Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Live smoke free

This summer take the steps necessary to live a tobacco-free lifestyle by joining Mercy and The American Lung Association at their Freedom from Smoking meetings held at St. Vincent's
Medical Center. With an emphasis on long-term results, learn how to overcome the addiction and stay committed to being a non-smoker. Gather all the latest information and develop a personal plan for quitting in a positive group setting. Meetings will run on Tuesdays from May 22-June 19. Registration is required one week prior to the first scheduled class. 6-7:30pm. $50. Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center, 2213 Cherry St. 419-251-4000.—JG

This summer take the steps necessary to live a tobacco-free lifestyle by joining Mercy and The American Lung Association at their Freedom from Smoking meetings held at St. Vincent's
Medical Center. With an emphasis on long-term results, learn how to overcome the addiction and stay committed to being a non-smoker. Gather all the latest information and develop a personal plan for quitting in a positive group setting. Meetings will run on Tuesdays from May 22-June 19. Registration is required one week prior to the first scheduled class. 6-7:30pm. $50. Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center, 2213 Cherry St. 419-251-4000.—JG

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