Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Village Players Give Cyrano A Spin

Got panache? Cyrano, the lead in Edmond Rostand’s 1897 drama, certainly does. Responsible for introducing the French word “panache” into the English language, Rostand’s Cyrano is a comedic tragedy based on the life of the French novelist and playwright Cyrano de Bergerac. Over a century old, the classic play about romance, love triangles and an enduring hero with an intellect as large as his nose, is both timeless and aged. See award-winning playwright Barry Kornhauser’s clever new take on a play full of wit, intrigue, and, of course, panache, during the Village Players’ two-weekend run.

$18 | General
$16 | Students/Seniors
May 11-19 | 8pm, Thursdays-Saturdays | 2pm, Sunday

The Village Players Theatre, 2740 Upton Ave, Toledo
419-472-6817 |

Got panache? Cyrano, the lead in Edmond Rostand’s 1897 drama, certainly does. Responsible for introducing the French word “panache” into the English language, Rostand’s Cyrano is a comedic tragedy based on the life of the French novelist and playwright Cyrano de Bergerac. Over a century old, the classic play about romance, love triangles and an enduring hero with an intellect as large as his nose, is both timeless and aged. See award-winning playwright Barry Kornhauser’s clever new take on a play full of wit, intrigue, and, of course, panache, during the Village Players’ two-weekend run.

$18 | General
$16 | Students/Seniors
May 11-19 | 8pm, Thursdays-Saturdays | 2pm, Sunday

The Village Players Theatre, 2740 Upton Ave, Toledo
419-472-6817 |

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