Home › Best of Toledo › Shopping Shopping By TCP Contributor February 18, 2016 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppLinkedinReddIt New Store Amy’s Allie www.amysallie.com Runner Up: Parker Coffee Co. & Eatery Locally Owned Store The Andersons www.andersonsstore.com Runner Up: Monnette’s Market Mall/Shopping Franklin Park Mall www.shoppingfranklinparkmall.com Runner Up: The Town Center at Levis Commons Locally Owned Women’s Boutique Ragazza www.ragazzaboutique.com Runner Up: Sophia Lustig Shop Locally Owned Men’s Boutique Neil’s Men’s Shop www.neilsmensshop.com Runner Up: V Couture Eyewear Optical Arts Inc. www.opticalartsinc.com Runner Up: The Optical Shop of Toledo Thrift/Resale Store Goodwill Industries www.goodwill.org Runner Up: Clothes Mentor Vintage/Antique Vintage Vibes www.facebook.com/vintagevibestoledo Runner Up: Architectural Artifacts Used Books Encore Books 419-389-1155 Runner Up: Book Cents Wedding Venue Nazareth Hall www.nazarethhall.com Runner Up: The Pinnacle Photographer Jennifer Mott Photography www.jennifermott.com Runner Up: Jem Photography Limousine Childers Limousine Services www.childerslimousine.com Runner Up: A-1 Accurate Limousine and Airport Services Jewelry Store Harold Jaffe Jewelers www.haroldjaffe.com Runner Up: David Fairclough Fine Jewelers Florist Bartz Viviano Flowers & Gifts www.bartzviviano.com Runner Up: Beautiful Blooms by Jen Caterer Michael’s Gourmet Catering www.michaelsoftoledo.com Runner Up: Tree City Catering Tailor Ali Awada of Awada Tailors 419-474-9668 Runner Up: Sew-N-Such Romantic Getaway Belamere Suites www.belameresuites.com Runner Up: Maumee Bay State Park Hotel/Motel Hilton Garden Inn www.hiltongardeninn.com Runner Up: Holiday Inn French Quarter Liquor Store Joseph’s Beverage Center www.josephsbeveragecenter.com Runner Up: Marino’s Beverage Depot Smoke Shop The Cigar Affair www.thecigaraffair.com Runner Up: Mr. E’s Smokin’ Gift Shop (of Loonar Station) Place to Adopt a Pet Toledo Area Humane Society www.toledohumane.org Runner Up: Paws and Whiskers Cat Shelter Pet Boarding/Day Care Karnik Pet Lodge www.karnik.us Runner Up: SylvaniaVET Pet Grooming SylvaniaVET www.sylvaniavet.com Runner Up: Clip-N-Dales Pet Training Sit Means Sit Dog Training www.sitmeanssit.com Runner Up: Bingo Dog Training Public Park Wildwood Preserve Metropark www.metroparkstoledo.com Runner Up: Side Cut Metropark Airport Toledo Express Airport www.toledoexpress.com Runner Up: Detroit Metropolitan Airport Bowling Alley Timbers Bowling Lanes www.timbersbowling.com Runner Up: Southwyck Lanes Bike Shop Reggie’s Bike Shop www.reggiesbikes.com Runner Up: Wersell’s Bike & Ski Shop Dry Cleaners LaSalle Cleaners www.lasallecleaners.com Runner Up: Adams Laundry & Cleaners Place to Buy a Car Yark Automotive Group www.yarkauto.com Runner Up: Dave White Chevrolet Car Wash/Detailer Russ’ Auto Wash www.russautowash.com Runner Up: Meyer’s Auto Wash Auto Mechanic Tireman Auto Service Centers www.thetireman.com Runner Up: Ambrosia’s Automotive Home Boutique Paula Brown Shop www.paulabrownshop.com Runner Up: Lily’s at Levis Furniture Store Ethan Allen www.ethanallen.com Runner Up: Betty Rumpf Interiors Paint Store John’s Color Concepts www.colorconceptssylvania.com Runner Up: Sherwin-Williams Kitchen and Bath Design The Andersons www.andersonsstore.com Runner Up: Kitchen Design Plus Flooring Harms Flooring Center www.harmscarpetonemaumee.com Runner Up: Carpets by Otto Greenhouse/Nursery Hoen’s Garden Center and Landscaping www.hoensgreenhouse.com Runner Up: Nature’s Corner at Glass City Landscape New Store Amy’s Allie www.amysallie.com Runner Up: Parker Coffee Co. & Eatery Locally