Each January, Toledo City Paper selects area movers and shakers to feature their big ideas to enhance our community, changing the Toledo area for the better. Meet the Big Idea selections here, and check out our YouTube channel to watch more in-depth conversations about their ideas.
Big Idea January 2025
At the start of each year, The City Paper highlights impactful ideas and visionaries shaping…
Big Ideas 2024: Taylor Balderas-Burciaga
Executive Director, Sofia-Quintero Art and Cultural Center (SQACC) sqacc.org Balderas-Burciaga has used her role to…
Big Ideas 2024: Erica Wilson-Domer
President and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio (PPOGH) plannedparenthood.org/planned-parenthood-greater-ohio Wilson-Domer leads Planned Parenthood…
Big Ideas 2024: La’Shardae Scott
President & CEO of Scott Center for Observation, Treatment and Transition scottcenteroh.org Scott founded The…
Big Ideas 2024: Ambrea and Kevin Mikolajczyk
Owners, ARK Restoration and Construction arktoledo.com Kevin and Ambrea started the ARK organization after purchasing…
Big Ideas 2024: Michele Grim
Representative, Ohio House District 43 ohiohouse.gov/members/michele-grim Ohio State Representative Michele Grim is a public health…
Big Ideas 2024: Chief Michael Troendle
Chief, Toledo Police Department toledopolice.com Chief Michael Troendle has been a member of the Toledo…
Big Ideas 2024: Bryan Blair
Vice President and Director of Athletics, University of Toledo utrockets.com Bryan B. Blair has a…
Big Ideas 2024: John C. Jones
President, HOPE Toledo hope-toledo.org John C. Jones was featured in our January 2021 edition of…
Big Ideas: January 2023
On Monroe street in downtown Toledo there’s a billboard for the Toledo Museum of Art…
BIG IDEA: Dr. James Tita and Dr. Daniel DiBardino
Chief Medical Officer and Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Mercy Health Why You Should Know Them:…
BIG IDEA: Dan Pellizzari, Mike and Shawna Horvath
Founders, Let’s Build Beds Why You Should Know Them: They are the creators of a…
BIG IDEA: Tammi ShermanÂ
VP, Bitwise Industries Toledo Project Why you need to know her: Sherman is helping to…
BIG IDEA: Shawn Mahone
Founder, Young Men and Women for Change Why You Should Know Him: Creator of a…
BIG IDEA: Lisa Banks
Executive Director, Leading Families Home Why You Should Know Her: She is a guiding force…
BIG IDEA: Scott Noonan
President, Toledo Police Athletic League Why You Should Know Him: Leads an organization aimed at…
BIG IDEA: Dave Ayling
Head Brewer/Co Founder of Heavy Beer Co. Why you should know him: Creator of Heavy…
BIG IDEA: Bruce Baumhower
President, UAW Local 12 Why You Should Know Him: One of the driving forces behind…
BIG IDEA: Jack Hunter
Principal, Pre-Med and Health Science Academy Why You Should Know Him: Hunter’s new high school…
BIG IDEA: Ann Fabiszak Payne
Co-President, Toledo-Lucas County League of Women Voters Why You Should Know Her: Co-leader of an…
The Big Idea 2021
Jacob Estrada Owner, Lowrider Cafe Why You Should Know Him: Created Love Tokens— a way…
Big Ideas 2020
While consumer society, bootlegging, jazz and flappers characterized the 1920s, we predict that community-driven social…
The Big Idea: 2019
Meet eleven Toledoans who have done something about their ideas and put into motion something…
Big Ideas: Eleven People Moving Toledo Forward
Toledo’s made better by the people in it. Here are some movers and shakers who…