Monday, December 9, 2024

Toledo Activist Watch

Angry? We get it. Now do something about it. Activists in Toledo are busy. Join them.

Keep an eye on this list— we’re going to keep updating it.


Fourth Monday
Toledo Area Jobs with Justice and Interfaith Worker Justice Coalition
Jobs with Justice is a grassroots volunteer organization committed to worker justice in all its forms. Major areas of focus include improving the condition of working families, establishing healthcare for all, and ending discrimination. 5:15PM, Monroe Street United Methodist Church (3613 Monroe St.) Contact: Secretary Bob Lynn, [email protected]

Every Tuesday
Community Solidarity Response Network
Join a local group of citizens who are concerned with police brutality and believe #Blacklivesmatter. This group is dedicated to creating a direct and peaceful action against police violence. 6pm, Padua Center (1416 Nebraska). Contact: [email protected]

Every Tuesday
Indivisible Ohio – Resist Trump Tuesday
A weekly peaceful protest against Donald Trump and the Republican agenda. Bring your own signs. Noon-12:45pm. Rob Portman’s Office (420 Madison Ave.)

Second Tuesday
Toledo NAACP
The local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People works to assure the economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination. 7pm. African-American Legacy Project (1326 Collingwood Blvd.) 419-214-1551

Third Wednesday
Advocates for a Clean Lake Erie
This grassroots organization was founded in Toledo to protect the Western Lake Erie Basin and the communities that depend on it. ACLE has been instrumental in pushing for an impaired watershed designation for Lake Erie through the EPA. 6:30pm, Grace Lutheran Church, 4441 Monroe St. Contact: Mike Ferner, [email protected]

Third Thursday
Toledo Move To Amend
Move To Amend is a national organization committed to passing an amendment to the US Constitution declaring that corporations cannot have the same rights as human beings and that political donations should be limited. 6:30pm, Main Branch Library (325 N. Michigan St.) Contact: Doug Jambard-Sweet, [email protected]


8-9pm, Thursday February 1
Liberate yourself from the activist hamster wheel: Webinar – A web-based discussion on the programmed and repetitive actions people take that do not stop the harm in communities we love. It will discuss ideas of moving forward, viable solutions and actions individuals can take and will have a discussion and Q&A session after the talk. Free. Requires Registration.

Friday, February 2
Food for Thought: Friday Night Lunch Packing
Help prep meals 250 lunches every Friday on the second floor of the Trinity Episcopal Church to help Food for Thought’s weekly outreach. Food For Thought, 316 Adams St. Floor 2, 419-972-0022.

10am. Saturday, February 3
Food for Thought: Saturday Lunch Outreach
Every Saturday through March 31, Food for Thought is asking volunteers to help distribute lunches on foot to folks in the downtown Toledo welcome. Children under the age of 14 require adult supervision. Every group will be accompanied by an experienced volunteer. 10am. Food For Thought, 316 Adams St. Floor 2, 419-972-0022.

6-8pm. Sunday, February 4
First Sunday- Black History Month Panel Discussion
The University Church is hosting a panel discussion to celebrate some of America’s greatest minds, including some local treasures from Toledo. Come learn, listen, and ask questions. Free. University Church, 4747 Hill Ave.

8:30am-5pm. Wednesday, February 7
Mental Health First Aid Training
An estimated one in five Americans experiencing a mental health disorder in any given year. Take a training class offered by the Mental Health & Recovery Services Board of Lucas County so you can learn how to respond in a mental health emergency and offer support to someone who appears to be in emotional distress. Registration required. Lucas County Training Center, 705 Adams St., 419-213-4600.

5-10pm. Wednesday, February 14
Conscious Cocktails for Equality Toledo
Support EqualityToledo during an evening of kombucha cocktails and mocktails (for cash donations), complimentary hors d’oeuvres and a special mix of long songs from DJ Benny Goodtimes. $10. Boochy Mama’s Probiotic Tonic, 130 10th St., 567-318-2240.

5:45-7pm. Thursday, February 15
Capital Care Counter-Protest Kickoff
Support Toledo’s only abortion clinic during a peaceful, positive counter-protest against the international, pro-life 40 Days for Life campaign. Capital Care Network of Toledo, 1160 W. Sylvania Ave.,

5:45-7pm. Thursday, February 15
Coffee & Canvas at the Kite
Uncork the Artist will offer a night of art and community, with $10 of the $38 registration fee going to EqualityToledo. Black Kite Coffee, 2499 Collingwood Blvd., 419-720-5820.