Owned Store The Andersons www.andersonsstore.com Runner Up: Monnette’s Market Mall/Shopping Franklin Park Mall www.shoppingfranklinparkmall.com Runner Up: The Town Center at Levis Commons Locally Owned Women’s Boutique Ragazza www.ragazzaboutique.com Runner Up: Sophia Lustig Shop Locally Owned Men’s Boutique Neil’s Men’s Shop www.neilsmensshop.com Runner Up: V Couture Eyewear Optical Arts Inc. www.opticalartsinc.com Runner Up: The Optical Shop of Toledo Thrift/Resale Store Goodwill Industries www.goodwill.org Runner Up: Clothes Mentor Vintage/Antique Vintage Vibes www.facebook.com/vintagevibestoledo Runner Up: Architectural Artifacts Used Books Encore Books 419-389-1155 Runner Up: Book Cents Wedding Venue Nazareth Hall www.nazarethhall.com Runner Up: The Pinnacle Photographer Jennifer Mott Photography www.jennifermott.com Runner Up: Jem Photography Limousine Childers Limousine Services www.childerslimousine.com Runner Up: A-1 Accurate Limousine and Airport Services Jewelry Store Harold Jaffe Jewelers www.haroldjaffe.com Runner Up: David Fairclough Fine Jewelers Florist Bartz Viviano Flowers & Gifts www.bartzviviano.com Runner Up: Beautiful Blooms by Jen Caterer Michael’s Gourmet Catering www.michaelsoftoledo.com Runner Up: Tree City Catering Tailor Ali Awada of Awada Tailors 419-474-9668 Runner Up: Sew-N-Such Romantic Getaway Belamere Suites www.belameresuites.com Runner Up: Maumee Bay State Park Hotel/Motel Hilton Garden Inn www.hiltongardeninn.com Runner Up: Holiday Inn French Quarter Liquor Store Joseph’s Beverage Center www.josephsbeveragecenter.com Runner Up: Marino’s Beverage Depot Smoke Shop The Cigar Affair www.thecigaraffair.com Runner Up: Mr. E’s Smokin’ Gift Shop (of Loonar Station) Place to Adopt a Pet Toledo Area Humane Society www.toledohumane.org Runner Up: Paws and Whiskers Cat Shelter Pet Boarding/Day Care Karnik Pet Lodge www.karnik.us Runner Up: SylvaniaVET Pet Grooming SylvaniaVET www.sylvaniavet.com Runner Up: Clip-N-Dales Pet Training Sit Means Sit Dog Training www.sitmeanssit.com Runner Up: Bingo Dog Training Public Park Wildwood Preserve Metropark www.metroparkstoledo.com Runner Up: Side Cut Metropark Airport Toledo Express Airport www.toledoexpress.com Runner Up: Detroit Metropolitan Airport Bowling Alley Timbers Bowling Lanes www.timbersbowling.com Runner Up: Southwyck Lanes Bike Shop Reggie’s Bike Shop www.reggiesbikes.com Runner Up: Wersell’s Bike & Ski Shop Dry Cleaners LaSalle Cleaners www.lasallecleaners.com Runner Up: Adams Laundry & Cleaners Place to Buy a Car Yark Automotive Group www.yarkauto.com Runner Up: Dave White Chevrolet Car Wash/Detailer Russ’ Auto Wash www.russautowash.com Runner Up: Meyer’s Auto Wash Auto Mechanic Tireman Auto Service Centers www.thetireman.com Runner Up: Ambrosia’s Automotive Home Boutique Paula Brown Shop www.paulabrownshop.com Runner Up: Lily’s at Levis Furniture Store Ethan Allen www.ethanallen.com Runner Up: Betty Rumpf Interiors Paint Store John’s Color Concepts www.colorconceptssylvania.com Runner Up: Sherwin-Williams Kitchen and Bath Design The Andersons www.andersonsstore.com Runner Up: Kitchen Design Plus Flooring Harms Flooring Center www.harmscarpetonemaumee.com Runner Up: Carpets by Otto Greenhouse/Nursery Hoen’s Garden Center and Landscaping www.hoensgreenhouse.com Runner Up: Nature’s Corner at Glass City Landscape TagsBest OfBest Of - 15 Share FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppLinkedinReddIt Previous articleToledo LifeNext articleHealth & Wellness TCP Contributor Recent Articles Feature Culture Clash Records Asking For Help Best of Toledo Best of Toledo Awards 2024 Best of Toledo Best of Toledo Party 2023 Recap