Friday, February 7, 2025

Old West End Neighborhood Initiatives presents On Distrust Between Law Enforcement and the Community

Old West End Neighborhood Initiatives (OWENI) presents On Distrust Between Law Enforcement and the Community, an event for anyone interested in a dialogue between police officers and community members. The panel of three officers and three community leaders will discuss how distrust developed, what it looks like in the Toledo area, and how to make positive change around the dynamic. The audience is invited to address the panel. Refreshments provided.

6pm-8pm | Tuesday, March 19
Kent Library, 3101 Collingwood Blvd.
419-324-9894 | | Free

Old West End Neighborhood Initiatives (OWENI) presents On Distrust Between Law Enforcement and the Community, an event for anyone interested in a dialogue between police officers and community members. The panel of three officers and three community leaders will discuss how distrust developed, what it looks like in the Toledo area, and how to make positive change around the dynamic. The audience is invited to address the panel. Refreshments provided.

6pm-8pm | Tuesday, March 19
Kent Library, 3101 Collingwood Blvd.
419-324-9894 | | Free

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