Garden dreaming
Northwest Ohio gardeners remain steadfast and undaunted in the throes of the February cold. As we sharpen our pruners, shovels and hoes, we dream of vegetable gardens and the very first sign of spring. At the Toledo GROWs Seed Swap, the 12th annual pre-spring party allows everyone to revel in the joy of gardening and acquire a bounty of seeds including heirlooms and natives. Bring seeds to swap (individually packaged and dated— no older than 2014, no bulk seeds accepted) or additional packets are available for a 50 cent donation per packet.
The Seed Swap also offers a wealth of information and instruction with two workshops:
- Native Plants to Improve Your Vegetable Garden Health and Yields at 1pm presented by Hal Mann, President of the Wild Ones Oak Openings Region Chapter,
- All About Compost and Composting at 2pm presented by Ohio State University Extension Master Gardeners.
Informational displays, manned by experts, will provide the inside scoop on critter control, natural products for fertilizing and controlling pests/diseases, tool sharpening, vegetable garden design and more. Also enjoy live music, activities for children and food.
Toledo GROWs (Gardens Revitalize Our World, located at 900 Oneida St.) is the Toledo Botanical Garden’s community outreach program, offering information and services to new and existing gardens, including a public community garden council meeting bi-monthly. To volunteer at their urban farm or in a community garden, inquire about children’s programs, start a community garden or about Toledo GROWs tours, events and workshops call 419-720-8714 or visit
Noon-3pm Saturday, February 27
Scott High School, 2400 Collingwood Blvd