Four years have passed since the peak of COVID-19 in 2020. Life has seemed to go back to “normal,” yet the pandemic will have forever changed the safety protocols of illnesses and viruses. Although COVID-19 has been somewhat controlled, it is still present in forms of different strains, which is why Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax have introduced a new vaccine shot to the public.
Pfizer and Moderna Inc. are American pharmaceutical and biotechnology corporations that produce a number of different vaccines, prescription drugs, vitamins and even household medications including Advil, ChapStick, Nexium and Robitussin which was developed by Pfizer. Novavax is a biotechnology only company that has helped in the creation of vaccines as well.
When it comes to COVID-19 some may prefer Novavax due to its traditional formula unlike Pfizer and Moderna who use mRNA vaccines. mRNA can be defined in molecular biology as a single-stranded molecule of RNA that acts as a messenger ribonucleic acid which corresponds to the genetic sequence of a gene. This process involves a protein synthesis.
Stated by Medline Plus, those who get mRNA vaccines are not exposed to the virus, meaning they cannot be infected by COVID-19 from the vaccine itself. This is different from traditional vaccines that typically contain a weakened or dead bacteria or virus to kickstart the immune process.
Specially, Pfizer and Moderna’s newest vaccine shot targets a more recent strain of COVID-19 called KP.2. In terms of Novavax’s newest vaccine shot, it targets JN.1, other wise known as the “parent strain” of those currently circulating.
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According to Tony Onysyk who specializes in infectious diseases as a clinical pharmacist in PharmD at Toledo Hospital said, “SARS-CoV-2, which is the virus that causes COVID (COVID-19), continually mutates so new strains are produced pretty regularly. So this new vaccine (Pfizer and Moderna) is updated to more closely match the strain that is currently circulating through the community to provide better protection against the COVID infection.”
Since a new strain has been more commonly seen these updated vaccines are made to attack a different omicron strain, therefore, for those concerned- there is nothing wrong with the older vaccines, these corporations are simply trying to keep up with the changing disease, Onysyk said.
In total, there are currently three different vaccines including Pfizer’s BioNTech vaccine. Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine 2024-2025 which is designed for children ages 6 months to 11 years, and SPIKEVAX which is indicated for people over the age of 12. Novavax’s COVID-19 Vaccine, Adjuvanted 2024-2025 for those older than 12 years of age as well.
Onysyk shares his professional opinion why it is important to stay safe and take extra protocols when dealing with such a potentially harmful disease. “Theres no arguing that COVID-19 infections have declined since the beginning of the pandemic, but there were still more than 75,000 deaths and 915,000 hospitalizations that were attributed to COVID-19 in 2023. Of those, the vast majority were unvaccinated, so the vaccines help prevent not necessary the infection, but more so severe infection, hospitalization or even death.”
The CDC recommends that everyone over the age of 6 months get an updated COVID-19 vaccine. This is especially true to those who have never been vaccinated or are above the age of 65, high risk, pregnant, might become pregnant or breastfeeding.
Similar to influenza, many people get their annual flu shot every season. Onysyk adds that any vaccine can be paired with the COVID-19 vaccine safely. In fact, it is even recommended people get their flu shots and COVID-19 vaccines within the same season to decrease chances of spreading such illnesses.
For more information on the Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax’s newest formulated vaccines go to the CDC and to find your nearest location offering the vaccination shots, go toÂ