Mayor Mike Bell
Woodward. (1973)
BA in education from University of Toledo, (1978)
Paramedic certification from UTMC (MCO) (1983)
Fire Chief for 17 years and State Fire Marshal for 2 years.
What is your biggest concern for Toledo and what do you plan to do as mayor to address it?
My biggest concern is that Toledo has a crisis of confidence. We deserve here what any other city has and there is no reason we cannot achieve it if we believe we deserve it. I will continue to motivate Toledo to work towards it’s potential.
Toledo is frequently mentioned in negative top 10 lists. What will you do to improve the city’s image?
Well, I won’t contribute to negative top ten lists. We are doing everything possible to improve the city’s image including achieving financial stability with a balanced budget, reducing crime, hiring police officers and firefighters and paving roads. We’re also beginning to attract positive attention from national media like Forbes, the Wall Street Journal and the National Journal – positive earned media is the best free advertising possible for Toledo.
Toledo was recently listed by Forbes as the #9 best city for hiring this fall. How do you plan on capitalizing on this announcement?
We’re going to continue to work to remove hurdles that restrict economic growth and make sure Toledo continues to work toward being a business-friendly community. This includes promoting a skilled and educated workforce by keeping the spotlight on education and workforce development to make sure we have a community ready to meet the job demands of the job creators.
Toledoans are getting antsy about the Chinese investors lack of development progress. When will the Marina District be finished?
The Marina District sat for more than 10 years with no investment other than government money. In the last four years the maritime museum has begun and we’ve sold the property to private developers, putting it back onto the tax rolls to the tune of about $100,000 per year for Lucas County. The development is ongoing and there has been more progress in the last four years than the previous ten.
What do you believe is the most exciting thing currently going on in Toledo?
The resurgence of the art community and the greater community understanding that the arts are an integral part of our growth citywide… its a part of development, its a part of crime prevention and elimination of blight and its a part of education and job development. People want to live in communities where art is valued and integrated into everyday life.
What is your favorite Toledo memory?
Fridays after work at Party in the Park
What in your career (not necessarily as mayor) are you most proud of?
In each job I’ve had I’ve been able to make a difference and that is what makes me proud.
The Nitty Gritty
What is your favorite TV show?
Hell on Wheels
What book did you last read?
The Parties vs the People: How to Turn Republicans and Democrats into Americans by Mickey Edwards
What was your first job?
McDonald’s Worker
D. Michael Collins
Libbey High School, 1962 high school diploma, University of Toledo Diploma, BS majoring in Human Relations and minoring in natural science, 1975; MBA from the University of Toledo in 1999.
What is your biggest concern for Toledo and what do you plan to do as mayor to address it?
Public Safety. I will return the city to beat integrity, and also hire 40 officers a year for four years, totaling 160 officers.
Toledo is frequently mentioned in negative top 10 lists about Toledo. What will you do to improve the city’s image?
Rebrand the City of Toledo into ‘A City of the Future.’
Toledo was recently listed by Forbes as the #9 best city for hiring this fall. How do you plan on capitalizing on this announcement?
We need to look for and recruit companies offering career-oriented jobs that offer meaningful pathways for advancement. Especially in those that create opportunity for entrepreneurialism.
Toledoans are getting antsy about the Chinese investors lack of development progress. When will the Marina District be finished?
Upon election, I will meet with the current investors and determine their intent. From there we will be able to determine the future of the Marina District and set a time frame for development.
What do you believe is the most exciting thing currently going on in Toledo?
The increase in people making downtown their home.
What is your favorite Toledo memory?
Being an altar boy for Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.
What in your career are you most proud of?
Creating policy that changed Toledo’s culture on recycling, taking Toledo from 16% to 85% of households recycling.
What is your favorite TV show?
Blue Bloods.
What book did you last read?
The Coming Jobs Wars by James Clifton.
What was your first job?
Cleaning stalls and grooming horses at my father’s thoroughbred business—my income was zero.