From Tom Sawyer to Empire Records to Tuesdays with Morrie, the idea of faking a funeral to gain a new perspective— and perhaps a bit of unedited critical feedback— is as tempting as it is old. Yet, the tried and true method is demonstratively effective, so it’s never really the public sphere of fascination.
Although local artist Steven Athanas isn’t planning to fake a funeral, he is inviting you to a sort of living wake during his solo exhibit, Let’s Pretend He’s Dead.
“My art tends to orbit around three basic topics: perspective, learning, and change,” explained the artist, “My perspective, I feel, is more of a non-traditional one, in that I’m always trying to see things from that skewed angle.”
We’ll call a living wake appropriately skewed.
Meet Athanas during a free opening reception from 1-4pm on Sunday, March 18. On view through June 2.
Flatlanders Art Galleries
11993 E. US-223, Blissfield, MI. 517-486-4591. |
From Tom Sawyer to Empire Records to Tuesdays with Morrie, the idea of faking a funeral to gain a new perspective— and perhaps a bit of unedited critical feedback— is as tempting as it is old. Yet, the tried and true method is demonstratively effective, so it’s never really the public sphere of fascination.
Although local artist Steven Athanas isn’t planning to fake a funeral, he is inviting you to a sort of living wake during his solo exhibit, Let’s Pretend He’s Dead.
“My art tends to orbit around three basic topics: perspective, learning, and change,” explained the artist, “My perspective, I feel, is more of a non-traditional one, in that I’m always trying to see things from that skewed angle.”
We’ll call a living wake appropriately skewed.
Meet Athanas during a free opening reception from 1-4pm on Sunday, March 18. On view through June 2.
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Flatlanders Art Galleries
11993 E. US-223, Blissfield, MI. 517-486-4591. |