Thursday, February 6, 2025

Look Good Feel Good 2021

To find a balance between being healthy, looking great and living your best lifestyle, we ask Toledo’s top health and beauty experts for their best advice.

Dermatology Associates Inc./Ada Aesthetics
12780 Roachton Rd., Perrysburg
419-872-0777, 419-873-6961
M-S hours vary

Owners: Christy Lorton M.D. and Sarah Stierman M.D. (questions answered by Dr. Stierman)

Your best advice on aging:
Aging is a privilege that not everyone is afforded! Aging gracefully is very achievable and should start with good overall health and wellness with good nutrition, hydration, and rest. For a youthful complexion and prevention of sun spots and skin cancer, SUNSCREEN is a must! SPF 30+ every day with frequent reapplication when outdoors during peak sun hours or after swimming/sweating. Sunscreen is the most effective and affordable anti-aging cream you could ever purchase.

What’s the best thing about your job?
I love that being a dermatologist means that I get to help patients of all ages look and feel their best, inside and out. From acne to psoriasis to skin cancer surgeries and aesthetic procedures, my day is never boring! I love helping patients project their best selves to the world with healthy skin.

What are the three things that you do for yourself every day?
I make my bed (a pro tip for happiness and centering yourself), I apply sunscreen, and I make a healthy dinner at home with my family.

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one minute?
Take some deep cleansing breaths and smile!

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one hour? 
Get a good sweaty workout in—  the best therapy for your body and brain.

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one month?
Schedule a massage, read a new book, and treat yourself to some upgraded medical skincare.

Describe a self-care trend that you don’t think helps much:
Trusting your skincare to influencers and TikTok celebrities, rather than a board-certified dermatologist.

essence mind*body studio
6314 Berkey Southern Rd.
Hours of operation: varied based on day 

Owner:  Diana Spiess 

What’s your best advice for starting a new health or wellness routine?
Work with a professional 1-on-1. Each of us has a different formula and it’s best to get organized for your needs when you start and as you go along. This helps prevent wasting time, energy, and money. 

What are some words you live by?
Stay the course. Do the things. If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you. 

What’s a great, healthy cuisine our readers can make at home?
I have so many! I love to use jackfruit in place of anything with shredded chicken. 

Your best advice on aging:
It is all an inside job. What we eat and drink is reflected on how we look, feel, and move. Eat plant-based, whole foods and feel good knowing that the plants are literally designed by Mother Nature in a perfect formula for us to use the nutrients cert well! 

What’s your guilty pleasure— and do you avoid it?
Lol! I love to spend time doing the things and spending time with the people that bring me joy!  I don’t avoid this bug just know it will be hard to pull myself away when I have to do the work part. 

How does looking good relate to feeling good?
Again, it’s all an inside job. I have helped 1000’s of clients work on their nutrition, sleep, body alignment, and so much more. This brings about a much better way of feeling and looking, both. 

What makes you happy?
Life!!! All of it! My family, friends, studio and work, pets, photography work….I love it all! It’s not always easy…but it’s worth it. 

What’s something that keeps you awake at night?
Not much. I’m a deep, good sleeper. If anything, my puppies. Lol! 

What’s the best thing about your job?
I SO love helping people live their healthiest, best life! 

How can our readers make healthy habits stick?
Plan it out each day and week. Put it on your calendar and hold to it like it’s anything else important….because you are! 

What are the three things that you do for yourself every day?
Eat healthy. 2. Meditate. 3. Feel gratitude.

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one minute?
Practice conscious breathing. 

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one hour?
Go out in nature somehow: exercise, meditate, eat, walk my dogs, photography, bike, kayak, etc. 

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one month? 
I love to study. As I’m working on my doctorate degree, I love to plan out a month of study time. It makes me so happy and motivated. I also love to take small trips with my family.  

What’s something new that you recently added to your routine? Does it work?
Hypnosis. Yes! It really can be done by anyone if understood and taught well. It helps to clear the subconscious mind out. I am about done with my certification in it and will offer it to my clients. 

What’s your best health habit? Your worst?
My best one is my nutrition habits. My worst one might be taking on too much sometimes. 

Describe a self-care trend that you love:
I don’t get much into trends but meditation seems to be talked about a lot lately. It’s an ancient practice that is so powerful if practiced well.  

Describe a self-care trend that you don’t think helps much:
Fit bits. I think folks are too dependent on them and the cellular energy on the wrist is a dead-zone and causes energetic issues. 

What is the best way for someone to exercise their mind?
Reading and continuing to study things they enjoy. 

What are two things that you couldn’t live without?
Oh my…tough one! My family and healthy foods. 

How do you set, and stay committed to, your goals?
I follow my heart and have learned that starting the course beyond pays off.  

What does “good health” mean to you?
Being able to feel peace and joy no matter what is going on around me.

What do you do when you feel overwhelmed?
Go out in nature. 

What’s your favorite way to exercise?
It really does vary. It depends on what I need at any given time. I love it all: Yoga, Pilates, strength training, cardio workouts, and anything I can do outside. 

Frankel Dentistry
5012 Talmadge Road, Toledo, 419-474-9611
4359 Keystone Drive, Maumee, 419-893-0221

What’s your best advice for starting a new health or wellness routine?
Attach your new behavior to something you already do. For example, while in my daily shower, I floss my teeth!

Your best advice on aging:
Live a healthy lifestyle. Eat well, sleep well, exercise regularly, schedule wellcare visits with your doctor and dentist. Remember to brush and floss everyday.

What makes you happy?
Making others happy is my key to happiness.

What’s the best thing about your job?
Giving people healthy beautiful smiles. It is life changing for my patients. There is nothing better!!

