Wednesday, February 12, 2025

January 25 2013

Sugar Babies Gone Wild
A new craze is slowly creeping its way into the wonderful world of online dating sites. At, college aged women are matched up with a ‘sugar daddy’, who according to seekingarrangement’s website is a ‘mentor, sponsor or benefactor’ to their ‘sugar baby’, a young student who wants an older man’s companionship as well as access to his wallet. alleges that they have 2 million members and are growing rapidly, especially here in Ohio. Both Kent State University and Ohio University rank in the top 20 ‘Fasting Growing Sugar Baby Schools’ according to a new release from the website. Are these girls searching for their true love or being very ‘out-of-the-box’ in their entrepreneurial pursuits for cash? We’ll let you decide that for yourself.

An Inch Away
A Chicago man named Nyguyen Buren is suing Subway because his sandwich was only 11 inches instead of the standard foot long, which he claimed made him ‘suffer an injury and lose money as a result of the deceptive and unfair conduct’. If those details aren’t ridiculous enough, he is suing the fast-food chain for over $5 MILLION DOLLARS in damages. This story is especially terrible because it exemplifies two terrible stereotypes about Americans — that we are fat and love to sue people. Shouldn’t we be focusing our energy on other more important issues than being shorted an inch on a below-average fast food sandwich? On the other hand, I won’t be surprised when Buren wins millions of Subway when a jury agrees that he was so unjustly wronged.


Faking sick? Pshhh, try faking a kidnapping
An 11-year old boy from the small town of Xinzo de Limia, Spain really didn’t want his parents to go to the scheduled conference with his teacher. So he did what any other intelligent, 11 year old boy would do — faked his own kidnapping. He texted his Dad the morning of the conference that he had been snatched when he was taking out the garbage earlier in the day and was locked in the trunk of a moving vehicle. A nationwide alert was sent out in both Spain and Portugal incase the child had been taken across the border. Inevitably, the boy charade was exposed as he was found hiding out in his next door neighbors apartment. He admitted to authorities that he faked the kidnapping because he was nervous about the upcoming parent teacher conference. From one master of getting out of responsibilities to another, bravo young padawan, bravo.

Sugar Babies Gone Wild
A new craze is slowly creeping its way into the wonderful world of online dating sites. At, college aged women are matched up with a ‘sugar daddy’, who according to seekingarrangement’s website is a ‘mentor, sponsor or benefactor’ to their ‘sugar baby’, a young student who wants an older man’s companionship as well as access to his wallet. alleges that they have 2 million members and are growing rapidly, especially here in Ohio. Both Kent State University and Ohio University rank in the top 20 ‘Fasting Growing Sugar Baby Schools’ according to a new release from the website. Are these girls searching for their true love or being very ‘out-of-the-box’ in their entrepreneurial pursuits for cash? We’ll let you decide that for yourself.

An Inch Away
A Chicago man named Nyguyen Buren is suing Subway because his sandwich was only 11 inches instead of the standard foot long, which he claimed made him ‘suffer an injury and lose money as a result of the deceptive and unfair conduct’. If those details aren’t ridiculous enough, he is suing the fast-food chain for over $5 MILLION DOLLARS in damages. This story is especially terrible because it exemplifies two terrible stereotypes about Americans — that we are fat and love to sue people. Shouldn’t we be focusing our energy on other more important issues than being shorted an inch on a below-average fast food sandwich? On the other hand, I won’t be surprised when Buren wins millions of Subway when a jury agrees that he was so unjustly wronged.


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Faking sick? Pshhh, try faking a kidnapping
An 11-year old boy from the small town of Xinzo de Limia, Spain really didn’t want his parents to go to the scheduled conference with his teacher. So he did what any other intelligent, 11 year old boy would do — faked his own kidnapping. He texted his Dad the morning of the conference that he had been snatched when he was taking out the garbage earlier in the day and was locked in the trunk of a moving vehicle. A nationwide alert was sent out in both Spain and Portugal incase the child had been taken across the border. Inevitably, the boy charade was exposed as he was found hiding out in his next door neighbors apartment. He admitted to authorities that he faked the kidnapping because he was nervous about the upcoming parent teacher conference. From one master of getting out of responsibilities to another, bravo young padawan, bravo.

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