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A Global Recognition

Now in its 46th year (since April 22, 1970), Earth Day is more than just a singular celebration of nature, it is raising awareness for environmental concerns. Recognized on a global scale, communities rally together to keep Mother Earth in her best condition. Locally, the Toledo Lucas County Public Library and Toledo Metroparks unite, focusing on how to limit our negative impact on the planet and the beauty of Toledo’s ecosystems. 

On April 20 at 7pm, visit the Oregon Branch Library for an introductory class on composting, as attendees reduce a carbon footprint, use organic waste productively and learn the basic techniques to create a fruitful compost fertilizer. 

At 3:30pm on Earth Day (April 22), Pearson Park will feature nature-themed activities and science opportunities.

Keep in mind that Mother Earth can be honored year round, whether by recycling or while exploring one of the Toledo’s metroparks. 

Oregon Branch Library | 3340 Dustin Rd., Oregon. 
419-259-5250 |
Pearson Metropark | 4600 Starr Ave., Oregon. 
419-407-9714 |
For more information on Earth Day and how to 
be involved on a global scale, visit

Now in its 46th year (since April 22, 1970), Earth Day is more than just a singular celebration of nature, it is raising awareness for environmental concerns. Recognized on a global scale, communities rally together to keep Mother Earth in her best condition. Locally, the Toledo Lucas County Public Library and Toledo Metroparks unite, focusing on how to limit our negative impact on the planet and the beauty of Toledo’s ecosystems. 

On April 20 at 7pm, visit the Oregon Branch Library for an introductory class on composting, as attendees reduce a carbon footprint, use organic waste productively and learn the basic techniques to create a fruitful compost fertilizer. 

At 3:30pm on Earth Day (April 22), Pearson Park will feature nature-themed activities and science opportunities.

Keep in mind that Mother Earth can be honored year round, whether by recycling or while exploring one of the Toledo’s metroparks. 

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Oregon Branch Library | 3340 Dustin Rd., Oregon. 
419-259-5250 |
Pearson Metropark | 4600 Starr Ave., Oregon. 
419-407-9714 |
For more information on Earth Day and how to 
be involved on a global scale, visit

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