What would be the title of your book?
Changing Lives a Smile at a Time, a Multigenerational Approach to Dentistry.

Glossed up by Dani Leigh/Dolled up by Dani Leigh
5350 Airport Hwy., Ste. 101
10am-7pm, Mon-Fri; 10am-5pm, Sat; 11am-5pm, Sun

Owner: Danielle Leigh Dale (Dani Leigh)

What’s your best advice for starting a new health or wellness routine?
Write down your goals, ditch your old habits and stay consistent.

What are some words you live by?
There’s always time if you make it a priority.

What’s a great, healthy cuisine our readers can make at home?
My personal favorite meal prep for breakfast is Quiche muffins. Crustless, all egg and you can add what you decide to change it up. Fast, easy, and healthy.

Your best advice on aging:
Start your skin routine sooner rather than later!

What’s your guilty pleasure— and do you avoid it?
Pizza, and instead of avoiding it i’ve found ways to just cut some carbs and make it fit my goals with no guilt. Cauliflower Crust is such a good way! Also for a quick fix ill use a low carb tortilla for the crust!

How does looking good relate to feeling good?
For me, it directly relates to one another. When I look good I feel better, more confident and overall a better mood.

What makes you happy?
Simplicity the older I get. A clean house, decorating, spending time with my family and my dog are what makes me the most happy. I always look forward to seeing my fiance Nic, My daughter Mia and Teddy at the end of a crazy day.

What’s something that keeps you awake at night?
Everything, part of me being who I am is that my brain never shuts off. If I lose a multiple bid on a house for a buyer, if I have a client or employee upset. Usually business related things keep me up at night, or I lay in bed and come up with ideas. That’s how Glossed Up got started, me laying awake and my mind racing. I had it all designed in my head before anyone was aware that I was opening it.

What’s the best thing about your job?
Helping people. I can honestly say helping people buy or sell their first home and making it easier than they expected, makes me really happy. As far as the salons, I love when people feel good about themselves when leaving one of my places.

How can our readers make healthy habits stick?
It is all about balance! We are all human!

What are the three things that you do for yourself every day?
orkout, prepare for the next day, I plan ahead and organize myself regularly due to having such a busy schedule. It relieves a lot of stress being organized and prepared.

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one minute?
Take my amino acids and BCAAS mixed in water. They are great for focus and muscle recovery. Mine have caffeine as well, so when i’m dragging its my go to!

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one hour?
Getting a good workout on the peloton for 30 minutes then stretching, and lifting helps me feel good the rest of the day.

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one month?  
Watching my nutrition, adding in more vegetables and fruits.

What’s something new that you recently added to your routine? Does it work?
Hotworks, making sure I get in the sauna- I can tell a noticeable difference in my skin.

What’s your best health habit? Your worst?
I’m very good at consistently working out- it’s more than just physical for me. It’s mental as well. One of my worst habits is staying consistent with taking vitamins regularly.

Describe a self-care trend that you love:
The sauna! It’s the best! It will leave you detoxed and skin glowing! If it’s hot works or Hot yoga, or even just sitting in the sauna it’s great for removing toxins.

Describe a self-care trend that you don’t think helps much:
I don’t feel as if all skin care masks are created equal. I’m very picky about what I use on my skin.

What is the best way for someone to exercise their mind?
Tap into whatever it is that makes you feel creative and satisfied. Personally, mine is decorating. Salon, my house, birthday parties, anything that I get to see my vision come to life.

What are two things that you couldn’t live without?
Besides my family and Dog teddy. Eye cream and caffeine!

How do you set, and stay committed to, your goals?
I tend to have a lot of goals, business, personal and physical. Write them down! It’s proven to help you achieve them. My goals are more important than my excuses, so staying committed to them isn’t an option.

What does “good health” mean to you?
It used to mean my weight and how I look physically. I’ve realized it’s more mental, and what I do for my body instead of how it looks. It’s about good nutrition and good habits. 

What do you do when you feel overwhelmed?
Owning 3 businesses, having employees, clients, a daughter and fiance gets overwhelming on a daily basis. Boxing and putting my phone away for an hour during it helps with the daily stress. I’m still human after all the responsibilities, some days hitting my coach Ron is the best relief of my day.

What’s your favorite way to exercise?
Boxing is something I’ve loved for over 10 years now. I get a great calorie burn and great mental clarity.

Health Foods by Claudia
3904 Secor Rd.
9am-6pm, Mon-Sat
11am-5pm, Sun

Owner: Claudia K. David-Roscoe

What’s your best advice for starting a new health or wellness routine?
My best advice for starting a new health journey is to take it one day at a time, do it from your heart, make simple baby steps the best you can and feel good about what you do each day. When it comes from your heart, it makes the journey meaningful rather than just something you’re trying to do. Learning to nourish ourselves is a beautiful journey and one worth taking.

What are some words you live by?
My daily words are to always to keep the Faith, stay the course, keep putting one foot in front of the other and do the best that I am able to each day.

Your best advice on aging:
My best advice for aging is to honor the process, flow with it and nourish your body, mind and heart along the way.

What’s the best thing about your job?
The best thing about my job is the blessing of witnessing hundreds of thousands of people over the years reclaim their health safely, naturally, effectively from a place of self-Love and dedication. It’s a beautiful thing to experience and I’m so grateful.

What does “good health” mean to you?
Living in the consciousness of good health is understanding that our bodies are wise and when nourished properly with care and knowledge are designed to heal and balance, creating optimal health rather than survival health…and there is a big difference. Optimal wellbeing is a whole and full approach for an individual to live by; making mindful heartfelt choices, being proactive and addressing the real underlying factors of disease safely and naturally. Nature’s pharmacy is a sophisticated pharmacy offering the tools that are designed to facilitate the body’s natural ability to do what it’s capable of doing, which is heal and balance.

