See the results in the September Issue!
THE VOTE FOR DINING GUIDE ENDED ON JULY 16! Thanks to everyone who participated! Keep an eye out for the September issue of Toledo City Paper for all the winners!
In Toledo, food is serious business. Sure, people debate about art and politics and other issues they’re passionate about. But if you want to see a really passionate argument, ask Glass City residents what restaurant has the best steak. Or pizza. Or seafood. Or Mediterranean. Then stand back and watch the fireworks.
So it’s a point of pride for local restaurants every year when we ask our readers for their opinions of who is the best for our annual Dining Guide. Now is the time for you to let your voice be heard!
We want to know: Who makes the best use of local ingredients? What food truck is worth seeking out? Where can you find the best craft cocktail selection? Help us identify the best in Toledo’s food scene by selecting your favorites, in over 100 categories!
Vote now below! The ballot will be open from June 1 through July 16. Support your favorites now! They can’t win without you!
Let the fireworks begin!
Campaigning to be the best? Click here for campaigning material!