A pair of nursing students use microscopes in their microbiology lab in 1957.
(Photo courtesy of Mercy College of Ohio archives)
Between 1893 and 1999, Toledo offered eight hospital-based nursing diploma schools. Explore their unique history with memories and stories from nearly 100 Toledo nursing school graduates in a new UT Press title authored by five nurses.
The placement of the black band on the school cap followed a tradition. Here, student nurses are guided by school director, Miss Klinger, in the applying and securing of the band. (Photo courtesy of The White Cap yearbook of the Toledo Hospital School of Nursing, 1965)
Meet the authors, pick up a signed copy of the book, and enjoy light refreshments during the book launch of Caps, Capes, and Caring.
4:30-6:30pm | Wednesday, May 23 | Free
Fourth floor of the Mulford Library at the University of Toledo. 3025 Library Cir | 419-383-4218 | utoledopress.com
Between 1893 and 1999, Toledo offered eight hospital-based nursing diploma schools. Explore their unique history with memories and stories from nearly 100 Toledo nursing school graduates in a new UT Press title authored by five nurses.
The placement of the black band on the school cap followed a tradition. Here, student nurses are guided by school director, Miss Klinger, in the applying and securing of the band. (Photo courtesy of The White Cap yearbook of the Toledo Hospital School of Nursing, 1965)
Meet the authors, pick up a signed copy of the book, and enjoy light refreshments during the book launch of Caps, Capes, and Caring.
4:30-6:30pm | Wednesday, May 23 | Free
Fourth floor of the Mulford Library at the University of Toledo. 3025 Library Cir | 419-383-4218 | utoledopress.com