6pm. Friday, February 16
Food for Thought: Friday Night Lunch Packing
Help prep 250 lunches every Friday at 6pm on the second floor of the Trinity Episcopal Church to help Food for Thought’s weekly outreach. Food For Thought, 316 Adams St. Floor 2, 419-972-0022.

10am. Saturday, February 17
Food for Thought: Saturday Lunch Outreach
Every Saturday through March 31, Food for Thought is asking volunteers to help distribute lunches on foot to folks in Downtown Toledo. Children under the age of 14 require adult supervision. Every group will be accompanied by an experienced volunteer. 10am. Food For Thought, 316 Adams St. Floor 2, 419-972-0022.

Noon-1:30pm. Tuesday, February 20
Senator Sherrod Brown in Toledo
The Ohio Senator and his daughter, Emily Brown, will discuss issues facing Ohio during a lunch reception. Please RSVP by Friday, February 16 to Troy Gawlak at [email protected] or 330-806-0449. $75/Young Dem or young professional. $250/general supporter. Sponsorships are also available. The Café at Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, 100 Jackson St.,

5:30pm. Thursday, February 22
2018 State of the City
Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz will deliver the 2018 State of the City Address, which will highlight accomplishments of the past year and his vision and initiatives for 2018 and beyond. 5:30pm, doors. 6pm, speech. Ohio Theatre and Event Center, 3114 Lagrange St.,

6-8pm. Thursday, February 22
I Rise, Toledo: Networking Social

Join the I Rise Regional Coalition for networking. Mix and mingle with representatives from nonprofits across the Toledo region. Black Kite Coffee, 2499 Collingwood Blvd., 419-720-5820. Free

10am-1pm. Saturday, February 24
Toledo Activist Training
For Ohio’s Future will host a day of activist training, which will include sessions on deep canvassing, using social media, how to tell your story and more. Lunch is provided. Sanger Branch Library, 3030 W. Central Ave., 419-259-5370.

6-8pm. Saturday, February 24
Friends of the Garden Party

Join TUC Garden as they thank their volunteers, sponsors, and friends during an evening of live music, snacks, games, a photo booth, and more. 6-8pm. TUC Garden, 4747 Hill Ave.,


Thursday, 3.1
Sustainability, Sustenance & Stewardship: Food Activists in NW Ohio – Hear from a panel of experts exploring issues of land use, food access, and patterns and practices of food consumption in Northwest Ohio. Hosted by the Bowling Green State University Institute for the Study of Culture & Society. 4:30-6pm. Wood County District Public Library, 251 N. Main St., Bowling Green. 419-352-5104.

Threats to Democracy: “Being Muslim in America Today” – As part of the First Thursday Luncheon series, Dr. Samina Z. Hasan will lead a discussion of unique cultural issues. The event includes lunch. $15. Noon-1:15pm. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 428 N. Erie St., 419-243-4214.

Saturday, 3.3
6th annual W.O.W. Symposium – The annual Women of the World symposium will discuss issues of sexual abuse, heath strategies, sex trafficking, workplace harassment, among other timely issues. $15/general. $5/students. Registration required. 9am-4pm. Start High School, 2010 Tremainsville Rd., 419-318-9705.

Tuesday, 3.6
2018 Toledo Women in Leadership Symposium – A diverse mix of successful women leaders will discuss topics to help educate, inspire and encourage women to reflect on their own goals and status. $99. Registration required. 8am-noon.

Wednesday, 3.7
Lecture: Lathrop House and Harriet Tubman – As a part of Black History Month at the Toledo Lucas County Public Library, the Friends of the Lathrop House will discuss the Lathrop House and Harriet Tubman. 6:30-7:30pm. West Toledo Branch Library, 1320 W. Sylvania Ave., 419-259-5290.

Thursday, 3.8
Lunch with Leaders: Accountability: Women & Leadership – The African American Leadership Council of United Way will host a lunch, a panel discussion, and an opportunity for networking and professional development. Please register by 5pm on Thursday, March 1. $10/non-members. Free for members. 11:30am-1pm. African American Leadership Council, 424 Jackson St., 419-254-4632.

WEE Power Hour Luncheon: International Women’s Day – In celebration of International Women’s Day, Women of Toledo (WOT) and the Toledo Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) will present a Women Economic Empowerment (WEE) one-hour luncheon, which includes a panel of experts in gender equality and economic empowerment. Registration required by Wednesday, March 7. $15/includes lunch and a gift bag. $30/includes lunch, a gift bag, and helps fund a ticket for a woman who cannot afford to attend this lunch. 11:30am-1pm. The Oliver House, 27 Broadway St., 419-377-5457.