It is a very different approach from Western medicine (allopathic) which focuses only on symptomatic relief through pharmaceuticals and aggressive intervention, without ever addressing the underlying factors of disease which is quite unfortunate. The symptomatic approach of medicine has proven to be costly in dollars, misery and lives creating dependency on pharmaceuticals for a Lifetime. We all have a choice and choosing to embrace optimal health and wellbeing is a beautiful journey to take for ourselves and this Nation.

HLS Orthodontics
Multiple locations


Drs. Haerian & Ludwig (questions answered by Dr. Andre Haerian)

What’s your best advice for starting a new health or wellness routine?
Get up early and exercise everyday.

What are some words you live by?
Life is long enough if you live it well.

What’s your guilty pleasure— and do you avoid it?
Ice cream and as much as possible.

What makes you happy?

What’s the best thing about your job?
My staff, patients and parents.

5208 Monroe St.
24/7, but we are staffed 10am-8pm, Mon-Thurs; 9am-6pm, Fri; 11am-4pm, Sat

Owner: Anne White

What’s your best advice for starting a new health or wellness routine?
Consistency! A new fitness or health routine typically takes almost 30 days to make it a routine in your life. Don’t give up because the beginning is the hardest but as you continue it will become a more natural part of your life.

What’s a great, healthy cuisine our readers can make at home?
I love to cook and have so many plant based recipes that I would love to share. Just reach out!!

Your best advice on aging?
I’m realizing now as my children are grown how fast time goes! Don’t get caught up in petty or toxic things that waste energy. Focus on what is important to you and don’t  have any regrets. In the end making choices you can live with is the only thing that matters.

What’s your guilty pleasure— and do you avoid it?
Chips and dip! No, I am a pescatarian so I eat really healthy so giving in occasionally is just fine!

What’s the best thing about your job?
When members tell me how they have had a change in their health, whether it is weight loss, increasing their endurance, less pain and increased mobility or going off certain medications because our method can impact your health and fitness in so many ways.  I have had members thank me for bringing this to Toledo and that just warms my heart!!

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one hour?
A bonfire workout! 15 minutes of HIIT and then 30 minutes of isometric exercise in HOTWORX’s infrared sauna!

What is the best way for someone to exercise their mind?
Meditation, it is very difficult to learn how to clear and empty your mind. But by turning your brain off through meditating you actually increase neurological networks! It is truly amazing!

What does “good health” mean to you?
Good Health is a practice of healthy choices, mindfulness, and choosing happiness. As a former oncology nurse, unfortunately I have seen disease that has been brought on by diet, stress, and bad habits. Realizing we have control over our health is key to living a healthy life.

What do you do when you feel overwhelmed?
Feel frustrated! Typically when I am overwhelmed it is because I have procrastinated with something and that can always be prevented!

What’s your favorite way to exercise?
HOTWORX of course! I have done many things over the course of my life but the Infrared Energy is a game changer in keeping me going!

Innate Health Chiropractic
26580 N. Dixie Hwy, Ste. 101
8-11am & 3-6pm, Mon, 2-6pm, Tues; 8-11am & 3-6pm, Wed; 9am-noon & 3-6pm, Thurs; 9am-noon, Fri 

Owner: Dr. Nick Goin

What are the three things that you do for yourself every day?
The first thing I do for myself every day is I wake up about an hour before everyone else so I can give myself time for my morning routine which consists of coffee, reading and prayer. During the work week, I try to give myself about 20 minutes before I walk in our house so I can decompress from any stress and eliminate distractions while I am with my family. Lastly, I set aside roughly 30-45 minutes about 4-5 days per week to exercise and move my body so I can stay my healthiest.

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one minute?
If I only have one minute to try and look, or feel better, I find something I am grateful for and focus on that. This helps to quickly change your mindset and distract from any stress.

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one hour?
If I have an hour, you can find me waking up an hour earlier than my family to start my morning routine. I’m usually sipping on a great cup of coffee while I am reading and praying. This routine has always helped me to set myself up for a better day so I can be the best for everyone around me!

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one month?
If I have a month to look, or feel better, I like to set a goal and record my progress. Physically I may set a goal of achieving a new personal record with a workout, changing my eating habits, or setting better boundaries with sleep and recovery times. Emotionally, I may set goals of starting and completing a new book, challenging how many date nights my wife and I have through the month, or save financially for something me or my family may have a desire for.

What’s your favorite way to exercise?
My favorite way to exercise is to cycle and weight train. I love to cycle because that really challenges my cardiovascular system which helps with my energy and endurance throughout the day. Having a physical job and a little boy who loves to wrestle and climb all over me, weight training is really the best way for me to keep up with both of these and do all the other things I love to do.

The Kitchen Salon
151 N Michigan Ave. Suite 225
By Appointment Only

Owner: Megan Davis

What’s your best advice for starting a new health or wellness routine?
It all starts with the mind. Healthy thoughts lead to healthier habits.

What are some words you live by?
Do all you can you can do, because that’s all you can do. 

What’s a great, healthy cuisine our readers can make at home?
I love steamed veggies and rice! 5 minutes in the microwave and rice is easily made in a rice cooker or instant pot. You can season the veggies in different ways such as garlic parm, sweet as sour or sesame soy. 

Your best advice on aging:
There’s nothing you can do about the past but to  glean and grow.

What’s your guilty pleasure— and do you avoid it?
Coffee and no (it’s the cheapest joy lol). 

How does looking good relate to feeling good?
In the opposite order. I have to feel good to look good. At my age, there’s no faking it until I make it.

