Friday, September 13, 2024

A Wicked Tale of Seven Gables

Dansville, Michigan is home to an old urban legend about a witch that supposedly cursed Seven Gables Road in Ingham Township. C. Greenshields, an author who has hiked throughout the legendary area for decades now, was inspired to turn the legend into an epic story. His debut novel, The Witch of Seven Gables, Volume One, serves as the first of a planned series of gothic horror novels telling the tale of the titular enchantress and her victims. Greenshields plans on releasing a book of poetry and a “spooky children’s book,” as well.

Search “The Witch of Seven Gables, Volume One” on Amazon for paperback or Kindle editions.

Dansville, Michigan is home to an old urban legend about a witch that supposedly cursed Seven Gables Road in Ingham Township. C. Greenshields, an author who has hiked throughout the legendary area for decades now, was inspired to turn the legend into an epic story. His debut novel, The Witch of Seven Gables, Volume One, serves as the first of a planned series of gothic horror novels telling the tale of the titular enchantress and her victims. Greenshields plans on releasing a book of poetry and a “spooky children’s book,” as well.

Search “The Witch of Seven Gables, Volume One” on Amazon for paperback or Kindle editions.

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