Saturday, February 8, 2025

Read It and Eat, a Benefit for Toledo Streets Newspaper

Help raise awareness for literacy and homelessness during Read It and Eat, a benefit for Toledo Streets Newspaper. The evening will feature spoken word and musical entertainment, a “Better Your Life”-themed silent auction, libations and appetizers crafted by local culinary expert, Chef Tracy 419. Toledo Streets educates readers about issues of homelessness and was founded to support those facing extreme poverty. The monthly paper is sold for $1, and vendors receive 75% profit as a means of income, offering them self-employment and a sense of empowerment. Proceeds benefit Toledo Streets Newspaper programs.


6-9:30pm | Thursday | June 2 | $15/advance | $20/at door.
Delightful Art with Dee | 137 N. Michigan St.

Help raise awareness for literacy and homelessness during Read It and Eat, a benefit for Toledo Streets Newspaper. The evening will feature spoken word and musical entertainment, a “Better Your Life”-themed silent auction, libations and appetizers crafted by local culinary expert, Chef Tracy 419. Toledo Streets educates readers about issues of homelessness and was founded to support those facing extreme poverty. The monthly paper is sold for $1, and vendors receive 75% profit as a means of income, offering them self-employment and a sense of empowerment. Proceeds benefit Toledo Streets Newspaper programs.


6-9:30pm | Thursday | June 2 | $15/advance | $20/at door.
Delightful Art with Dee | 137 N. Michigan St.

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