What makes you happy?
Kids, Coffee and Music (in no particular order).

What’s something that keeps you awake at night?
My bladder and my hopes and dreams (again, in no particular order).

What’s the best thing about your job?
Helping people find the root cause of their discomfort in their appearance. The style is just a cover until one embraces who they are, then it becomes an extension of them.

How can our readers make healthy habits stick?
Take one step at a time. Not everyone can make it to the finish line without tripping and knocking over some hurdles. And be kind to yourself. 

What are the three things that you do for yourself every day? 
Listen to music, record my thoughts/ideas and drink my coffee.

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one minute?
Put on a pair of earrings or lipstick or change out my eyeglasses and drink water.

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one hour?
Add perfume, some spanx and pick out my Afro and drink more water.

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one month?  
Meal prep for as many days as I can (stove to freezer) Juice ahead for the month (juicer to freezer) and plan my outfit for the one quarantine free activity I may be able to attend if I’m not too tired from doing the above. 

What’s something new that you recently added to your routine? Does it work?
Laughing more and trying new dances. Yes, trying new dances makes me laugh! 

What’s your best health habit? Your worst?
Drinking water, taking my vitamins and eating veggies; not giving myself enough time to relax and not resting enough 

Describe a self-care trend that you love:
The fact that self care is actually trending. There was a time when we thought we had to conquer the world in a day-everyday.

Describe a self-care trend that you don’t think helps much:
Worrying about trending more than actually doing self care. 

What is the best way for someone to exercise their mind?
Reading different things than you normally would, learning a new language, and listening to people’s stories, they can change the way you look at life.

What are two things that you couldn’t live without?
My family and music.

How do you set, and stay committed to, your goals?
Well, sometimes I have to reset them a few times, but writing them down and checking them off the list truly helps move forward.

What does “good health” mean to you?
Being honest with myself, staying up to date with health care and being okay with where I am right now. 

What do you do when you feel overwhelmed?
Listen to white noise, play My Block or take a long drive.

What’s your favorite way to exercise?
Dancing! Line dancing, salsa, and even Tik Tok dances.

PT Link Physical Therapy
Various locations in Toledo, Perrysburg, Maumee, Swanton, Sylvania, Oak Harbor, Lambertville, Bowling Green
7:45 am – 5:30 pm

All owners are Physical Therapists: Tom Hallett, Mike Coulter, Sam Rakyta, Eric Snyder, Chris Lovejoy, Amy Konieczny 

Questions answered by Mike Coulter, PT

What’s your best advice for starting a new health or wellness routine?
Just like with physical therapy we always suggest to start slowly and set goals!

Your best advice on aging:
Keep moving! So often we see people suffering from pain which could be avoided by simply getting out and getting moving.

What’s your guilty pleasure— and do you avoid it?
Food – I’m a foodie and try to take it easy during the week and reward myself on the weekends.

How does looking good relate to feeling good?
They for sure go hand and hand. Once you start moving and feeling good physically you then begin to take better care of yourself, feel better and more confident which reflects overall.

What makes you happy?
Family is number one and then it’s my profession. I get to help people feel better and improve their quality of life daily, how amazing is that!

What’s the best thing about your job?
We get to meet new and fascinating people everyday. We are lucky enough to spend time with them and hear their stories. We learn about their families and friends, their jobs and what shaped them throughout their lives and it’s pretty cool.

How can our readers make healthy habits stick?
Take it slow and celebrate the goals you achieve no matter how small they are.

What are the three things that you do for yourself every day?
I am also a musician and enjoy learning a new song.

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one minute?

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one hour?
Go for a walk with my wife, it is a great way to reconnect from a busy day.

What’s your best health habit? Your worst?
My best: I enjoy working out because it keeps me prepared for my job. My worst: Food and especially ice cream!

Describe a self-care trend that you don’t think helps much:
That would be anything that sounds too good to be true. Self-care takes time and effort which is why it works.

What’s one thing that you couldn’t live without?
Coffee, ha ha ha!

What does “good health” mean to you?
A balanced approach to exercise, food and fun.

Toledo Clinic ENT Sinus Center
5800 Park Center Court, Suite C.
419-724-8368 &
8am-5pm, Monday through Friday

Dr. Christopher Perry

How does looking good relate to feeling good?
Looking good and feeling good are intimately related. I would argue that you can’t have one without the other.What does success mean to you?

How do you define success?
Success means making someone’s life better than it was yesterday

What brings you genuine joy?
Hearing a patient say, “Thank you Dr. Perry for making me look and feel better.”

What is the best self-improvement tip you’ve ever heard?
Be grateful for your blessings.

What self-improvement tip do you wish you learned sooner?
Countdown 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…go…do what you have to do.

What’s one thing that always makes you feel better?
Spending time with my wife and kids. 

Reemsnyder Decorating
7642 W Central Ave.

Owner: Sean Hineline

How does your home looking good relate to feeling good?
It’s your safe haven— where you feel good because you’ve designed and created your own space. It’s the difference between living in a house or a home. You want to come home.

What’s one change to a house that can make a world of difference?
New flooring. Start with the room that you’re in the most, like a family room.

Your best advice on aging:
Get it done.

What makes you happy?
When my clients are happy, I’m happy.

What’s the best thing about your job?
Turning someone’s house into a home. Taking someone’s vision and making it a reality. Exceeding their expectations.

What are the three things you do for yourself every day?
Be with my wife, play with my kids, work at my job.

What is one simple change that can make a home look better?

Describe a home care trend that you love:
I encourage my customers to think outside the box— customize their plans to fit their needs.

Describe a home care trend that you don’t think helps much:
Jumping on the bandwagon. Try to differentiate your home.

What are two things you couldn’t live without?
My kids and my wife.

