during treatment. If a pin ever bothers you, just let us know and it will be adjusted. Another misconception in the acupuncture field is that dry needling is not acupuncture. But the same needles are used and inserted into the connective tissue— by definition, it is in fact acupuncture, but often performed by a physical therapist with very little training in the science. In fact, in the state of Washington, dry needling has been banned.

I feel strongest when: I have eight hours of sleep and get acupuncture.

I’m most proud of: My business and degree.


Angela Parton

Solutions 4 Hair
Nonsurgical Hair Replacement for Men & Women
4352 W. Sylvania Ave., Suite J.
419-843-4247 | 

I’m most proud of: Being able to change people’s lives everyday by providing non-surgical hair restoration and replacement solutions, making men, women and children feel better about the way they look.

What health lesson do you wish you had learned sooner?
That there is no quick fix, you’re making life changes. Start out slow with achievable goals.

How can I make my healthy habits stick?
Create a consistent routine and accept that setbacks will happen, but they are not the end of the world— there’s always tomorrow.

My guilty pleasure is: Chocolate chip cookies.

(L-R, Ange Scott and Dr. Marlene Welch)

Angie Scott

Co-Owner & Medical Aesthetician
AM Skin Health & Plastic Surgery
6525 Secor Rd., Lambertville, MI.
734-568-6100 | amskinhealth.com

What’s the first thing I can do to start a healthy routine?
If we’re talking about skin health, the first thing I recommend is using the highest quality skin care products possible. If you’re serious about skin, work with an educated professional to help select products for you; the difference a well-formulated skin care line can make is remarkable.

What misadvice related to your industry should I be wary of?
With the advent of Pinterest and other social media platforms, so many people are relying on individuals that have very little education or training and background in skin and aesthetic procedures to sell them on products, procedures or DIY home remedies that may not be the best for them. Do your research and find someone that is versed in the science to help you!

My secret weapon is: Water! I try to keep hydrated for both health and aesthetic reasons. It makes such a difference!


Dr. Wade Barker

Luxe Laser, Vein, and Body Center
1500 Holland Rd., Maumee.
419-893-2775 | luxe-laser.com

What’s the first thing I can do to start a healthy routine?
Stop smoking. It’s not only bad for your health, but it accelerates the aging process and, over time, brings on a host of additional cosmetic concerns.

What misadvice related to your industry should I be wary of?
Cosmetic Medicine attracts a lot of misinformation, especially this time of year. We have free consultations for this exact reason. Meet with our doctor or nurse for honest medical advice about all of your options so you can make an informed decision.

I feel strongest when: I’m working out.


Joani Donovan, LMT, NKT, CKTP

3D Wellness
4035 W. Central Ave.
419-367-1417 | 3DWToledo.com

What misadvice related to your industry should I be wary of?
“Massage is a luxury.” No. In today’s world, people are stuck in technology and at their desk/jobs. If individuals can’t breathe, they can’t move, and they are susceptible to injury— whether they work out or not. Massage and bodywork will help keep people moving.

How can I achieve my health goals?
Have an end goal in sight and get there by having small, attainable goals.

I’m most proud of: Besides my family… Our new comprehensive massage and movement center and our staff!


Dr. Glenn Whitted

Toledo Clinic Orthopaedics
4235 Secor Rd.
419-479-5820 | 

What health lesson do you wish you had learned sooner?
Exercise frequently! You’ll feel better.

How can I achieve my health goals?
Look at your past performance and be honest about what you will actually do to accomplish a goal.

My secret weapon is: My sense of humor.


Kristen Zientek, MSW, LSW

Program Coordinator
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Greater Toledo
2753 W. Central Ave.
419-243-1119 | namitoledo.org

How can I achieve my health goals?
I am a huge fan of SMART goals! SMART is an acronym that you can use to guide your goal setting: Specific (simple, sensible, significant); Measurable (meaningful, motivating); Achievable (agreed, attainable); Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based); Time bound (time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive).

What health lesson do you wish you had learned sooner?
Mental health is just as important as physical health, and it should be taken care of.

What’s the first thing I can do to start a healthy routine?
Always make time for yourself! Self-care is essential in maintaining good mental health as well as physical health.


Dr. Sarah Stierman Dr. Christy Lorton

ADA Aesthetics
12780 Roachton Rd., Perrysburg
419-872-0777 | daohio.com

What health lesson do you wish you had learned sooner?
Never, never, never bake in the the sun!

What is the most important part of your morning?
Applying an antioxidant cream and sunscreen to the face, neck and hands.

What misadvice related to your industry should I be wary of?
There is a mistaken notion that sunscreen is not necessary if it is cloudy outside. If it is daylight— whether sunny, cloudy, winter or summer— all exposed skin surfaces need sunscreen and/or protective clothing.


Arrowhead Plastic Surgeons, Inc.

1360 Arrowhead Rd., Maumee
419-855-2955 | Arrowheadsurgeons.com

A. Thomas Dalagiannis, MD, FACS (Left)

What health lesson do you wish you had learned sooner?
How to eat the right foods and in the correct proportions.

How can I keep make my healthy habits stick?
Do everything in moderation.

Lawrence Baibak, MD, FACS (Center)

How can I achieve my health goals?
Set small attainable goals.

What misadvice related to your industry should I be wary of?
That anyone can do BOTOX, fillers and other cosmetic procedures. It depends on the person doing the procedure.

C. Jeff Kesler, MD, FACS (Right)

What misadvice related to your industry should I be wary of?
You should be aware of misrepresentation. There are many physicians that are performing procedures that were not part of their professional training. I would advise you to not only ask if they are board certified, but “What specifically are you board certified in?” You are paying good money for these procedures and treatments. Also, when the price seems too good to be true: buyer beware. This should be a warning to you to ask questions— lots of them. You’re striving to be your best. You deserve the best.

What is the most important part of your morning?
Spending time with my wife, Julie, and our son, Will, before heading off to work for the day.


Dr. Jennifer R. Ludwig

Drs. Haerian, Ludwig & Simon Orthodontics
6407 Monroe St., Sylvania. 419-318-1756.
7928 Secor Rd., Lambertville, MI. 734-206-2094.
4359 Keystone Dr., Suite 300, Maumee. 419-887-1247.

What’s the best way to set a realistic goal?
Be realistic. No one is going to have an “extreme makeover” as seen on TV. Set small goals that will add up in the big picture and don’t quit just because you miss a goal. Also, make sure it is YOUR goal. Not another person’s vision for you.

What’s the first thing I can do to start a healthy routine?
Baby steps. If you’re not a flosser, set a goal of two times per week. If you have sugary drinks in your diet, remove one per week or try a smaller size.

My secret weapon is: Remembering that if it isn’t going to kill you it is not worth stressing over.


Marlene Damico, LMT

Center for Alternative Health
5800 Monroe St. Bldg. D Ste. #4, Sylvania

How can I achieve my health goals?
Do not overdo it— keep a pace that is realistic and can be maintained.

I’m most proud of: Caring for every client’s individual needs and concerns.

My guilty pleasure is: Dark chocolate.

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