Friday, February 14, 2025

Poetry and Fiction 2014

Beloved Readers!

It is time for The City Paper to witness your literary prowess.
…We just want you to keep the demonstration short.

How quickly can you tell us a story? Write a novel on a napkin and send it in. Take a picture or scan the napkin and send it to [email protected] with the header NAPKIN NOVEL, or mail us the napkin at 1120 Adams St. Toledo, OH 43604. Only readable entries will be considered.

Or, if poetry is your preference over prose, we will also be judging Twitter poems. Compose a poem in 140 characters or less (that's characters, not words), and tweet it at @TCPaper, or email it to [email protected] with the header TWITTER POEM

Beloved Readers!

It is time for The City Paper to witness your literary prowess.
…We just want you to keep the demonstration short.

How quickly can you tell us a story? Write a novel on a napkin and send it in. Take a picture or scan the napkin and send it to [email protected] with the header NAPKIN NOVEL, or mail us the napkin at 1120 Adams St. Toledo, OH 43604. Only readable entries will be considered.

Or, if poetry is your preference over prose, we will also be judging Twitter poems. Compose a poem in 140 characters or less (that's characters, not words), and tweet it at @TCPaper, or email it to [email protected] with the header TWITTER POEM

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