Sunday, February 9, 2025

Chris Parker’s quixotic journey to tell the story of the 2016 Cavaliers’ championship run

Say what you want about Chris Parker, the guy is honest. He doesn’t pull punches about the status of his book, King James Brings The Land A Crown: The Definitive Tale of the Cavaliers’ 2016 Title Run or how much it cost him to print it (hint: a lot). Parker, a transplant to Ohio, initially grew up rooting for Boston sports, but living in Ohio has brought out the soul of the local sports fan in him. A freelance journalist who has written for a number of far-flung music, news and entertainment publications from his home near Cleveland, he believed in the Cavaliers’ potential from the moment Lebron James returned to Ohio. James, a star Ohio athlete drafted number one overall by the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2004, enraged the entire state when he took his talent South to Miami to win NBA Championships ; a fact particularly crushing as Cleveland hadn’t won a major sporting championship— of any kind— since 1964.

But Parker had a feeling that things would be different when James returned to the Cavaliers in 2014. They fell short that first season because of injuries, but Parker knew things would be different the next season. And he wanted to be the guy who told the whole story, and told it right.



How did the book idea come about? When Lebron James returned, I thought it was the best story around, and it was right in my backyard. The prodigal son returns home to bring happiness to the people of Northeast Ohio. I called up the (Cleveland) alt weekly and was told, “Okay, we’ll vouch for you. Go get your credentials.” I went to all the home games and wrote columns. I was trying to write a book.

Did you try to get your book published? I tried to get a book deal, but it did not materialize. Six weeks after the end of the season, with no deal [from a publisher], I said “I’m gonna write it anyway.”

What did it cost to publish this book? I did about 1,700 copies and, with tax, that cost about $10,000. Not terrible, but you have to pay it all at the front end, and that does not include editing, illustration, the rights to pictures, etc. With all of that included the total cost was around $15,000. There’s a little bit of Field of Dreams about it. You go into it, not expecting to succeed, but if you put all your heart into it, good will come from it. You don’t go in thinking about the outcome, you go in thinking about your intent.

How did the money conversation go with your wife? She’s incredible. She was an architect, but she decided to start a second career. And I supported her, as much as a freelance writer can, when she started a daycare. So she started this whole new thing and encouraged me to do what I wanted to do.

Do you feel like you’ll ever recoup your costs? I think there’s a chance. I did a very detailed book. This championship is something that people in Cleveland will remember for years and, I hope, they’ll continue to buy my book for years in the future.

Does Lebron know this book exists? He knows it exists. I offered a charity he supports free copies of the book to distribute to the kids, and they declined. Lebron has a guy who’s going to be writing about him, with full access. I’m sure the King [James] didn’t want to interfere with the marketing of that book.

Did you at least get to party in the locker room after the games? I did! After the Golden State series [the Finals], I was back in the locker room and touched the trophy. I waded through Lake Erie-sized pools of champagne.

If they repeat, are you going to write a sequel? Somebody would have to pay me.

Chris Parker will be signing copies of his book 5-7pm. Thursday, March 23.

UT Bookstore
1430 Secor Rd. | 419-530-2516 

Say what you want about Chris Parker, the guy is honest. He doesn’t pull punches about the status of his book, King James Brings The Land A Crown: The Definitive Tale of the Cavaliers’ 2016 Title Run or how much it cost him to print it (hint: a lot). Parker, a transplant to Ohio, initially grew up rooting for Boston sports, but living in Ohio has brought out the soul of the local sports fan in him. A freelance journalist who has written for a number of far-flung music, news and entertainment publications from his home near Cleveland, he believed in the Cavaliers’ potential from the moment Lebron James returned to Ohio. James, a star Ohio athlete drafted number one overall by the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2004, enraged the entire state when he took his talent South to Miami to win NBA Championships ; a fact particularly crushing as Cleveland hadn’t won a major sporting championship— of any kind— since 1964.

But Parker had a feeling that things would be different when James returned to the Cavaliers in 2014. They fell short that first season because of injuries, but Parker knew things would be different the next season. And he wanted to be the guy who told the whole story, and told it right.



How did the book idea come about? When Lebron James returned, I thought it was the best story around, and it was right in my backyard. The prodigal son returns home to bring happiness to the people of Northeast Ohio. I called up the (Cleveland) alt weekly and was told, “Okay, we’ll vouch for you. Go get your credentials.” I went to all the home games and wrote columns. I was trying to write a book.

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Did you try to get your book published? I tried to get a book deal, but it did not materialize. Six weeks after the end of the season, with no deal [from a publisher], I said “I’m gonna write it anyway.”

What did it cost to publish this book? I did about 1,700 copies and, with tax, that cost about $10,000. Not terrible, but you have to pay it all at the front end, and that does not include editing, illustration, the rights to pictures, etc. With all of that included the total cost was around $15,000. There’s a little bit of Field of Dreams about it. You go into it, not expecting to succeed, but if you put all your heart into it, good will come from it. You don’t go in thinking about the outcome, you go in thinking about your intent.

How did the money conversation go with your wife? She’s incredible. She was an architect, but she decided to start a second career. And I supported her, as much as a freelance writer can, when she started a daycare. So she started this whole new thing and encouraged me to do what I wanted to do.

Do you feel like you’ll ever recoup your costs? I think there’s a chance. I did a very detailed book. This championship is something that people in Cleveland will remember for years and, I hope, they’ll continue to buy my book for years in the future.

Does Lebron know this book exists? He knows it exists. I offered a charity he supports free copies of the book to distribute to the kids, and they declined. Lebron has a guy who’s going to be writing about him, with full access. I’m sure the King [James] didn’t want to interfere with the marketing of that book.

Did you at least get to party in the locker room after the games? I did! After the Golden State series [the Finals], I was back in the locker room and touched the trophy. I waded through Lake Erie-sized pools of champagne.

If they repeat, are you going to write a sequel? Somebody would have to pay me.

Chris Parker will be signing copies of his book 5-7pm. Thursday, March 23.

UT Bookstore
1430 Secor Rd. | 419-530-2516 

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