Sunday, February 16, 2025

Get crafty with paperDENIMart

You already know about the awesomeness that is Handmade Toledo, but did you know that you can sign up for workshops to indulge your craft side? Dani Herrera of paperDENIMart will offer tricks of the collage trade as you integrate fabric and paper to make something truly unique that you can take home. An assortment of craft options includes nesting dolls, birds, bees, bugs and more. All ages and skill levels are welcome. The workshop fee includes light refreshments. Feel free to BYOB (including booze). 6-8:30pm. Wednesday, January 4. Handmade Toledo Maker Shoppe, 1717 Adams St. 419-214-1717.

You already know about the awesomeness that is Handmade Toledo, but did you know that you can sign up for workshops to indulge your craft side? Dani Herrera of paperDENIMart will offer tricks of the collage trade as you integrate fabric and paper to make something truly unique that you can take home. An assortment of craft options includes nesting dolls, birds, bees, bugs and more. All ages and skill levels are welcome. The workshop fee includes light refreshments. Feel free to BYOB (including booze). 6-8:30pm. Wednesday, January 4. Handmade Toledo Maker Shoppe, 1717 Adams St. 419-214-1717.

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