Saturday, January 25, 2025

Creative Natives: A Community Exhibition

Enjoy November’s 3rd Thursday Loop and stop by the Toledo School for the Art’s Gallerie 333’s exhibition of the series, Creative Natives: A Community Exhibition, featuring works by the artist’s celebrated in the online series, such as Steven Athanas, Dani Fuller, Tim Gaewsky, Jesse Mireles and more. The Loop, organized by The Arts Commission, connects 30+ creative spaces downtown.

Toledo School for the Arts Gallerie 333

Enjoy November’s 3rd Thursday Loop and stop by the Toledo School for the Art’s Gallerie 333’s exhibition of the series, Creative Natives: A Community Exhibition, featuring works by the artist’s celebrated in the online series, such as Steven Athanas, Dani Fuller, Tim Gaewsky, Jesse Mireles and more. The Loop, organized by The Arts Commission, connects 30+ creative spaces downtown.

Toledo School for the Arts Gallerie 333

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