Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sea Turtle Hospital fundraiser at Howards Club H

Sea turtles rock, so it’s no surprise that TroubleGiant is rocking for the sea turtles. Holding a fundraiser concert at Howard’s Club H in Bowling Green, the local band has pledged that all proceeds will be donated to the building of the first-ever sea turtle hospital in Costa Rica. Dedicated to aiding turtles injured by predators and tourists, also playing will be Bruce Vermett, Balance Bird and Getting Out Alive. Feel like going above and beyond for the sea turtles? You can make additional donations via 9pm. Saturday, April 8. $5.

Howard’s Club H
210 Main St. | Bowling Green | 419-352-3195
Check out the TroubleGiant page on Facebook.

Sea turtles rock, so it’s no surprise that TroubleGiant is rocking for the sea turtles. Holding a fundraiser concert at Howard’s Club H in Bowling Green, the local band has pledged that all proceeds will be donated to the building of the first-ever sea turtle hospital in Costa Rica. Dedicated to aiding turtles injured by predators and tourists, also playing will be Bruce Vermett, Balance Bird and Getting Out Alive. Feel like going above and beyond for the sea turtles? You can make additional donations via 9pm. Saturday, April 8. $5.

Howard’s Club H
210 Main St. | Bowling Green | 419-352-3195
Check out the TroubleGiant page on Facebook.

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