Friday, February 7, 2025

Water Watch: Saving the Great Lakes with less

A public meeting on the Great Lakes where citizens can express their views on protecting the Lakes will be Thursday, March 23 at 6pm at the Lake Erie Center, 6200 Bay Shore Rd. in Oregon. Register with

President Trump has proposed slashing funding to the EPA’s Great Lakes programs in his fiscal budgeting, which the ACLE calls “wrongheaded.”

“The thing is, what’s poisoning Lake Erie is primarily an excess of nutrients, 85% from agriculture and we suspect, most of that from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) dumping the equivalent of Chicago and Los Angeles’ sewage, untreated, every year on fields draining into the lake,” said Mike Ferner, an ACLE coordinator.

Trump’s proposed budget cuts may have finally brought out the activist in Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH). He released a statement, saying: “Taking an ax to the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative will cost Ohio jobs and jeopardize public health by putting the well-being of Lake Erie at risk. As a kid, I remember seeing how polluted Lake Erie was, and we can’t put an end to our cleanup efforts when we’ve made such progress. My colleagues in the Ohio delegation and I will not stand for a budget that zeroes out this critical program.”
“Big Ag’s influence leads directly to tax breaks, subsidies, and environmental loopholes making regulations not worth the paper they are printed on,” Susan Matz, an ACLE coordinator, said in regards to speculation that the Farm Bureau’s money is helping suppress a 2012 Ohio State study that would increase the blame on concentrated animal feeding organizations (CAFOs).

Last call for water

The local water conservation group Advocates For a Clean Lake Erie will screen Last Call At The Oasis, a documentary narrated by Erin Brockovich. Investigated by filmmaker Jessica Yu, this eye-opening exposé on the increasing scarcity of clean water includes Toledo’s local water basin. This screening aims to bring the concern for our local water at the forefront of your mind. 6:30-8:30pm. Wednesday, March 22.

First Unitarian Church of Toledo
3205 Glendale Ave. | 419-381-6999 

A public meeting on the Great Lakes where citizens can express their views on protecting the Lakes will be Thursday, March 23 at 6pm at the Lake Erie Center, 6200 Bay Shore Rd. in Oregon. Register with

President Trump has proposed slashing funding to the EPA’s Great Lakes programs in his fiscal budgeting, which the ACLE calls “wrongheaded.”

“The thing is, what’s poisoning Lake Erie is primarily an excess of nutrients, 85% from agriculture and we suspect, most of that from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) dumping the equivalent of Chicago and Los Angeles’ sewage, untreated, every year on fields draining into the lake,” said Mike Ferner, an ACLE coordinator.

Trump’s proposed budget cuts may have finally brought out the activist in Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH). He released a statement, saying: “Taking an ax to the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative will cost Ohio jobs and jeopardize public health by putting the well-being of Lake Erie at risk. As a kid, I remember seeing how polluted Lake Erie was, and we can’t put an end to our cleanup efforts when we’ve made such progress. My colleagues in the Ohio delegation and I will not stand for a budget that zeroes out this critical program.”
“Big Ag’s influence leads directly to tax breaks, subsidies, and environmental loopholes making regulations not worth the paper they are printed on,” Susan Matz, an ACLE coordinator, said in regards to speculation that the Farm Bureau’s money is helping suppress a 2012 Ohio State study that would increase the blame on concentrated animal feeding organizations (CAFOs).

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Last call for water

The local water conservation group Advocates For a Clean Lake Erie will screen Last Call At The Oasis, a documentary narrated by Erin Brockovich. Investigated by filmmaker Jessica Yu, this eye-opening exposé on the increasing scarcity of clean water includes Toledo’s local water basin. This screening aims to bring the concern for our local water at the forefront of your mind. 6:30-8:30pm. Wednesday, March 22.

First Unitarian Church of Toledo
3205 Glendale Ave. | 419-381-6999 

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