Friday, 3.9
PB & Jammies: A March is Hungry Party! – Join Food for Thought for their party of the 2018 March is Hungry campaign season, which brights awareness to those in our community suffering from food insecurity. Help stock the organization’s shelves by bringing donations of creamy peanut butter and jelly, or snacks, to pack weekly lunches. 6-7pm. Food for Thought, 316 Adams St. Fl. 2, 419-972-0022.

6-8pm, Saturday, March 10
CrimethInc: From Democracy to Freedom
CrimethInc. Collective will be discussing a critique of Democracy from an Anarchist perspective as well as continuing talks regarding J20 defendants who were arrested during a political protest. Free. The Common Good, 113 Crim St., Bowling Green.

Monday, 3.12
Diversity University: Toledo Holzhacker Buam – Learn about our active German community through family programming, stories, music, dance, and other activities. Held as part of the King Road Branch Library’s series of Diversity University workshops to celebrate our community’s diversity. 7-8pm. King Road Branch Library, 1 Meeting Room A & B, 3900 King Rd., 419-259-5380.

Tuesday, 3.13
S.A.V.E. Lectures: The Third Battle for a Clean Lake Erie with Advocates for a Clean Lake Erie – Imagine the water emergency of August 2014 is ongoing and join Advocates for a Clean Lake Erie for a discussion on keeping the water in the Western Lake Erie Basin and beyond clean. 7:30-9pm. Franciscan Center of Lourdes University, 6832 Convent Blvd., Sylvania. 419-824-3691.


Noon-8pm. Saturday, April 14.
2018 Toledo Sister Cities International Festival
The Toledo Sister Cities International Festival began in 2010 as a day of family-friendly food, entertainment, and activities in celebration of cultural diversity from around the world. The International Festival has grown in recent years to average 2,000-3,000 in daily attendance with nine hours of non-stop performances, language corners, international and family-friendly activities, and a wide variety of craft vendors and ethnic food available! Check back in early 2018 for ticket information and please contact International Festival Director Rogene Kohler at [email protected] for sponsorship, community partner, restaurant partner, volunteer, performance, and vendor opportunities.



Do you know about an opportunity that we missed?
Let us know by commenting below or by emailing [email protected].

For past events, click here.

Maumee March Against White Supremacy. Photo Credit: Crystal Jankowski.
Maumee March Against White Supremacy. Photo Credit: Crystal Jankowski.

Angry? We get it. Now do something about it. Activists in Toledo are busy. Join them.

Keep an eye on this list— we’re going to keep updating it.


Fourth Monday
Toledo Area Jobs with Justice and Interfaith Worker Justice Coalition
Jobs with Justice is a grassroots volunteer organization committed to worker justice in all its forms. Major areas of focus include improving the condition of working families, establishing healthcare for all, and ending discrimination. 5:15PM, Monroe Street United Methodist Church (3613 Monroe St.) Contact: Secretary Bob Lynn, [email protected]

Every Tuesday
Community Solidarity Response Network
Join a local group of citizens who are concerned with police brutality and believe #Blacklivesmatter. This group is dedicated to creating a direct and peaceful action against police violence. 6pm, Padua Center (1416 Nebraska). Contact: [email protected]

Every Tuesday
Indivisible Ohio – Resist Trump Tuesday
A weekly peaceful protest against Donald Trump and the Republican agenda. Bring your own signs. Noon-12:45pm. Rob Portman’s Office (420 Madison Ave.)

Second Tuesday
Toledo NAACP
The local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People works to assure the economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination. 7pm. African-American Legacy Project (1326 Collingwood Blvd.) 419-214-1551

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Third Wednesday
Advocates for a Clean Lake Erie
This grassroots organization was founded in Toledo to protect the Western Lake Erie Basin and the communities that depend on it. ACLE has been instrumental in pushing for an impaired watershed designation for Lake Erie through the EPA. 6:30pm, Grace Lutheran Church, 4441 Monroe St. Contact: Mike Ferner, [email protected]

Third Thursday
Toledo Move To Amend
Move To Amend is a national organization committed to passing an amendment to the US Constitution declaring that corporations cannot have the same rights as human beings and that political donations should be limited. 6:30pm, Main Branch Library (325 N. Michigan St.) Contact: Doug Jambard-Sweet, [email protected]


8-9pm, Thursday February 1
Liberate yourself from the activist hamster wheel: Webinar – A web-based discussion on the programmed and repetitive actions people take that do not stop the harm in communities we love. It will discuss ideas of moving forward, viable solutions and actions individuals can take and will have a discussion and Q&A session after the talk. Free. Requires Registration.

