Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Under the Mallard Lake Moon 5k at Oak Openings Preserve Metropark

When it comes to exercise, are you lost in the dark? Guide your own way during The Under the Mallard Lake Moon 5k. Don glow sticks and join the Toledo Roadrunners and run or walk a 5k course after dark. Glow sticks will line the routes to provide safe passage through the woods at night. Registration required. $5/general. Free/children under 5. 9:30-10:30pm. Sunday, July 9. Meet at Buehner Center in the Mallard Lake Area.

Oak Openings Preserve Metropark
4139 Girdham Rd. | Swanton
419-407-9700 | metroparkstoledo.com

When it comes to exercise, are you lost in the dark? Guide your own way during The Under the Mallard Lake Moon 5k. Don glow sticks and join the Toledo Roadrunners and run or walk a 5k course after dark. Glow sticks will line the routes to provide safe passage through the woods at night. Registration required. $5/general. Free/children under 5. 9:30-10:30pm. Sunday, July 9. Meet at Buehner Center in the Mallard Lake Area.

Oak Openings Preserve Metropark
4139 Girdham Rd. | Swanton
419-407-9700 | metroparkstoledo.com

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