Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Toledo Museum of Art’s newest exhibition, The American West

The wild, wild west— what was once an untamed, emerging frontier has since transformed into a home for many Americans. But, before the West was won, it was one of the world’s greatest muses. View the allure of barren land, high mountains, train towns and mysteries during the Toledo Museum of Art’s newest exhibition, The American West: Photographs of a New Frontier. Nearly 70 photographs from artists like Ansel Adams, Timothy O’Sullivan and Carlton Emmens Watkins share a vision of a land barely known.

Friday, January 15-May 15, 2016
Toledo Museum of Art Works on Paper Gallery, 2445 Monroe St.
419-255-8000 | toledomuseum.org

The wild, wild west— what was once an untamed, emerging frontier has since transformed into a home for many Americans. But, before the West was won, it was one of the world’s greatest muses. View the allure of barren land, high mountains, train towns and mysteries during the Toledo Museum of Art’s newest exhibition, The American West: Photographs of a New Frontier. Nearly 70 photographs from artists like Ansel Adams, Timothy O’Sullivan and Carlton Emmens Watkins share a vision of a land barely known.

Friday, January 15-May 15, 2016
Toledo Museum of Art Works on Paper Gallery, 2445 Monroe St.
419-255-8000 | toledomuseum.org

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