Saturday, January 18, 2025

River House Arts Group exhibit

How is an artist represented by their work? Meditate on the meaning of collaboration and individual force with the River House Arts group exhibit, Agency II, which revisits the gallery’s Agency exhibit held last August. Through a range of mediums and voices, this group exhibit intends to unite the community through critical dialogue. Featuring artists Jordan Buschur, Nikki Eggersdorfer, Trisha Holt, Natalie Lanese, Crystal Phelps, Lynday Scypta and Jessica Tenbusch.

On view through July 20
River House Arts Gallery 6 | 425 Jefferson Ave.
419-441-4025 |

How is an artist represented by their work? Meditate on the meaning of collaboration and individual force with the River House Arts group exhibit, Agency II, which revisits the gallery’s Agency exhibit held last August. Through a range of mediums and voices, this group exhibit intends to unite the community through critical dialogue. Featuring artists Jordan Buschur, Nikki Eggersdorfer, Trisha Holt, Natalie Lanese, Crystal Phelps, Lynday Scypta and Jessica Tenbusch.

On view through July 20
River House Arts Gallery 6 | 425 Jefferson Ave.
419-441-4025 |

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