Sunday, February 9, 2025

Owens Offers Paranormal Study Classes

Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever wanted to hunt them? Gain the training and knowledge by taking Ghost Hunting 101 classes at Owen’s this fall. Paranormal investigator and founder of Toledo Ohio Ghost Hunters Society, Harold St. John, will lead the class, covering the investigation progress, essential hunting equipment, what is considered hard evidence, and how to professionally help clients with paranormal claims. This hands-on course will help to hone skills and provide deeper insight into the field of parapsychology. Register in advance, space is limited and fills up quickly.

$89 | Thursday, September 27-October 18
Owen’s Community College, 30335 Oregon Rd., Perrysburg
567-661-7357 |

Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever wanted to hunt them? Gain the training and knowledge by taking Ghost Hunting 101 classes at Owen’s this fall. Paranormal investigator and founder of Toledo Ohio Ghost Hunters Society, Harold St. John, will lead the class, covering the investigation progress, essential hunting equipment, what is considered hard evidence, and how to professionally help clients with paranormal claims. This hands-on course will help to hone skills and provide deeper insight into the field of parapsychology. Register in advance, space is limited and fills up quickly.

$89 | Thursday, September 27-October 18
Owen’s Community College, 30335 Oregon Rd., Perrysburg
567-661-7357 |

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