“Give yourself over to absolute pleasure. Swim the warm waters of sins of the flesh. Erotic nightmares beyond any measure, and sensual daydreams to treasure forever. Can’t you just see it?”
“Don’t dream it, be it.”
Without summarizing the story, this single verse epitomizes the theme of the cult classic The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975). The show begs viewers to stop asking for permission to be themselves, to ignore society’s vanilla expectations, to free their inhibitions and to embrace their sexuality.
The movie is based on The Rocky Horror Show (1973), a musical written by Richard O’Brien (who stars as butler Riff Raff) and directed/produced by Jim Sharman. It takes a satirical stab at B-list science fiction and horror and is the longest-running theatrical release in film history. RHPS also has a rich history in Northwest Ohio.
Black Swamp Players Presents
The Black Swamp Players have their own theater in the heart of downtown Bowling Green. They open their space to a variety of events and community organizations, including other theater troupes such as Glass City Improv. Before they announce this season’s six show line-up, the Black Swamp Players are putting on a two-night only production of RHPS, which will include live audience participation.
“It’s a special event we’re doing to address a different audience that we maybe haven’t tapped into,” Samantha Heater, producer and trustee of the Black Swamp Players board says. “And to also celebrate and raise awareness around Pride month. We want to create a welcoming atmosphere in a world that isn’t always that welcoming right now.”
RHPS, at its core, teaches people to embrace the weirdo within; a complete exploration of being free to be yourself.
Catch the Black Swamp Players’ production Friday and Saturday June 9-10 at 8pm. General admission is $25, tickets for $30 include admission and a goodie bag. Seating is limited.
115 E. Oak St., Bowling Green. onthestage.tickets/black-swamp-players.
Midnight Screening at Collingwood Arts Center
On June 17, Collingwood Arts Center hosts a midnight screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show as part of a double feature with Phantom of Paradise (10pm). Tickets are $10, and the screening will include a live Shadowcast (actors dressed in film-accurate costumes to bring the story alive, in real-time).
“We wanted to do this because Toledo has a long history of screening RHPS,” Patrick Tansey, founder of the Collingwood Arts Center explains. “I was part of the Shadowcast at the Maumee Indoor Theater in the 90s.nSince no one has taken up the mantle lately, we decided to keep it going ourselves.”
The Arts Center also stages Stone Production’s musical The Rocky Horror Show every October. For more information, [email protected] or 419-244-2787. 2413 Collingwood Blvd., Toledo.