Sunday, February 16, 2025

Issues Facing Returning Citizens: Re-Entry Challenges to Ex-Offenders

Within three years of release, 67.8 percent of ex-offenders are rearrested. Considering that more than 2 million people are incarcerated in the United States, recidivism is an issue that impacts inmates, their families, and society in general. Learn about the unique issues and challenges that prisoners face upon release during the First Thursday Toledo talk, Issues Facing Returning Citizens: Re-Entry Challenges to Ex-Offenders, presented by Thomas Luettke, a Toledo attorney. Luettke serves locally on a number of committees and boards, including the Jail Advisory Committee, the Warden’s Advisory Committee at the Toledo Correctional Institution and as president of the Ohio Association of Local Reentry Coalitions.

RSVP by March 30 by emailing [email protected]
$15, includes lunch
12 – 1:20pm. Thursday, April 5.
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 428 N. Erie St.
419-243-4214 | MORE INFO

Within three years of release, 67.8 percent of ex-offenders are rearrested. Considering that more than 2 million people are incarcerated in the United States, recidivism is an issue that impacts inmates, their families, and society in general. Learn about the unique issues and challenges that prisoners face upon release during the First Thursday Toledo talk, Issues Facing Returning Citizens: Re-Entry Challenges to Ex-Offenders, presented by Thomas Luettke, a Toledo attorney. Luettke serves locally on a number of committees and boards, including the Jail Advisory Committee, the Warden’s Advisory Committee at the Toledo Correctional Institution and as president of the Ohio Association of Local Reentry Coalitions.

RSVP by March 30 by emailing [email protected]
$15, includes lunch
12 – 1:20pm. Thursday, April 5.
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 428 N. Erie St.
419-243-4214 | MORE INFO

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