Black Kite Poetry #7: The Midwest Underground Poetry Summit
The Midwest Underground Poetry Summit will be held at Black Kite Coffee & Pies in Toledo, Ohio as part of the Black Kite Poetry Series hosted by Michael Grover and Tara Armstrong. Featured readers are Brian Fugett and Michele McDannold. Free. 7pm. Black Kite Coffee & Pies, 2499 Collingwood Blvd.
Poetry summit
Black Kite Poetry #7: The Midwest Underground Poetry Summit
The Midwest Underground Poetry Summit will be held at Black Kite Coffee & Pies in Toledo, Ohio as part of the Black Kite Poetry Series hosted by Michael Grover and Tara Armstrong. Featured readers are Brian Fugett and Michele McDannold. Free. 7pm. Black Kite Coffee & Pies, 2499 Collingwood Blvd.