Friday, February 2
Food for Thought: Friday Night Lunch Packing
Help prep meals 250 lunches every Friday on the second floor of the Trinity Episcopal Church to help Food for Thought’s weekly outreach. Food For Thought, 316 Adams St. Floor 2, 419-972-0022.

10am. Saturday, February 3
Food for Thought: Saturday Lunch Outreach
Every Saturday through March 31, Food for Thought is asking volunteers to help distribute lunches on foot to folks in the downtown Toledo welcome. Children under the age of 14 require adult supervision. Every group will be accompanied by an experienced volunteer. 10am. Food For Thought, 316 Adams St. Floor 2, 419-972-0022.

6-8pm. Sunday, February 4
First Sunday- Black History Month Panel Discussion
The University Church is hosting a panel discussion to celebrate some of America’s greatest minds, including some local treasures from Toledo. Come learn, listen, and ask questions. Free. University Church, 4747 Hill Ave.

8:30am-5pm. Wednesday, February 7
Mental Health First Aid Training
An estimated one in five Americans experiencing a mental health disorder in any given year. Take a training class offered by the Mental Health & Recovery Services Board of Lucas County so you can learn how to respond in a mental health emergency and offer support to someone who appears to be in emotional distress. Registration required. Lucas County Training Center, 705 Adams St., 419-213-4600.

5-10pm. Wednesday, February 14
Conscious Cocktails for Equality Toledo
Support EqualityToledo during an evening of kombucha cocktails and mocktails (for cash donations), complimentary hors d’oeuvres and a special mix of long songs from DJ Benny Goodtimes. $10. Boochy Mama’s Probiotic Tonic, 130 10th St., 567-318-2240.

5:45-7pm. Thursday, February 15
Capital Care Counter-Protest Kickoff
Support Toledo’s only abortion clinic during a peaceful, positive counter-protest against the international, pro-life 40 Days for Life campaign. Capital Care Network of Toledo, 1160 W. Sylvania Ave.,

5:45-7pm. Thursday, February 15
Coffee & Canvas at the Kite
Uncork the Artist will offer a night of art and community, with $10 of the $38 registration fee going to EqualityToledo. Black Kite Coffee, 2499 Collingwood Blvd., 419-720-5820.

6pm. Friday, February 16
Food for Thought: Friday Night Lunch Packing
Help prep 250 lunches every Friday at 6pm on the second floor of the Trinity Episcopal Church to help Food for Thought’s weekly outreach. Food For Thought, 316 Adams St. Floor 2, 419-972-0022.

10am. Saturday, February 17
Food for Thought: Saturday Lunch Outreach
Every Saturday through March 31, Food for Thought is asking volunteers to help distribute lunches on foot to folks in Downtown Toledo. Children under the age of 14 require adult supervision. Every group will be accompanied by an experienced volunteer. 10am. Food For Thought, 316 Adams St. Floor 2, 419-972-0022.

Noon-1:30pm. Tuesday, February 20
Senator Sherrod Brown in Toledo
The Ohio Senator and his daughter, Emily Brown, will discuss issues facing Ohio during a lunch reception. Please RSVP by Friday, February 16 to Troy Gawlak at [email protected] or 330-806-0449. $75/Young Dem or young professional. $250/general supporter. Sponsorships are also available. The Café at Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, 100 Jackson St.,

5:30pm. Thursday, February 22
2018 State of the City
Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz will deliver the 2018 State of the City Address, which will highlight accomplishments of the past year and his vision and initiatives for 2018 and beyond. 5:30pm, doors. 6pm, speech. Ohio Theatre and Event Center, 3114 Lagrange St.,

6-8pm. Thursday, February 22
I Rise, Toledo: Networking Social

Join the I Rise Regional Coalition for networking. Mix and mingle with representatives from nonprofits across the Toledo region. Black Kite Coffee, 2499 Collingwood Blvd., 419-720-5820. Free

10am-1pm. Saturday, February 24
Toledo Activist Training
For Ohio’s Future will host a day of activist training, which will include sessions on deep canvassing, using social media, how to tell your story and more. Lunch is provided. Sanger Branch Library, 3030 W. Central Ave., 419-259-5370.

6-8pm. Saturday, February 24
Friends of the Garden Party

Join TUC Garden as they thank their volunteers, sponsors, and friends during an evening of live music, snacks, games, a photo booth, and more. 6-8pm. TUC Garden, 4747 Hill Ave.,


Thursday, 3.1
Sustainability, Sustenance & Stewardship: Food Activists in NW Ohio – Hear from a panel of experts exploring issues of land use, food access, and patterns and practices of food consumption in Northwest Ohio. Hosted by the Bowling Green State University Institute for the Study of Culture & Society. 4:30-6pm. Wood County District Public Library, 251 N. Main St., Bowling Green. 419-352-5104.

