Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Hindu Temple of Toledo brings you Festival of India

Sunday, 8.7 / Centennial Terrace

The aroma of authentic Indian spices blend with the sounds of Bollywood and colors of Asian-Indian culture during the Hindu Temple of Toledo’s annual Festival of India. Celebrating its 27th year, 2016’s festival features the theme, “Flavors of India,” as all aspects of traditional Indian heritage are presented. Along with food vendors dishing out authentic recipes, the terrace will house artisan vendors selling jewelry and clothing— some will even create beautifully personalized works of henna.

11am-8pm | Sunday, August 7
Centennial Terrace | 5773 Centennial Rd. | Sylvania
419-843-4440 | hindutempleoftoledo.org | Free

Sunday, 8.7 / Centennial Terrace

The aroma of authentic Indian spices blend with the sounds of Bollywood and colors of Asian-Indian culture during the Hindu Temple of Toledo’s annual Festival of India. Celebrating its 27th year, 2016’s festival features the theme, “Flavors of India,” as all aspects of traditional Indian heritage are presented. Along with food vendors dishing out authentic recipes, the terrace will house artisan vendors selling jewelry and clothing— some will even create beautifully personalized works of henna.

11am-8pm | Sunday, August 7
Centennial Terrace | 5773 Centennial Rd. | Sylvania
419-843-4440 | hindutempleoftoledo.org | Free

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