Elizabeth Baldwin
As an award-winning, talented and internationally praised professional opera singer and vocal coach, soprano Elizabeth Baldwin, performing since 2010, has made herself known far beyond Toledo. So it’s no surprise that the Glass City has recognized our native daughter’s talent and commitment to the arts.
RUNNER-UP: Chris Shutters
Distant Cousinz
RUNNER-UP: Amelia Airharts
Best Club to
Dance All Night
Georgjz419 Fun Food & Spirits
(Hollywood Casino)
Blues/Jazz Artist
Buzz Anderson
RUNNER-UP: Chris Shutters
DJ One Tyme
RUNNER-UP: DJ Rob Sample
Hip Hop Artist
Jamie Baumgartner
RUNNER-UP: Whitenoise
Instrument Shop
Rettig Music
RUNNER-UP: Durdel’s Music
Local Record Store
Culture Clash Records
RUNNER-UP: Allied Record Exchange
Jam Night to
Hear Local Jams
The Village Idiot
RUNNER-UP: Ye Olde Durty Bird
Karaoke Night
Bier Stube
RUNNER-UP: Georgjz419
Fun Food & Spirits
Music Venue
Huntington Center
RUNNER-UP: The Village Idiot
Music Lessons
Forte Music School
RUNNER-UP: Toledo Symphony
Recording Studio
FireFly Studios
RUNNER-UP: Stone Soup Recording Studios