You might be able to call This Severe Lifestyle a supergroup. Its members, guitarists Justin Fuller and Isaac P. Snyder, drummer James Graham, bassist Christopher Antalek, and organ player Rob Courtney have all been putting their time in with other noteworthy local rock acts such as Antalek’s Phantom Limb Syndrome, and Snyder’s The Eight Fifteens. These talented young men play a unique style of psychedelic rock music with heartfelt lyrics and danceable beats. This Severe Lifestyle has recorded a four-part album, “Recorded On The Sidewalk Outside Your Window,” and this concert will be the penultimate record release party for the project. “If the last two shows are any indication, then we will be pulling the tables and having an insane party,” Fuller said. Local stalwarts Silent Lions and People Being Human will also play. $5. 8pm. The Village Idiot, 309 Conant St., Maumee. 419-893-7281.—JS
This Severe Lifestyle
You might be able to call This Severe Lifestyle a supergroup. Its members, guitarists Justin Fuller and Isaac P. Snyder, drummer James Graham, bassist Christopher Antalek, and organ player Rob Courtney have all been putting their time in with other noteworthy local rock acts such as Antalek’s Phantom Limb Syndrome, and Snyder’s The Eight Fifteens. These talented young men play a unique style of psychedelic rock music with heartfelt lyrics and danceable beats. This Severe Lifestyle has recorded a four-part album, “Recorded On The Sidewalk Outside Your Window,” and this concert will be the penultimate record release party for the project. “If the last two shows are any indication, then we will be pulling the tables and having an insane party,” Fuller said. Local stalwarts Silent Lions and People Being Human will also play. $5. 8pm. The Village Idiot, 309 Conant St., Maumee. 419-893-7281.—JS