Urban Structures and Landscapes Show
Local artists will exhibit their works with the theme Urban Structures and Landscapes. Runs through Oct. 2. Toledo Artists’ Club – Toledo Botanical Garden, 5403 Elmer Dr. toledoartistclub.com
Africa Unmasked
Africa Unmasked commemorates sixty-five years of African art collecting and exhibiting at the Toledo Museum of Art. Runs through Aug. 30, 2025. Toledo Museum of Art, 2445 Monroe St., toledomuseum.org
Consuming Culture
The exhibit comprises of 2-dimensional artworks in traditional and new media (oil paintings, digital illustration, mixed media and neon) by four Toledo, Philip Hazard, Dustin Hostetler, Bernadine Rais and Michael Sheets. Runs through Sep. 21. 20 North Gallery, 18 N. St. Clair St.Â
Using Golden Acrylics for Plein Air Painting & Sketching
Sylvania Plein Air is hosting classes to teach youth and adults about Plein Air. Registration is required. 1-2:30pm. Sylvania Branch Library, 6749 Monroe St. Sylvania. redbirdsylvania.org
Sylvania Plein Air Festival
The Plein Air Festival continues through Aug. 2. Plein Air painting is all about stepping out of the studio and experiencing painting directly from observation within the landscape. Red Bird Sylvania, Main St., Sylvania
FRIDAY, Aug. 2
August Red Bird First Friday Art Walk
The Sylvania Plein Art Festival concludes with a First Friday Art Walk. 5pm. Red Bird Sylvania, Main St., Sylvania
Belle Isle Art FairÂ
A beautiful fine art show across from the stunning Scott Fountain in the heart of Detroit’s island park. 10am-7pm. Also on Sunday, Aug. 4 11am-5pm. Belle Isle, Jefferson Ave. and East Grand Blvd., Detroit, MI.Â
Wild About Art
This unique show features local and regional artists with various mediums on display and for sale at the Toledo Zoo. 10am-5pm. Also on Sunday, Aug. 11, 10am-4pm. The Toledo Zoo, 2 Hippo Way. toledozoo.org
13th Annual Barrio Latino Art Festival
Barrio Latino Art Festival celebrates diversity, innovation and achievement with live music, dancing, food, artwork and more. 3pm-midnight. Nuestra Gente Community Center, 1411 Broadway St. nuestragentecommunityprojects.org
FRIDAY, Aug. 16
Perrysburg Hearts the Arts
The Guild of Artists and Artisans will partner with Visit Perrysburg for this inaugural fine art fair featuring jury-selected artists and artisans including jewelry, ceramics, painting, glass, photography, fiber and more. 5pm-8pm. Also on Saturday, Aug. 17, 10am-10pm. Downtown Perrysburg, Louisiana Ave., Perrysburg. theguild.org
Ethiopia at the Crossroads
Journey through more than 1,700 years of artistic traditions and celebrate rich history and culture. Runs through Nov. 10. 11am. Toledo Museum of Art, 2445 Monroe St. toledomuseum.org
Ryan Claytor – “One Bite at a Time”
Join Ryan Claytor as he speaks with Gathering Volumes about his latest book “One Bite at a Time,” an oversized hardcover art-book featuring 20 years of Claytor’s work in comics, illustration and design. 2:30-3:30pm. Gathering Volumes, 196 E South Boundary St., Perrysburg. gatheringvolumes.com