Sunday, February 9, 2025

A long walk but a good book

Get involved in your local art scene and take part in a discussion of Museum Legs: Fatigue and Hope in the Face of Art, a humorous and insightful collection of essays by Amy Whitaker. The discussion, which takes place at the Toledo Museum of Art’s Reference Library on Tuesday, July 9, will address the main question in Whitaker’s book— “Why do people get bored and tired at museums, and why does that matter?”  The tome explores why museums matter, and finds reasons that have less to do with art as we know it and more to do with business, politics, and the age-old question of how to live. The eclectic collection of essays questions the practices of modern museums and is as captivating as the artwork that they describe. 5:30pm. Free. Toledo Museum of Art, 2445 Monroe St. 419-255-8000.—GMK

Get involved in your local art scene and take part in a discussion of Museum Legs: Fatigue and Hope in the Face of Art, a humorous and insightful collection of essays by Amy Whitaker. The discussion, which takes place at the Toledo Museum of Art’s Reference Library on Tuesday, July 9, will address the main question in Whitaker’s book— “Why do people get bored and tired at museums, and why does that matter?”  The tome explores why museums matter, and finds reasons that have less to do with art as we know it and more to do with business, politics, and the age-old question of how to live. The eclectic collection of essays questions the practices of modern museums and is as captivating as the artwork that they describe. 5:30pm. Free. Toledo Museum of Art, 2445 Monroe St. 419-255-8000.—GMK

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