Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Zoo Lights Before Christmas Tradition Returns

One of the most beloved holiday traditions in Toledo returns on November 22 with the Zoo’s annual Lights Before Christmas display. Over one million Christmas lights will decorate the trees and walkways of the Toledo Zoo comprising 200 animal images made of lights along with the Big Tree. Continuing every night until December 31. $20 for adults, $17 for kids and seniors. Members get in free during the week, and get one free weekend visit over the course of the event.

3-8pm, Sunday through Thursday, 3-9pm,
Friday and Saturday.
Toledo Zoo, 2 Hippo Way.
419-385-5721 | toledozoo.org

One of the most beloved holiday traditions in Toledo returns on November 22 with the Zoo’s annual Lights Before Christmas display. Over one million Christmas lights will decorate the trees and walkways of the Toledo Zoo comprising 200 animal images made of lights along with the Big Tree. Continuing every night until December 31. $20 for adults, $17 for kids and seniors. Members get in free during the week, and get one free weekend visit over the course of the event.

3-8pm, Sunday through Thursday, 3-9pm,
Friday and Saturday.
Toledo Zoo, 2 Hippo Way.
419-385-5721 | toledozoo.org

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