To find a balance between being healthy, looking great and living your best lifestyle, we ask Toledo’s top health and beauty experts for their best advice.

Dermatology Associates Inc./Ada Aesthetics
12780 Roachton Rd., Perrysburg
419-872-0777, 419-873-6961
M-S hours vary

Owners: Christy Lorton M.D. and Sarah Stierman M.D. (questions answered by Dr. Stierman)

Your best advice on aging:
Aging is a privilege that not everyone is afforded! Aging gracefully is very achievable and should start with good overall health and wellness with good nutrition, hydration, and rest. For a youthful complexion and prevention of sun spots and skin cancer, SUNSCREEN is a must! SPF 30+ every day with frequent reapplication when outdoors during peak sun hours or after swimming/sweating. Sunscreen is the most effective and affordable anti-aging cream you could ever purchase.

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What’s the best thing about your job?
I love that being a dermatologist means that I get to help patients of all ages look and feel their best, inside and out. From acne to psoriasis to skin cancer surgeries and aesthetic procedures, my day is never boring! I love helping patients project their best selves to the world with healthy skin.

What are the three things that you do for yourself every day?
I make my bed (a pro tip for happiness and centering yourself), I apply sunscreen, and I make a healthy dinner at home with my family.

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one minute?
Take some deep cleansing breaths and smile!

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one hour? 
Get a good sweaty workout in—  the best therapy for your body and brain.

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one month?
Schedule a massage, read a new book, and treat yourself to some upgraded medical skincare.

Describe a self-care trend that you don’t think helps much:
Trusting your skincare to influencers and TikTok celebrities, rather than a board-certified dermatologist.

essence mind*body studio
6314 Berkey Southern Rd.
Hours of operation: varied based on day 

Owner:  Diana Spiess 

What’s your best advice for starting a new health or wellness routine?
Work with a professional 1-on-1. Each of us has a different formula and it’s best to get organized for your needs when you start and as you go along. This helps prevent wasting time, energy, and money. 

What are some words you live by?
Stay the course. Do the things. If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you. 

What’s a great, healthy cuisine our readers can make at home?
I have so many! I love to use jackfruit in place of anything with shredded chicken. 

Your best advice on aging:
It is all an inside job. What we eat and drink is reflected on how we look, feel, and move. Eat plant-based, whole foods and feel good knowing that the plants are literally designed by Mother Nature in a perfect formula for us to use the nutrients cert well! 

What’s your guilty pleasure— and do you avoid it?
Lol! I love to spend time doing the things and spending time with the people that bring me joy!  I don’t avoid this bug just know it will be hard to pull myself away when I have to do the work part. 

How does looking good relate to feeling good?
Again, it’s all an inside job. I have helped 1000’s of clients work on their nutrition, sleep, body alignment, and so much more. This brings about a much better way of feeling and looking, both. 

What makes you happy?
Life!!! All of it! My family, friends, studio and work, pets, photography work….I love it all! It’s not always easy…but it’s worth it. 

What’s something that keeps you awake at night?
Not much. I’m a deep, good sleeper. If anything, my puppies. Lol! 

What’s the best thing about your job?
I SO love helping people live their healthiest, best life! 

How can our readers make healthy habits stick?
Plan it out each day and week. Put it on your calendar and hold to it like it’s anything else important….because you are! 

What are the three things that you do for yourself every day?
Eat healthy. 2. Meditate. 3. Feel gratitude.

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one minute?
Practice conscious breathing. 

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one hour?
Go out in nature somehow: exercise, meditate, eat, walk my dogs, photography, bike, kayak, etc. 

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one month? 
I love to study. As I’m working on my doctorate degree, I love to plan out a month of study time. It makes me so happy and motivated. I also love to take small trips with my family.  

What’s something new that you recently added to your routine? Does it work?
Hypnosis. Yes! It really can be done by anyone if understood and taught well. It helps to clear the subconscious mind out. I am about done with my certification in it and will offer it to my clients. 

What’s your best health habit? Your worst?
My best one is my nutrition habits. My worst one might be taking on too much sometimes. 

Describe a self-care trend that you love:
I don’t get much into trends but meditation seems to be talked about a lot lately. It’s an ancient practice that is so powerful if practiced well.  

Describe a self-care trend that you don’t think helps much:
Fit bits. I think folks are too dependent on them and the cellular energy on the wrist is a dead-zone and causes energetic issues. 

What is the best way for someone to exercise their mind?
Reading and continuing to study things they enjoy. 

What are two things that you couldn’t live without?
Oh my…tough one! My family and healthy foods. 

How do you set, and stay committed to, your goals?
I follow my heart and have learned that starting the course beyond pays off.  

What does “good health” mean to you?
Being able to feel peace and joy no matter what is going on around me.

What do you do when you feel overwhelmed?
Go out in nature. 

What’s your favorite way to exercise?
It really does vary. It depends on what I need at any given time. I love it all: Yoga, Pilates, strength training, cardio workouts, and anything I can do outside. 

Frankel Dentistry
5012 Talmadge Road, Toledo, 419-474-9611
4359 Keystone Drive, Maumee, 419-893-0221

What’s your best advice for starting a new health or wellness routine?
Attach your new behavior to something you already do. For example, while in my daily shower, I floss my teeth!

Your best advice on aging:
Live a healthy lifestyle. Eat well, sleep well, exercise regularly, schedule wellcare visits with your doctor and dentist. Remember to brush and floss everyday.

What makes you happy?
Making others happy is my key to happiness.

What’s the best thing about your job?
Giving people healthy beautiful smiles. It is life changing for my patients. There is nothing better!!

What would be the title of your book?
Changing Lives a Smile at a Time, a Multigenerational Approach to Dentistry.

