Sunday, January 26, 2025

Manor house decks the halls

A historic holiday tradition, from December 6-14, Wildwood Metropark decorates the iconic 32-room Manor House. In celebration of its 76th year on the estate grounds, the Gregorian Colonial home will host exquisite Christmas trimmings, winter-warming snacks and crafts for the whole family.

10am. Wildwood Preserve Metropark, 5100 W. Central Ave. 419-407-9701. Free 

A historic holiday tradition, from December 6-14, Wildwood Metropark decorates the iconic 32-room Manor House. In celebration of its 76th year on the estate grounds, the Gregorian Colonial home will host exquisite Christmas trimmings, winter-warming snacks and crafts for the whole family.

10am. Wildwood Preserve Metropark, 5100 W. Central Ave. 419-407-9701. Free 

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