Burger King's Twitter account got hacked earlier today and those wacky hackers made some pretty outrageous claims before The King caught wind of the drama. The account is currently suspended, but before Twitter made the call @BurgerKing's photo was changed to a McDonald's Logo and their background image to McD's new Fish McBites. Here are a few gems:
@BurgerKing : We just got sold to McDonalds! Look for McDonalds in a hood near you
@BurgerKing: If I catch you at a Wendys, we're fightin!
From @McDonalds : We empathize with our @BurgerKing counterparts. Rest assured, we had nothing to do with the hacking.
While McDonald's claims they have nothing to do with it and even empathize via tweet, I don't buy it. Unfortunately, even a quality hack like that won't make me try Fish McBites. Ew.