Glossed up by Dani Leigh/Dolled up by Dani Leigh
5350 Airport Hwy., Ste. 101
10am-7pm, Mon-Fri; 10am-5pm, Sat; 11am-5pm, Sun

Owner: Danielle Leigh Dale (Dani Leigh)

What’s your best advice for starting a new health or wellness routine?
Write down your goals, ditch your old habits and stay consistent.

What are some words you live by?
There’s always time if you make it a priority.

What’s a great, healthy cuisine our readers can make at home?
My personal favorite meal prep for breakfast is Quiche muffins. Crustless, all egg and you can add what you decide to change it up. Fast, easy, and healthy.

Your best advice on aging:
Start your skin routine sooner rather than later!

What’s your guilty pleasure— and do you avoid it?
Pizza, and instead of avoiding it i’ve found ways to just cut some carbs and make it fit my goals with no guilt. Cauliflower Crust is such a good way! Also for a quick fix ill use a low carb tortilla for the crust!

How does looking good relate to feeling good?
For me, it directly relates to one another. When I look good I feel better, more confident and overall a better mood.

What makes you happy?
Simplicity the older I get. A clean house, decorating, spending time with my family and my dog are what makes me the most happy. I always look forward to seeing my fiance Nic, My daughter Mia and Teddy at the end of a crazy day.

What’s something that keeps you awake at night?
Everything, part of me being who I am is that my brain never shuts off. If I lose a multiple bid on a house for a buyer, if I have a client or employee upset. Usually business related things keep me up at night, or I lay in bed and come up with ideas. That’s how Glossed Up got started, me laying awake and my mind racing. I had it all designed in my head before anyone was aware that I was opening it.

What’s the best thing about your job?
Helping people. I can honestly say helping people buy or sell their first home and making it easier than they expected, makes me really happy. As far as the salons, I love when people feel good about themselves when leaving one of my places.

How can our readers make healthy habits stick?
It is all about balance! We are all human!

What are the three things that you do for yourself every day?
orkout, prepare for the next day, I plan ahead and organize myself regularly due to having such a busy schedule. It relieves a lot of stress being organized and prepared.

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one minute?
Take my amino acids and BCAAS mixed in water. They are great for focus and muscle recovery. Mine have caffeine as well, so when i’m dragging its my go to!

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one hour?
Getting a good workout on the peloton for 30 minutes then stretching, and lifting helps me feel good the rest of the day.

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one month?  
Watching my nutrition, adding in more vegetables and fruits.

What’s something new that you recently added to your routine? Does it work?
Hotworks, making sure I get in the sauna- I can tell a noticeable difference in my skin.

What’s your best health habit? Your worst?
I’m very good at consistently working out- it’s more than just physical for me. It’s mental as well. One of my worst habits is staying consistent with taking vitamins regularly.

Describe a self-care trend that you love:
The sauna! It’s the best! It will leave you detoxed and skin glowing! If it’s hot works or Hot yoga, or even just sitting in the sauna it’s great for removing toxins.

Describe a self-care trend that you don’t think helps much:
I don’t feel as if all skin care masks are created equal. I’m very picky about what I use on my skin.

What is the best way for someone to exercise their mind?
Tap into whatever it is that makes you feel creative and satisfied. Personally, mine is decorating. Salon, my house, birthday parties, anything that I get to see my vision come to life.

What are two things that you couldn’t live without?
Besides my family and Dog teddy. Eye cream and caffeine!

How do you set, and stay committed to, your goals?
I tend to have a lot of goals, business, personal and physical. Write them down! It’s proven to help you achieve them. My goals are more important than my excuses, so staying committed to them isn’t an option.

What does “good health” mean to you?
It used to mean my weight and how I look physically. I’ve realized it’s more mental, and what I do for my body instead of how it looks. It’s about good nutrition and good habits. 

What do you do when you feel overwhelmed?
Owning 3 businesses, having employees, clients, a daughter and fiance gets overwhelming on a daily basis. Boxing and putting my phone away for an hour during it helps with the daily stress. I’m still human after all the responsibilities, some days hitting my coach Ron is the best relief of my day.

What’s your favorite way to exercise?
Boxing is something I’ve loved for over 10 years now. I get a great calorie burn and great mental clarity.

Health Foods by Claudia
3904 Secor Rd.
9am-6pm, Mon-Sat
11am-5pm, Sun

Owner: Claudia K. David-Roscoe

What’s your best advice for starting a new health or wellness routine?
My best advice for starting a new health journey is to take it one day at a time, do it from your heart, make simple baby steps the best you can and feel good about what you do each day. When it comes from your heart, it makes the journey meaningful rather than just something you’re trying to do. Learning to nourish ourselves is a beautiful journey and one worth taking.

What are some words you live by?
My daily words are to always to keep the Faith, stay the course, keep putting one foot in front of the other and do the best that I am able to each day.

Your best advice on aging:
My best advice for aging is to honor the process, flow with it and nourish your body, mind and heart along the way.

What’s the best thing about your job?
The best thing about my job is the blessing of witnessing hundreds of thousands of people over the years reclaim their health safely, naturally, effectively from a place of self-Love and dedication. It’s a beautiful thing to experience and I’m so grateful.

What does “good health” mean to you?
Living in the consciousness of good health is understanding that our bodies are wise and when nourished properly with care and knowledge are designed to heal and balance, creating optimal health rather than survival health…and there is a big difference. Optimal wellbeing is a whole and full approach for an individual to live by; making mindful heartfelt choices, being proactive and addressing the real underlying factors of disease safely and naturally. Nature’s pharmacy is a sophisticated pharmacy offering the tools that are designed to facilitate the body’s natural ability to do what it’s capable of doing, which is heal and balance.

