The Toledo Metroparks are where nature and autumn combine in their exuberant best with trees and plants awash in rich hues of orange, yellow and red along winding pathways near the water’s edge. For some invigorating adventure, I asked the incredible staff whose expertise keeps our Metroparks among the best.
Steve Madewell, Executive Director:
One of the wonderful things I appreciate about our Metroparks is the ability to enjoy the beauty of nature from our parkways. Many people still want to enjoy nature but perhaps can’t hike or walk as they once could. Secor, Oak Openings, Side Cut and Pearson all provide a great opportunity to experience Ohio’s fall colors from a car or with ample, conveniently located, benches near the park drives.
Kim High, Naturalist/Historical Interpreter
For a very pretty walk, complete with lakeside, prairie and woodland views, I recommend sections of the Oak Openings Hiking Trail and All Purpose Trail near Evergreen Lake in Oak Openings Preserve. Park at the Evergreen Lake Area off of Route 295, follow the yellow Oak Openings Hiking Trail along the west side of the tranquil lake, then through the woods to the extraordinarily colorful Campbell Prairie Area— a place loaded with autumn flowers and foliage. When you reach the paved road at Campbell Prairie, follow it north (to the right) about 1/3 of a mile to its intersection with the Brown All Purpose Trail which will take you back to Evergreen Lake Area via a beautiful stand of white pines. The entire route is between 2.5 and 3 miles.
Lauren McCafferty, Program Production Specialist in Outdoor Skills
My favorite autumn adventure in the metroparks is canoeing. The striking colors of fall leaves contrasted with the drab, but beautiful, plumage of migrating birds provide an awesome backdrop to paddle through. Two upcoming canoeing events are Twilight Canoe Paddle at Wiregrass Lake September 12 at 7:30pm and Halloween Parade and Paddle at Wiregrass Lake October 25 at 2pm. To register for and check out all Autumn Adventure Programs visit
Scott Carpenter, Public Relations Director
My favorite place to be in fall is anywhere by the water— the Towpath Trail between Farnsworth and Providence Metroparks, the Evergreen Lake Trail at Oak Openings or the walking path around the pond at Pearson. Edges— like the trees beside the river— are also great places to look for the earliest autumn color.
For info, maps and metropark locations visit
Park locations:
Farnsworth, 8505 US Route 24 Waterville
Oak Openings, 4139 Girdham Rd. Swanton
Pearson, 4600 Starr Ave. Oregon (entrance off Lallendorf Rd.)
Providence, 13827 US Route 24 W. Grand Rapids
Secor, 10000 W Central Ave. Berkey
Side Cut, 1025 W. River Rd. Maumee
Super Duper
On September 27, be sure to catch the rare super blood moon total lunar eclipse; the last one occurred in 1982 and you won’t be able to see another until 2033. As its long orbit takes it to its closest point near the earth, the full moon will look much larger (by 14%) and take on a bright reddish hue. Then watch the eclipse phases as the moon passes into the earth’s shadow (in Toledo beginning at 8:10pm, fully shadowed at 10:47pm and ending by 1:22am). Check out the NASA website to learn more and to view a video on the event.