Threats to Democracy: “Being Muslim in America Today” – As part of the First Thursday Luncheon series, Dr. Samina Z. Hasan will lead a discussion of unique cultural issues. The event includes lunch. $15. Noon-1:15pm. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 428 N. Erie St., 419-243-4214.

Saturday, 3.3
6th annual W.O.W. Symposium – The annual Women of the World symposium will discuss issues of sexual abuse, heath strategies, sex trafficking, workplace harassment, among other timely issues. $15/general. $5/students. Registration required. 9am-4pm. Start High School, 2010 Tremainsville Rd., 419-318-9705.

Tuesday, 3.6
2018 Toledo Women in Leadership Symposium – A diverse mix of successful women leaders will discuss topics to help educate, inspire and encourage women to reflect on their own goals and status. $99. Registration required. 8am-noon.

Wednesday, 3.7
Lecture: Lathrop House and Harriet Tubman – As a part of Black History Month at the Toledo Lucas County Public Library, the Friends of the Lathrop House will discuss the Lathrop House and Harriet Tubman. 6:30-7:30pm. West Toledo Branch Library, 1320 W. Sylvania Ave., 419-259-5290.

Thursday, 3.8
Lunch with Leaders: Accountability: Women & Leadership – The African American Leadership Council of United Way will host a lunch, a panel discussion, and an opportunity for networking and professional development. Please register by 5pm on Thursday, March 1. $10/non-members. Free for members. 11:30am-1pm. African American Leadership Council, 424 Jackson St., 419-254-4632.

WEE Power Hour Luncheon: International Women’s Day – In celebration of International Women’s Day, Women of Toledo (WOT) and the Toledo Branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) will present a Women Economic Empowerment (WEE) one-hour luncheon, which includes a panel of experts in gender equality and economic empowerment. Registration required by Wednesday, March 7. $15/includes lunch and a gift bag. $30/includes lunch, a gift bag, and helps fund a ticket for a woman who cannot afford to attend this lunch. 11:30am-1pm. The Oliver House, 27 Broadway St., 419-377-5457.

Friday, 3.9
PB & Jammies: A March is Hungry Party! – Join Food for Thought for their party of the 2018 March is Hungry campaign season, which brights awareness to those in our community suffering from food insecurity. Help stock the organization’s shelves by bringing donations of creamy peanut butter and jelly, or snacks, to pack weekly lunches. 6-7pm. Food for Thought, 316 Adams St. Fl. 2, 419-972-0022.

6-8pm, Saturday, March 10
CrimethInc: From Democracy to Freedom
CrimethInc. Collective will be discussing a critique of Democracy from an Anarchist perspective as well as continuing talks regarding J20 defendants who were arrested during a political protest. Free. The Common Good, 113 Crim St., Bowling Green.

Monday, 3.12
Diversity University: Toledo Holzhacker Buam – Learn about our active German community through family programming, stories, music, dance, and other activities. Held as part of the King Road Branch Library’s series of Diversity University workshops to celebrate our community’s diversity. 7-8pm. King Road Branch Library, 1 Meeting Room A & B, 3900 King Rd., 419-259-5380.

Tuesday, 3.13
S.A.V.E. Lectures: The Third Battle for a Clean Lake Erie with Advocates for a Clean Lake Erie – Imagine the water emergency of August 2014 is ongoing and join Advocates for a Clean Lake Erie for a discussion on keeping the water in the Western Lake Erie Basin and beyond clean. 7:30-9pm. Franciscan Center of Lourdes University, 6832 Convent Blvd., Sylvania. 419-824-3691.


Noon-8pm. Saturday, April 14.
2018 Toledo Sister Cities International Festival
The Toledo Sister Cities International Festival began in 2010 as a day of family-friendly food, entertainment, and activities in celebration of cultural diversity from around the world. The International Festival has grown in recent years to average 2,000-3,000 in daily attendance with nine hours of non-stop performances, language corners, international and family-friendly activities, and a wide variety of craft vendors and ethnic food available! Check back in early 2018 for ticket information and please contact International Festival Director Rogene Kohler at [email protected] for sponsorship, community partner, restaurant partner, volunteer, performance, and vendor opportunities.



Do you know about an opportunity that we missed?
Let us know by commenting below or by emailing [email protected].

For past events, click here.

Maumee March Against White Supremacy. Photo Credit: Crystal Jankowski.
Maumee March Against White Supremacy. Photo Credit: Crystal Jankowski.

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