It is a very different approach from Western medicine (allopathic) which focuses only on symptomatic relief through pharmaceuticals and aggressive intervention, without ever addressing the underlying factors of disease which is quite unfortunate. The symptomatic approach of medicine has proven to be costly in dollars, misery and lives creating dependency on pharmaceuticals for a Lifetime. We all have a choice and choosing to embrace optimal health and wellbeing is a beautiful journey to take for ourselves and this Nation.

HLS Orthodontics
Multiple locations


Drs. Haerian & Ludwig (questions answered by Dr. Andre Haerian)

What’s your best advice for starting a new health or wellness routine?
Get up early and exercise everyday.

What are some words you live by?
Life is long enough if you live it well.

What’s your guilty pleasure— and do you avoid it?
Ice cream and as much as possible.

What makes you happy?

What’s the best thing about your job?
My staff, patients and parents.

5208 Monroe St.
24/7, but we are staffed 10am-8pm, Mon-Thurs; 9am-6pm, Fri; 11am-4pm, Sat

Owner: Anne White

What’s your best advice for starting a new health or wellness routine?
Consistency! A new fitness or health routine typically takes almost 30 days to make it a routine in your life. Don’t give up because the beginning is the hardest but as you continue it will become a more natural part of your life.

What’s a great, healthy cuisine our readers can make at home?
I love to cook and have so many plant based recipes that I would love to share. Just reach out!!

Your best advice on aging?
I’m realizing now as my children are grown how fast time goes! Don’t get caught up in petty or toxic things that waste energy. Focus on what is important to you and don’t  have any regrets. In the end making choices you can live with is the only thing that matters.

What’s your guilty pleasure— and do you avoid it?
Chips and dip! No, I am a pescatarian so I eat really healthy so giving in occasionally is just fine!

What’s the best thing about your job?
When members tell me how they have had a change in their health, whether it is weight loss, increasing their endurance, less pain and increased mobility or going off certain medications because our method can impact your health and fitness in so many ways.  I have had members thank me for bringing this to Toledo and that just warms my heart!!

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one hour?
A bonfire workout! 15 minutes of HIIT and then 30 minutes of isometric exercise in HOTWORX’s infrared sauna!

What is the best way for someone to exercise their mind?
Meditation, it is very difficult to learn how to clear and empty your mind. But by turning your brain off through meditating you actually increase neurological networks! It is truly amazing!

What does “good health” mean to you?
Good Health is a practice of healthy choices, mindfulness, and choosing happiness. As a former oncology nurse, unfortunately I have seen disease that has been brought on by diet, stress, and bad habits. Realizing we have control over our health is key to living a healthy life.

What do you do when you feel overwhelmed?
Feel frustrated! Typically when I am overwhelmed it is because I have procrastinated with something and that can always be prevented!

What’s your favorite way to exercise?
HOTWORX of course! I have done many things over the course of my life but the Infrared Energy is a game changer in keeping me going!

Innate Health Chiropractic
26580 N. Dixie Hwy, Ste. 101
8-11am & 3-6pm, Mon, 2-6pm, Tues; 8-11am & 3-6pm, Wed; 9am-noon & 3-6pm, Thurs; 9am-noon, Fri 

Owner: Dr. Nick Goin

What are the three things that you do for yourself every day?
The first thing I do for myself every day is I wake up about an hour before everyone else so I can give myself time for my morning routine which consists of coffee, reading and prayer. During the work week, I try to give myself about 20 minutes before I walk in our house so I can decompress from any stress and eliminate distractions while I am with my family. Lastly, I set aside roughly 30-45 minutes about 4-5 days per week to exercise and move my body so I can stay my healthiest.

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one minute?
If I only have one minute to try and look, or feel better, I find something I am grateful for and focus on that. This helps to quickly change your mindset and distract from any stress.

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one hour?
If I have an hour, you can find me waking up an hour earlier than my family to start my morning routine. I’m usually sipping on a great cup of coffee while I am reading and praying. This routine has always helped me to set myself up for a better day so I can be the best for everyone around me!

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one month?
If I have a month to look, or feel better, I like to set a goal and record my progress. Physically I may set a goal of achieving a new personal record with a workout, changing my eating habits, or setting better boundaries with sleep and recovery times. Emotionally, I may set goals of starting and completing a new book, challenging how many date nights my wife and I have through the month, or save financially for something me or my family may have a desire for.

What’s your favorite way to exercise?
My favorite way to exercise is to cycle and weight train. I love to cycle because that really challenges my cardiovascular system which helps with my energy and endurance throughout the day. Having a physical job and a little boy who loves to wrestle and climb all over me, weight training is really the best way for me to keep up with both of these and do all the other things I love to do.

The Kitchen Salon
151 N Michigan Ave. Suite 225
By Appointment Only

Owner: Megan Davis

What’s your best advice for starting a new health or wellness routine?
It all starts with the mind. Healthy thoughts lead to healthier habits.

What are some words you live by?
Do all you can you can do, because that’s all you can do. 

What’s a great, healthy cuisine our readers can make at home?
I love steamed veggies and rice! 5 minutes in the microwave and rice is easily made in a rice cooker or instant pot. You can season the veggies in different ways such as garlic parm, sweet as sour or sesame soy. 

Your best advice on aging:
There’s nothing you can do about the past but to  glean and grow.

What’s your guilty pleasure— and do you avoid it?
Coffee and no (it’s the cheapest joy lol). 

How does looking good relate to feeling good?
In the opposite order. I have to feel good to look good. At my age, there’s no faking it until I make it.

What makes you happy?
Kids, Coffee and Music (in no particular order).

