Friday, February 7, 2025

EpicEventz Presents Crawl Wars

Star Wars nerds, bust out your Chewbacca costumes and Darth Vader helmets. It’s time for Crawl Wars, an EpicEventz bar crawl in downtown Toledo. A portion of the ticket proceeds will go to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Included with the ticket is your very own light saber, souvenir cup, lanyards that allow you admission to participating bars (to be announced) to partake in the crawl’s drink specials. Dressing in character is encouraged but not required. 21+. $35. Pay in cash if purchasing on day of event.

3pm-9pm | Saturday, April 13
Make sure to be at check-in by 4pm.
Message EpicEventz on their Facebook page for more details.
Purchase tickets at

Star Wars nerds, bust out your Chewbacca costumes and Darth Vader helmets. It’s time for Crawl Wars, an EpicEventz bar crawl in downtown Toledo. A portion of the ticket proceeds will go to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Included with the ticket is your very own light saber, souvenir cup, lanyards that allow you admission to participating bars (to be announced) to partake in the crawl’s drink specials. Dressing in character is encouraged but not required. 21+. $35. Pay in cash if purchasing on day of event.

3pm-9pm | Saturday, April 13
Make sure to be at check-in by 4pm.
Message EpicEventz on their Facebook page for more details.
Purchase tickets at

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