Saturday, September 14, 2024

Roadtrip: Shawshank Redemption Prison

If you loved the Stephen King novella that became a classic movie, head out to Mansfield, Ohio in Richland County to experience the Shawshank Trail. Follow in the footsteps of the characters in The Shawshank Redemption before all the real-life landmarks are gone. The iconic oak tree beneath which (SPOILER) Red finds Andy’s box and instructions to Mexico, was completely removed after a storm destroyed the tree. Who knows what other landmarks will be lost in the near future? Tour the Ohio State Reformatory where a majority of the film was shot as well as several other iconic locales from the area. Set up your full trip online.

11am-4pm | Open through Sept. 3 | $12/self-guided $17/guided. The Ohio State Reformatory | 100 Reformatory Rd. Mansfield
800-642-8282 |

If you loved the Stephen King novella that became a classic movie, head out to Mansfield, Ohio in Richland County to experience the Shawshank Trail. Follow in the footsteps of the characters in The Shawshank Redemption before all the real-life landmarks are gone. The iconic oak tree beneath which (SPOILER) Red finds Andy’s box and instructions to Mexico, was completely removed after a storm destroyed the tree. Who knows what other landmarks will be lost in the near future? Tour the Ohio State Reformatory where a majority of the film was shot as well as several other iconic locales from the area. Set up your full trip online.

11am-4pm | Open through Sept. 3 | $12/self-guided $17/guided. The Ohio State Reformatory | 100 Reformatory Rd. Mansfield
800-642-8282 |

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