What’s something that keeps you awake at night?
My bladder and my hopes and dreams (again, in no particular order).

What’s the best thing about your job?
Helping people find the root cause of their discomfort in their appearance. The style is just a cover until one embraces who they are, then it becomes an extension of them.

How can our readers make healthy habits stick?
Take one step at a time. Not everyone can make it to the finish line without tripping and knocking over some hurdles. And be kind to yourself. 

What are the three things that you do for yourself every day? 
Listen to music, record my thoughts/ideas and drink my coffee.

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one minute?
Put on a pair of earrings or lipstick or change out my eyeglasses and drink water.

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one hour?
Add perfume, some spanx and pick out my Afro and drink more water.

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one month?  
Meal prep for as many days as I can (stove to freezer) Juice ahead for the month (juicer to freezer) and plan my outfit for the one quarantine free activity I may be able to attend if I’m not too tired from doing the above. 

What’s something new that you recently added to your routine? Does it work?
Laughing more and trying new dances. Yes, trying new dances makes me laugh! 

What’s your best health habit? Your worst?
Drinking water, taking my vitamins and eating veggies; not giving myself enough time to relax and not resting enough 

Describe a self-care trend that you love:
The fact that self care is actually trending. There was a time when we thought we had to conquer the world in a day-everyday.

Describe a self-care trend that you don’t think helps much:
Worrying about trending more than actually doing self care. 

What is the best way for someone to exercise their mind?
Reading different things than you normally would, learning a new language, and listening to people’s stories, they can change the way you look at life.

What are two things that you couldn’t live without?
My family and music.

How do you set, and stay committed to, your goals?
Well, sometimes I have to reset them a few times, but writing them down and checking them off the list truly helps move forward.

What does “good health” mean to you?
Being honest with myself, staying up to date with health care and being okay with where I am right now. 

What do you do when you feel overwhelmed?
Listen to white noise, play My Block or take a long drive.

What’s your favorite way to exercise?
Dancing! Line dancing, salsa, and even Tik Tok dances.

PT Link Physical Therapy
Various locations in Toledo, Perrysburg, Maumee, Swanton, Sylvania, Oak Harbor, Lambertville, Bowling Green
7:45 am – 5:30 pm

All owners are Physical Therapists: Tom Hallett, Mike Coulter, Sam Rakyta, Eric Snyder, Chris Lovejoy, Amy Konieczny 

Questions answered by Mike Coulter, PT

What’s your best advice for starting a new health or wellness routine?
Just like with physical therapy we always suggest to start slowly and set goals!

Your best advice on aging:
Keep moving! So often we see people suffering from pain which could be avoided by simply getting out and getting moving.

What’s your guilty pleasure— and do you avoid it?
Food – I’m a foodie and try to take it easy during the week and reward myself on the weekends.

How does looking good relate to feeling good?
They for sure go hand and hand. Once you start moving and feeling good physically you then begin to take better care of yourself, feel better and more confident which reflects overall.

What makes you happy?
Family is number one and then it’s my profession. I get to help people feel better and improve their quality of life daily, how amazing is that!

What’s the best thing about your job?
We get to meet new and fascinating people everyday. We are lucky enough to spend time with them and hear their stories. We learn about their families and friends, their jobs and what shaped them throughout their lives and it’s pretty cool.

How can our readers make healthy habits stick?
Take it slow and celebrate the goals you achieve no matter how small they are.

What are the three things that you do for yourself every day?
I am also a musician and enjoy learning a new song.

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one minute?

What do you do to look, or feel, better when you have: one hour?
Go for a walk with my wife, it is a great way to reconnect from a busy day.

What’s your best health habit? Your worst?
My best: I enjoy working out because it keeps me prepared for my job. My worst: Food and especially ice cream!

Describe a self-care trend that you don’t think helps much:
That would be anything that sounds too good to be true. Self-care takes time and effort which is why it works.

What’s one thing that you couldn’t live without?
Coffee, ha ha ha!

What does “good health” mean to you?
A balanced approach to exercise, food and fun.

Toledo Clinic ENT Sinus Center
5800 Park Center Court, Suite C.
419-724-8368 &
8am-5pm, Monday through Friday

Dr. Christopher Perry

How does looking good relate to feeling good?
Looking good and feeling good are intimately related. I would argue that you can’t have one without the other.What does success mean to you?

How do you define success?
Success means making someone’s life better than it was yesterday

What brings you genuine joy?
Hearing a patient say, “Thank you Dr. Perry for making me look and feel better.”

What is the best self-improvement tip you’ve ever heard?
Be grateful for your blessings.

What self-improvement tip do you wish you learned sooner?
Countdown 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…go…do what you have to do.

What’s one thing that always makes you feel better?
Spending time with my wife and kids. 

Reemsnyder Decorating
7642 W Central Ave.

Owner: Sean Hineline

How does your home looking good relate to feeling good?
It’s your safe haven— where you feel good because you’ve designed and created your own space. It’s the difference between living in a house or a home. You want to come home.

What’s one change to a house that can make a world of difference?
New flooring. Start with the room that you’re in the most, like a family room.

Your best advice on aging:
Get it done.

What makes you happy?
When my clients are happy, I’m happy.

What’s the best thing about your job?
Turning someone’s house into a home. Taking someone’s vision and making it a reality. Exceeding their expectations.

What are the three things you do for yourself every day?
Be with my wife, play with my kids, work at my job.

What is one simple change that can make a home look better?

Describe a home care trend that you love:
I encourage my customers to think outside the box— customize their plans to fit their needs.

Describe a home care trend that you don’t think helps much:
Jumping on the bandwagon. Try to differentiate your home.

What are two things you couldn’t live without?
My kids and my wife.

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